J Cafe / Kanisavaran Architectural Group
空间序列与互动: J咖啡馆的设计核心在于对“通道、门廊、咖啡馆、停顿、互动”等空间元素的巧妙编排。这种序列并非简单的功能划分,而更像是一种叙事,引导着人们在空间中体验停顿、凝视与交流。项目强调了建筑与人的互动,通过对空间层次的精妙设计,创造出一种既开放又私密的氛围,鼓励人们在咖啡馆内外的空间中进行社交,甚至仅仅是简单的共处。这种设计策略使得咖啡馆不仅仅是一个消费场所,更是一个激发灵感、促进交流的场所,赋予了建筑生命力。
门廊的创新与传承: 项目中门廊的设计是其一大亮点。设计师没有简单复刻传统门廊,而是赋予其当代意义。门廊不再仅仅是建筑的入口或遮蔽空间,而是成为了连接内外的过渡地带,邀请人们进入并体验建筑。设计师通过坚固的柱子和精细的尺度,将门廊与旧建筑巧妙融合,创造出一种微妙的拥抱。同时,门廊的层次结构延伸到室内,形成了多层次的空间体验,鼓励人们在不同的空间中穿梭、停留,从而构建一种富有互动性的生活方式,体现了对场所精神的深刻理解。
垂直与水平空间的交织: 该项目在空间布局上展现出极高的水平。通过楼层之间的垂直连接,创造出图书馆等特色空间,强调了建筑在水平轴线上的物理连接。这种设计手法打破了传统咖啡馆的单层平面布局,使得空间更具深度和趣味性。此外,设计师还巧妙地利用“Z”轴进行空间划分,改变了空间在垂直关系中的关系,从而营造出从最高到最低高度的振荡感。这种设计理念使得咖啡馆的空间不仅仅是平面的,更是立体的、多维度的,为人们提供了丰富的空间体验,增强了场所的吸引力。
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
Text description provided by the architects. Passage, portico, cafe, pause, passage, portico, cafe, interaction - This arrangement of words gives an interpretation of the hidden and obvious scenario of this cafe. A cafe near one of the main squares of the capital and ironically adjacent to one of the suburban terminals and a possibility for a first meeting. The cafe in its nature has the characteristic of creating interaction and companionship, and although this interaction does not necessarily happen through speech and Maybe a moment of pause and look and passing is a memorable interaction itself. Although stoicism was once for stoicism, today they are created in the desire to create a connection. A pause and a gesture, or a greeting, a gesture, or a look and a gesture, all bring to mind one thing, a motivation derived from an inner impulse that tries to communicate. An invitation that is expressed without any care and there are no boundaries to enter.
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
Plan - Site
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
The porticoes here have a friendly construction not only with the passers-by and its inhabitants, but they have created a delicate co-embrace with their old building. The porticoes were born in their most delicate state and supported by stout columns, they ensured their survival. Their creation did not end with the connection between passing and passing, and this connection has expanded from passing to inside and all its internal layers. The result of this expansion and communication was the construction of self-made spaces whose creation and survival depended only on living together. The project was formed and evolved from layers, whose goal was not to be just a normal layer, but rather an opportunity to create a less space and maybe not experienced at all. The layers that create the scenario of pause, transition and space in a combined way from the outside to the inside of the building and vice versa. A bold look at the central view and the division of the entrance space in the "Z" axis, although the central layers divide the space in the "X" and "Y" axes, but in the central view, this division takes place in the "Z" axis, and also It changes the relationship of the space in the vertical relationship in an oscillation from the highest to the lowest height.
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
The scenario of pause, passage, interaction continues in the space - On the ground floor, by creating a library space in the small space at the end of the hall, in addition to creating a vertical connection in the space, it emphasizes the physical connection in the horizontal axes of the building. The library space was the product of the connection of the layers with the empty space that they created within themselves and created an opportunity to create interactive and social spaces around them. The social table on the ground floor gives a place to create to the passers-by who have entered to experience togetherness in a new way. On the first floor, the layers continue to live and depend on creating a space to stay. In this project, the portico and its layers have an invitation without a frame to pass through it and retell the portico with a contemporary definition for its contemporaries and provide the opportunity to live the building with its passage.