工作室PPW/NWLND Rogiers Vandeputte

建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-3-5 22:29

工作室PPW/NWLND Rogiers Vandeputte+Kris Broidioi
Atelier PPW / NWLND Rogiers Vandeputte + Kris Broidioi

简洁的空间布局:Atelier PPW项目通过将建筑和绘画工作室整合在一个柱状系统中,实现了空间的高效利用。这种设计不仅满足了功能需求,还创造出一个开放且灵活的工作环境。工作室的堆叠方式使得两个功能区相互独立又紧密联系,为使用者提供了清晰的空间导向和自由的创作氛围。这种简洁而富有逻辑的空间布局是该项目的一大亮点。


结构与功能的统一:Atelier PPW的结构设计巧妙地服务于功能需求。混凝土结构与轻质玻璃填充物的结合,既保证了建筑的稳定性,又赋予了其通透感。垂直和水平循环核心位于主玻璃体积之外,使建筑外观简洁明了。此外,无障碍屋顶的设计为公共聚会提供了空间,进一步拓展了建筑的功能性。这种结构与功能的完美统一展现了设计的精妙之处。

© Johnny Umans

© Johnny Umans

Text description provided by the architects. The Atelier PPW is located on a school campus in an urbanized area. The project is an exercise in reducing context into a simple and clear building. The brief called for one workshop space to accommodate building courses and one studio for painting courses. These volumes are held within a column system that allows the two volumes to be stacked to create an open and flexible workspace on both the ground-floor building atelier and the first-floor painting atelier.

© Johnny Umans

Ground Floor Plan

© Johnny Umans

The structural system also allows for a generous opening towards the street on the ground floor. This creates a covered entrance zone that establishes a connection between the street and the adjacent courtyard that leads to the school's entrance. The structural system can be best understood in the building's elevation, as one can see the framing of two spaces and the relationship and abstraction of the neighbouring elevations.

© Johnny Umans

Towards the south, the structure extends to create a canopy that reaches towards the playground. This manages the solar gains and introduces a planted screen as a first step in converting the existing mineral playground into a green landscape. The canopy functions as an external corridor for the ateliers on the first floor. All circulatory cores, both vertical and horizontal, are external from the main glass volumes to allow for a clear and simple appearance to the project. Moreover, we propose an accessible rooftop for circulation and as a communal gathering space.

© Johnny Umans

© Johnny Umans

Longitudinal Section

© Johnny Umans

带有轻质玻璃填充物的混凝土结构与两侧现有的相邻建筑之间留有间隙。在这里,两个垂直循环核心被整合在一起,以解决现有建筑和Atelier PPW之间复杂的高度差。这些垂直结构可以适应未来的发展,因为人们可能会考虑在未来取代过时的相邻卷。
The concrete structure with light glass infill leaves a gap from the existing neighbouring buildings on both sides. Here, two vertical circulation cores are integrated to solve the complex height difference between the existing buildings and Atelier PPW. These vertical structures can be adaptable for future developments, as one might consider replacing the outdated neighbouring volumes in the future.

© Johnny Umans

工作室PPW/NWLND Rogiers Vandeputte