
建筑设计 / 酒店餐饮 2025-3-23 20:05

Danling Lao’e Mountain Resort / epos architecture

设计理念与环境的融合: 丹岭老峨山度假酒店项目最突出的亮点在于其与环境的深度融合。建筑师巧妙地捕捉了老峨山独特的地理特征,特别是红砂岩地貌和“睡佛”的意象,并将这些元素融入到设计之中。立面的色彩选择与红砂岩相呼应,使建筑仿佛从山体中生长出来。同时,设计充分利用了地形,将酒店切割成四个独立的街区,并进行轻微旋转,以适应地势和景观,最大限度地保证了每个街区的视野和独立性。这种尊重环境、融入环境的设计理念,使得酒店与周围的自然景观融为一体,而非突兀地存在。

空间序列与体验: 项目的精髓在于其精心设计的空间序列和对用户体验的关注。建筑师将酒店的公共区域布局在一层,并根据地形高低形成了不同的空间,创造了独特而富有变化的氛围。客房的设计也考虑了景观的开阔性,保证了视野。更值得称道的是,设计者构建了一条独立的旅游线路,贯穿整个酒店,串联起远山、茶园、荷塘等景观元素,形成了一个环形的攀爬路径。这条线路不仅丰富了用户的体验,也模拟了古人登山观景的情境,将建筑的功能性和艺术性完美结合,赋予了酒店独特的魅力。

建筑语言的独特与创新: 丹岭老峨山度假酒店在建筑语言上展现出独特的创新。设计师运用了简洁的体量和红砂岩的色彩,营造出一种质朴而庄重的氛围。而“山影堂”的设计,则为建筑增添了一抹灵动与诗意,如同一只飞鸟栖息在山间。这种大胆的创新,打破了传统酒店设计的束缚,使得建筑本身成为一件艺术品。此外,通过对建筑单元的切割和旋转,设计师不仅实现了功能上的优化,也增加了建筑的视觉层次,创造了一种富有变化和探索乐趣的空间体验,使得酒店即使在未来用途发生改变,仍能保持其独特的魅力。

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建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Lao'e Mountain is on the southwest edge of Chengdu Plain, as if the red sandstone under Chengdu Plain suddenly rises up, and the altitude directly rises to 1100 meters. There are osmanthus trees in rows, bamboo forests, and tea fields on the mountain, making the site a beautiful environment.The site of the project is a flat land halfway up the mountain, which was a guest house for the government before. The north is against layers of tea fields while the south is towards the open view of the valley. The unfolding red sandstone is like the Buddha lying down, so some people call it the "Sleeping Buddha". The mountain, the valley, the surrounding tea field and the smoke from fires all show the quietness far from the cities.

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What a building could be? We try to answer in this building. Question 1: When is getting into the hotel? Into the Lao'e Mountain, we continue to climb through the winding road. The road turns along the valley and is across the bridge through the forest. The "Sleeping Buddha" mountain with the red sandstone exposed is on the other side of the valley. It has always reminded us of the fact that the Sichuan Basin is a huge piece of red sandstone. Thus, the color of the hotel's facade should be the same as the red sandstone.

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When you look through the gaps in the forest, "The Mountain Shadow Hall" on the top floor of the building can be seen. It stands out from the whole building like a bird hanging from a branch that has been detached from the building. This is the first impression of this red sandstone-like building.When the red building rises from the boulder of red sandstone, we enter it. Question 2: What kind of features make a hotel perfect? The building was cut into four separate blocks and slightly rotated according to the topography and the view, so that each block has its own sense of direction and independence, and at the same time the volume is reduced.

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The first floor is the public area, where the conference center, lobby, concierge entrance, café bar and restaurant are lined up. Because of the existing topography, each part of the function has a different height, forming its own space with its own sense of domain and uniqueness. All the guest rooms between the ground floor and the top floor public area have a view of the open refreshing landscape. The corridors are surrounded by tea fields and bamboo in the back of the mountain, which is full of security.

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Each function has a different spatial atmosphere, which determines the perception of the building by others. Even if the use of the hotel changes in the future, these spaces will still be able to show their charm. Therefore, this is the perfect expression of the building's features. Question 3: What makes a normal hotel to be interesting? If the scale of the hotel echoes the mountain, we connect and layer the corridors, zigzag staircases, walkways, and other human-scale architectural elements. It forms a complete circular climbing path that connects the whole building.

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Floor Plan

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This independent tour route does not overlap with the hotel's main functions but can return to any part of it. On this tour route, you can see the distant mountains, can be close to the tea fields, can pass the lotus pond, and pavilions. It seems like people traveling in a painting, simulating a scene of the ancients to climb and far view with rich experiences.

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