Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur工作室:Lettenviadukt上的公共步行和自行车道将Limmat河沿岸的开放空间与邻近的Kreis 5区连接起来。将以前的铁路高架桥作为行人和骑自行车者的路线,为城市带来了一个新的视角。在历史上列出的高架桥建筑结构中,最初用于通过火车运输通勤者和货物的路线被改造成一个重要的城市连接线。使用铁路枕木作为参考,路径由纵向混凝土板组成,有时与座位元素对齐。木板嵌入砾石层,标记原始铁路轨道的延伸。这种松散的砾石表面为蜥蜴创造了空间,蜥蜴占据了铁路高架桥作为其主要栖息地之一。
Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur: The public foot- and cycle path on the Lettenviadukt links the open spaces along the river Limmat with the adjacent quarter Kreis 5. Offering the former railway viaduct as a route for pedestrians and cyclists generates a new viewing angle into the city. Within the historically listed building structure of the viaduct the route originally built to transport commuters and goods by train is transformed into an important urban connection. Using railway sleepers as a reference, the path consists of longitudinal concrete planks, sometimes aligned with seating elements. The planks are embedded into a gravel layer marking the extend of the original railway tracks. This loose gravel surface creates spaces for lizards, which occupy the railway viaduct as one of their main habitats.
© René Rötheli
© René Rötheli
© René Rötheli
© René Rötheli
© Studio Vulkan
Project name: Lettenviadukt foot- and cycle path
Landscape Architecture: Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Client: Municipality of Zurich
Design: 2004
Competition: 2004
Architecture Viaduktbögen: EM2N, Zürich
Implementation period: 2008-2010
Text:Studio Vulkan
Photos: René Rötheli