
建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2025-3-13 16:05

Hidden Home / Luigi Rosselli Architects




© Prue Ruscoe

© Piers Haskard

Text description provided by the architects. For centuries, buildings and towns were built layer upon layer. Churches were built on the foundations of temples, and cathedrals over churches, taller and grander; the crypts of cathedrals were often what remained of the previous church. Today, however, we are more respectful and reverential of those buildings that have survived the ravages of rapid urbanization. We tend to 'heritage list' such buildings to preserve them, and we do not build over or in front of them. That said, additions are often necessary to ensure a historic building's compatibility with our modern lifestyles, and so we seek to disguise these additions, by placing them to the rear, or in the case of this grand home, hiding them below ground level.

© Prue Ruscoe

这座房子建于1889年,由当时极具影响力的建筑师Walter Liberty Vernon设计,他将位于the Domain的新南威尔士美术馆和悉尼中央车站都算在他的许多项目中。除了这些宏伟的公共工程,他还设计了许多私人住宅,包括家庭遗产,路易吉·罗塞利建筑师事务所最近有幸对其进行了更新。
Constructed in 1889, the house was designed by Walter Liberty Vernon, who was a highly influential architect of the time, and who counted both the Art Gallery of New South Wales, located in The Domain, and Sydney's Central Station among his many projects. Along with these grand public works, he also designed many private residences, including Family Heritage, which Luigi Rosselli Architects recently had the privilege of updating.

© Prue Ruscoe

Built for a successful accountant, the original two-story dwelling stood tall on a large parcel of land blessed with views down to Sydney harbor and the city of Sydney opposite. In considering the design for the new additions, there was a requirement to retain what remained of the garden after a significant portion of the original plot was sold off in the 1990s for the development of townhouses. To achieve this aim, the solution was to demolish a more recent garage addition and replace it with a new wing that covers four levels, including subterranean spaces and a roof garden akin to an iceberg tip, which occupies the space where the 'upper' garden of the property used to be. Housed within the upper level of the additions are a new kitchen, dining, and sitting room; a contemporary space that complements a modern lifestyle, enhanced by easy access to the light and airy garden space. The lower levels contain a wine cellar, and all the apparatus: a gym, massage room, sauna, spa, and swimming pool, necessary for achieving immortality. Along with the more mundane elements to support that aim, such as the plant room, and a water tank for the pool.

© Piers Haskard

借用拉丁语和希腊语中隐藏的“神秘建筑”一词并不是一个新概念,尽管它可以被有效利用,目的是保护已经存在的东西或有效利用有限的空间。世界著名的“神秘建筑”包括美籍华裔建筑师贝聿铭在巴黎卢浮宫增建的金字塔;Fabrica,由日本建筑师安藤忠雄为贝纳通的United Colors设计,融入17世纪威尼斯别墅的空间;以及埃米利奥·安巴萨兹的精彩地下建筑。
Borrowing from both the Latin and Greek words for hidden, 'cryptic architecture' is not a new concept, though it is one that may be put to effective use where the aim is to preserve what already exists or to make effective use of limited space. World-renowned examples of 'cryptic- architecture' include, Chinese-American architect, I.M. Pei's pyramid addition to the Paris Louvre; Fabrica, the addition integrated into the confines of a seventeenth-century Venetian villa by Japanese architect, Tadao Ando for United Colors of Benetton; and the wonderful underground buildings of Emilio Ambasaz.

© Prue Ruscoe


© Prue Ruscoe

© Piers Haskard

Authorities within Australia are quite opposed to utilizing cryptic architecture as a solution to the challenges of our crowded urban landscape, preferring instead to allow ever-growing rates of land clearance and poorly resourced urban sprawl. Supposedly the objections are formed on the basis of reducing the volumes of landfill, and noise pollution resulting from excavation, yet those same authorities show none of those same concerns when approving large-scale public works such as vast underground road systems. North Sydney Council is one of the few authorities to support this type of solution. Geographically located on Sydney's lower north shore, the topology of the Council area is characterized by the steep slopes of a rock shelf, and it allows for the placement of swimming pools, and utilitarian elements such as garages, plant rooms, and water tanks, out of sight below ground to retain a leafy ground plane.

© Prue Ruscoe

© Prue Ruscoe

© Prue Ruscoe

© Prue Ruscoe

Hidden Home的花园是维多利亚时代对草坪和边缘的喜爱的郁郁葱葱的诠释,与Dangar Barin Smith的William Dangar精心挑选的亚热带植物相融合。室内设计师Romaine Alwill将她收藏的现代主义和经典室内元素融入了维多利亚时代晚期的室内设计中。凭借他的设计,弗农正处于从华丽和分层的维多利亚时代杂乱过渡到安妮女王时期更纯粹的方法的过渡阶段,罗曼是捕捉到这一微妙变化的合适人选。
The gardens of Hidden Home are a lush interpretation of the Victorian affection for lawns and edges, blended with subtropical planting artfully and personally selected by William Dangar of Dangar Barin Smith. Interior designer, Romaine Alwill combined her collection of modernist and classic interior elements within the late-Victorian interiors of the house. With his design, Vernon was in a transition phase from the ornate and layered Victorian clutter, to the purer approach of the Queen Anne period, and Romaine was the right person to pick up on this subtle change.

© Prue Ruscoe

© Prue Ruscoe

Luigi Rosselli Architects的地下游泳池设计灵感来自这个地方神秘的性质。这个水池是从悉尼下北岸大片地区的砂岩岩架上挖掘出来的,必须说石匠的语言。虽然在建筑上明显引人注目,但抛物线形拱门也是结构上最有效的形状,能够承载游泳池上方多个楼层的荷载。天窗切入游泳池上方两层的地板,将光线引入空间,营造出与外界的联系感。
Luigi Rosselli Architects' design for the subterranean swimming pool drew inspiration from the cryptic nature of the place. Excavated from the sandstone rock ledges that characterize large areas of Sydney's lower north shore, the pool had to speak the language of the stonemasonry. While clearly architecturally striking, the parabolic arches also happen to be the most structurally efficient shape capable of carrying the load of the multiple levels situated above the pool. Skylights cut into the floors of the two levels above the pool draw light down into the space and foster a sense of connection to the world beyond.

© Piers Haskard
