点亮咖啡Shimokitazawa/Spicy Architects
Light Up Coffee Shimokitazawa / Spicy Architects
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
The Extraordinary in The Normal-LIGHT UP COFFEE Shimokitazawa最初是一家位于一楼的两座咖啡馆和咖啡烘焙厂,二楼用于存储。此后,它被翻修成一个17个座位的场所,座位延伸到二楼。这标志着LIGHT UP COFFEE的第三个设计项目,这是一个咖啡馆概念,源于店主希望让咖啡师的咖啡体验更加触手可及和个性化。其目的是创造一个空间,让非凡成为日常生活的自然延伸,在每一层楼都提供两种不同的体验。
The Extraordinary within the Ordinary -LIGHT UP COFFEE Shimokitazawa was originally a first-floor two-seat cafe and coffee roastery, with the second floor being used for storage. It has since been renovated into a 17-seat establishment with seating extended to the second floor. This marks the third design project for LIGHT UP COFFEE, a cafe concept born from the owner's desire to make the barista coffee experience more accessible and personal. The aim was to create a space where the extraordinary becomes a natural extension of everyday life, with two distinct experiences offered on either floor.
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
First Floor: Face-to-Face Communication with Baristas -Located on a corner lot, bordered by two streets, the building's trapezoidal floor plan is utilized to its fullest. A diagonally placed counter was installed in the center of the space, allowing customers to take in the view from the three large street-facing windows. This design highlights the baristas, enabling customers to closely enjoy the coffee-making process. Conversations naturally spark between baristas and customers, while the window openings connect the cafe to the lively street scene outside. The counter and kitchen are crafted from structural plywood, following a cohesive design language that treats both elements equally, embodying unadorned and straightforward communication.
© Kenta Hasegawa
二楼:尊重工艺-与一楼明亮而充满活力的氛围相比,二楼提供了一个更安静的空间,顾客可以专注于他们的咖啡。LIGHT UP COFFEE强调从生产到提取的每个阶段的工艺。受到这种奉献精神的启发,二楼的设计体现了咖啡制作的艺术性和精确性。在空间的中心,有一张大桌子,上面涂有光滑的漆技术Urushi,唤起了拿铁艺术的渐变感。桌子反映了内部和放置在上面的咖啡杯,增强了一种特殊/独特的咖啡体验。此外,艺术家Ben Nagaoka创作了受该品牌概念和颜色启发的艺术品,进一步提升了空间。
Second Floor: Honoring Craftsmanship -In contrast to the bright and dynamic atmosphere of the first floor, the second floor offers a calmer space where customers can focus on their coffee. LIGHT UP COFFEE emphasizes craftsmanship in every stage, from production to extraction. Inspired by this dedication, the second-floor design reflects the artistry and precision of coffee-making. At the center of the space stands a large table, finished with a glossy lacquer technique Urushi, evoking the gradients of latte art. The table reflects the interior and coffee cups placed upon it, enhancing the sense of a special/unique coffee experience. Additionally, artist Ben Nagaoka created artworks inspired by the brand's concept and colors, further elevating the space.
© Kenta Hasegawa
© Kenta Hasegawa
By keeping architectural interventions to a minimum, the design focuses on enriching the coffee experience through the arrangement and presentation of furniture and materials. The hope is for this cafe to become a place where the every day and the extraordinary intersect for all who visit.
© Kenta Hasegawa