QUAN NHÂN House / TOOB Studio
© Triệu Chiến
© Triệu Chiến
Text description provided by the architects. Quan Nhân Street belongs to the old Quan Nhân village in the Kẻ Mọc area, carrying deep historical and cultural traditions. Despite rapid urban development, this place still preserves many historical sites and famous temples.
© Triệu Chiến
© Triệu Chiến
1st and 2nd Floor Plan
© Triệu Chiến
Quan Nhân House建在一块不起眼的土地上,位于Quan Nhan街最窄的地段,周围是繁华的商店和服务区。房子分为两个主要部分:居住空间和租赁空间。生活区被提升到一定的高度,以尽量减少噪音和灰尘的暴露,同时也为一楼的商业活动创造了一个开放通风的空间。
Quan Nhân House is built on a modest plot of land that is located on the narrowest section of Quan Nhân Street and surrounded by a bustling area of shops and services. The house is divided into two main parts: Living Space and Rental Space. The living area is elevated to a certain height to minimize exposure to noise and dust, while also creating an open and airy space for commercial activities on the ground floor.
© Triệu Chiến
3rd and 4th Floor Plan
© Triệu Chiến
5th and Roof Floor Plan
© Triệu Chiến
© Triệu Chiến
Regardless of the fact that the house has limitations in size and view, it does not lack large voids that bring in natural light and energy. Seemingly, the sky is the only thing that sets no limits for the house.
© Triệu Chiến
Traditional materials such as red clay tiles and well-fired bricks, which are deeply familiar to old villages in Vietnam, help create a warm and intimate atmosphere. Their presence connects the daily life of a newly settled family with the cultural essence of the surrounding neighborhood.
© Triệu Chiến