
景观设计 / 居住环境 2025-3-6 17:40

Korys Rooftop Garden

屋顶花园设计理念的创新: 该项目最显著的亮点在于其对屋顶花园设计理念的创新。 区别于传统的静态种植模式,该设计引入了“达尔文主义”的理念,强调自然演替和生物多样性。 通过选择抗旱、适应性强的物种,并允许部分自播植物的生长,该项目创建了一个动态的、不断变化的景观。 这种设计策略不仅增加了景观的视觉多样性,也促进了生态系统的自我调节和可持续发展。 这种“拼凑系统”在景观设计中的应用,展现了对自然过程的深刻理解和尊重。

植物选择与种植策略的精髓: 项目的精髓体现在对植物的精心选择和种植策略上。设计师没有局限于本土物种,而是兼顾了本土和非本土植物,以应对城市环境的极端条件。 种植策略的核心在于“智能和选择性除草”,以控制物种间的竞争,促进多样性。 此外,种植系统注重视觉效果,如叶片对比、色彩协调、常绿物种的配置等,从而打造出四季皆宜的景观。 基质的选用也体现了对植物生长的细致考量,高质量的沙、堆肥、膨润土和火山材料混合物,为植物提供了良好的生长环境。

可持续性和生态效益的体现: 整个项目体现了对可持续性和生态效益的深刻关注。 屋顶花园本身就具备降温、缓冲雨水、增加生物多样性的功能。 项目通过引入“适者生存”的达尔文主义原则,鼓励植物的自我适应和演替,减少了人工干预的需求,提高了项目的可持续性。 此外,设计也考虑了物种的开花期和季相变化,从而最大限度地延长了景观的观赏价值。 随着时间的推移,甚至野生植物也能在屋顶上自发传播,进一步丰富了生物多样性,形成了一个充满活力和生态效益的城市绿地。

Roof gardens are becoming an increasingly important issue in urban developments worldwide. This is due to the densification of cities and the complexity of intertwined infrastructure and different functions.
They are also a response to the increasing hardening and petrifaction of cities.

It is well known that greenery has a cooling effect and that roof gardens also buffer water. Roof gardens also contribute to increasing biodiversity. They also form stepping stones in cities for natural hotspots.

It is a well-known fact that biodiversity is the result of sometimes a very long process whereby living creatures become dependent on each other for food or shelter in one specific place. That is why in the low countries (Belgium and the Netherlands), governments very often insist on the use of native plants, as these usually have the highest biodiversity linkage.

However, the complexity of today’s urbanisation creates conditions in which native plants find it increasingly difficult to survive. A Belgian city, for example, is deliberately switching to trees of Mediterranean origin in order to have them planted on its territory, because they are more resistant to the ever-increasing heat.

The native species are less and less resistant to these conditions.

This is how we have been dealing with roof gardens for a number of years now. Roof gardens are actually steppes. They are very hot and dry in summer and very cold in winter. So the temperature curve is very extreme.

Plants that can cope with such conditions have to be very strong and survive this winter humidity and that temperature curve.

That is why we make roof gardens that contain both native and non-native plants.

This means that the palette of usable plants is very large, and we do select them on the basis of the following criteria:

First of all, drought resistance. It goes without saying that this is an important criterion. The Korys roof garden published is only irrigated sporadically in the event of extreme drought. As the weather is becoming extreme, we consider it advisable to provide emergency irrigation for all roof gardens. This is also the case here.

Then there is the construction. We are now making more and more roof gardens based on the retention principle. An artificial water table with polypropylene crates is placed on the flat roof in which rainwater is buffered. This is fed via capillary cylinders to the substrate from which the plants can draw. This gives them a much greater chance of survival. The roof published here does not have this because of the heights of the substrate on this roof vary from usually only 15cm to 80cm at the edges. Also, because this roof is sloping; it was constructed above a parking garage.

The substrate is a high-quality mixture of sand, compost, bentonite and volcanic materials.

Then there is the planting and the planting system.
We are opting more and more for a naturalistic dynamic. The same principle we apply as well on rain gardens or bioswales. We mix plants on the basis of a specific recipe. We do this on the basis of aesthetic criteria of leaf contrasts, a certain degree of colour compatibility, an amount of evergreen species (in favour of the winter-image) and height structure.

These are criteria that are also used for perennial borders, for example. The big difference, however, is that we set a process in motion here. This is totally different with regard to a system where you want to see the planting unchanged over the years.

This is not the case here. The process is assessed to such an extent that even wild plants can spread spontaneously on the roof. This helps the naturalistic picture and also helps biodiversity. The management of ‘intelligent and selective weeding’ then helps in the selection process to remove what takes over or that which compromises diversity.

This requires gardeners who have a good knowledge of plants. We therefore call for gardening education to make a strong commitment to this knowledge, because we are convinced that the cities of the future will have more and more naturalistic plantations.

The main aim is to achieve a diversified picture with an upmost groundcovering aspect. The process being set in motion is Darwinian. It is a ‘Survival of the Fittest’. That is why we are also implying risk spreading. By using many species, there is a very good chance that the soil will be covered. The chosen plants sow themselves out or run by stolons. Every year the picture changes in this way, which makes the process exciting and represents a negotiation with nature. This is philosophically also an important attitude. You don’t force nature, but let nature guide its process partly by itself. So you only set something in motion. This is a major turnaround in the approach to classical parks, as we knew them in the 20th century.

在20世纪90年代初,我们与Henk Gerritsen、Piet Oudolf和Rob Leopold一起,就这种动态系统进行了深入的交流。与此同时,在过去的三十年里,我们越来越多地在各种种植园中应用我们所说的“拼凑系统”。
Along with Henk Gerritsen, Piet Oudolf and Rob Leopold, we were already intensively exchanging ideas about such dynamic systems in the early 1990s. Meanwhile, over the last three decades, we have been applying these “patchwork systems”, as we call them, more and more in various plantations.

This is also the case in the forest area under mature trees in the same park where we designed this roof garden.

The plants themselves are chosen on the basis of their drought resistance and their appearance, as mentioned. The selection is made as wide as possible in order to maximise the groundcovering aspect. Of course, this is also reflected in the great diversity in terms of both shape and colour.

There are actually two types of plants used in this system. Groundcovering and self-sowing species. The first take care of the lateral covering structure, the letter shape the vertical image. This withered vertical image is also present in the winter and makes the image at that time of the year interesting in a very specific way.

The self-sowing species are also the ones that cause the unpredictable and dynamic aspect.
Species such as Euphorbia oblongata, Oenothera versicolor and Verbena bonariensis seek their own way and opportunity and make the image change every year.
Others, such as Stachys byzantina, Sedum takesimense and Silene maritima are groundcovering, creating a horizontal layer that complements all those vertical plants in their structure.

在我们种植的所有物种中,实际上没有一个物种消失了。自最初种植以来,它们都已经存在,尽管有时数量更多,有时数量也更少。当然,这是由于正在进行的过程。与此同时,Linaria vulgaris已经在它们之间传播,它实际上已经是第一种在植被中占据一席之地的本土植物。这给了我们一种额外开花的美丽特有植物。
Of all the species that we have planted, there is actually not one species that has disappeared. All of them have been present since the initial planting, although sometimes in more numbers and sometimes in smaller numbers as well. This is, of course, due to the process that is going on.
In the meantime, Linaria vulgaris has spread between them, which is actually already the first native plant to take its place among the vegetation. This gives us an extra flowering beautiful endemic plant.

The most important flowering period is between May and July, but we have also ensured that there is a spread of flowering, which means that various plants continue to flower after the summer.

Sysirinchium、Stachys、Sesleri和Sedum takesimense在冬季的结构上特别明显,因此构成了图像的支柱
The Sysirinchium, the Stachys, the Sesleri and the Sedum takesimense are particularly visible in terms of their structure in winter and thus form the backbone of the image.
Sedum takesimense is a very important plant for our rooftop concepts. Hans Simon blessed us with this plant. A man with fantastic plant knowledge of whom we still have very good memories.

What makes the overall picture come true is that a sea of flowers extends behind the castle in which offices are located. And from spring onwards, there are many insects and butterflies visiting this sea of flowers. Birds also come to this piece of naturalistic vegetation.

Meanwhile, we are experimenting with many more species on various new roofs to test what grows well and what does not. Always with the aim of getting as much image quality and biodiversity as possible in one concept. It goes without saying that a good knowledge of plants is indispensable for this.

Project Data

Landscape architecture: Denis Dujardin

Location: Halle, Belgium

Project date: 2016

照片来源:无人机照片–David Carpentier,其他图片–Denis Dujardin
Photo credits: drone photos – David Carpentier, other images – Denis Dujardin
