
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-21 18:11

Vache Noire

景观设计师协会:“黑牛”(black cow)是Arcueil地区的传统名称,该地区正在进行大规模的商业和住房重建。除了整体基础设施和发展理念外,还有两个特定项目,一个屋顶花园和一个入口广场。这个项目创造了一个独特的地标:在重新设计的道路布局中间,一个黑色奶牛的起伏图像被投射到云雾中。图像包含在一个种植框架内——12米高的杉树从一个矩形片岩中生长出来,其表面包含在cor ten钢边内。
Agence TER Landscape Architects: The ‘Vache Noire’ (black cow) is the traditional name for an area of Arcueil that is undergoing major redevelopment for commerce and housing. In addition to the overall infrastructure and development concept, there are two particular projects, a roof garden and an entrance square. This project creates a distinctive landmark: in the middle of the redesigned road layout, a fluctuating image of a black cow is projected onto clouds of mist. The image is contained within a framework of planting – 12 m high taxodium trees emerge from a rectangle of schist, the surface contained within cor-ten steel edges.

Vache Noire

© Agence Ter

Vache Noire

© Agence Ter

Vache Noire

© Agence Ter

Vache Noire

© Agence Ter

Vache Noire

© Agence Ter

在一个新购物中心的屋顶上,未来的“jardin de ver(t)(s)(re)”所采用的形式表达了地下事物的复杂性。屋顶是一个巨大的折叠表面(面积超过一公顷),它可以在某些地方升起和分开,使用突出的玻璃或技术特征来创造活动,白天和晚上的雕塑。新出现的功能包括地下停车场通风井等功能,这些功能要么种植悬浮植被,要么在夜间照明玻璃板。巨大的中央空间是平坦的,从邻近的街道很容易到达。相邻的地形,如屋顶上的褶皱,在南面形成了一个全景,在北面形成了一个堤岸。
Created on the roof of a new shopping centre, the form taken by the future « jardin de ver(t) (s) (re) » expresses the complexity of what lies beneath. The roof is a vast folded surface (more than a hectare in area) which lifts up and breaks away in places, using protruding glass or technological features to create events, sculptures for both day and night. The emerging features, which incorporate functions such as ventilation shafts for the underground car park, are either planted with panels of suspended vegetation, or glass panels illuminated at night. The vast main central space is flat and easily accessible from the neighboring streets. Adjacent landforms, like folds in the roof, create a panoramic viewpoint to the south, and an embankment to the north.

Design Team: Agence TER Landscape Architects, BERIM Lead Consultants, Groupe 6 Architect
Project: A new commercial and residential area, including redevelopment of the ‘Vache Noire’ crossroad and shopping centre roof garden
Client: SADEV 94
Design & Construction: 2004 – 2007
Photos & text: Agence Ter
