
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-20 06:58

Bishan Park

Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl: Bishan Park is one of Singapore’s most popular parks in the heartlands of Singapore. As part of a much-needed park upgrade and plans to improve the capacity of the Kallang River along the edge of the park, works were carried out simultaneously to transform the utilitarian concrete channel into a naturalised river, creating a new urban river park.

Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



Bishan Park



目前,38%的世界人口面临缺水问题。最新的联合国统计数据表明,到2025年,世界60%的城市将面临缺水问题,具有讽刺意味的是,全球许多城市同时遭受洪水的破坏。Kallang River-Bishan公园项目是蓝绿色城市基础设施的新愿景,它解决了供水和洪水管理的双重需求,同时为城市中的人和自然创造了空间。该项目是“积极、美丽、清洁的水域”(ABC Waters)计划的一部分,该计划是一项长期计划,旨在将该国的水体从其排水和供水功能转变为充满活力的新空间,用于社区联系和娱乐。
Currently, 38% of the world’s population experience water scarcity. As the latest UN statistics state that 60% of the world’s city will face water shortage by 2025, ironically many cities across the globe experience in parallel the devastation of flooding. The Kallang River- Bishan Park project is a new vision for blue-green city infrastructure which addresses the dual needs of water supply and flood management while creating spaces for people and nature in the city. This project is part of the Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Programme, a long-term initiative to transform the country’s water bodies beyond their functions of drainage and water supply, into vibrant, new spaces for community bonding and recreation.

在Bishan Ang Mo Kio公园,一条2.7公里长的直线混凝土排水沟已恢复为一条蜿蜒流过公园的3公里长的蜿蜒天然河流。重新设计了62公顷的公园空间,以适应河流系统的动态过程,其中包括水位波动,同时为公园用户提供最大效益。三个游乐场、餐厅、一个利用旧混凝土渠道的再生墙建造的新了望点,以及大量的开放绿地,补充了城市中心一条生态修复河流的自然奇观。这是一个让你脱掉鞋子,更接近水和自然的地方!
At Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, a 2.7 km long straight concrete drainage channel has been restored into a sinuous, natural river 3 km long, that meanders through the park. Sixty-two hectares of park space have been redesigned to accommodate the dynamic process of a river system which includes fluctuating water levels, while providing maximum benefit for park users. Three playgrounds, restaurants, a new look out point constructed using the recycled walls of the old concrete channel, and plenty of open green spaces complement the natural wonder of an ecologically restored river in the heart of the city. This is a place to take your shoes off, and get closer to water and nature!

Landscape Architecture: Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl
Partners in Charge: Herbert Dreiseitl, Gerhard Hauber
Project Management and Lead Design: Tobias Baur, Rudolf Mager, Leonard Ng, Hendrik Porst
Project Engineers: Andreas Bockmühl, Stefan Brückmann
Project Team: Jeff Boggess, Angelika Büchele, Jason Chia, Edith, Gustavo Glaeser, Tobias Klinger, Martin Koller, Birgit Kühlbrandt, Wi Ming, Herbert Montevirgen, Vera Sieber, Angela Soler, Chanida Suebpanich, Sebastian Walker, Melissa Yip, Ingo Zoefelt, Christoph Hald, Nengshi Zheng
Bioengineering: Peter Geitz und Partner
JV Partner: CH2MHILL
Project owners:PUB, Singapore’s national water agency and the National Parks Board
Image credits: Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, PUB, Wang
Text: Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl
Awards: WAF 2012, Excellence on the Waterfront Honor Award 2012, President’s Design Award Singapore 2012

Kallang River-Bishan Park Project Facts:

Official opening: 17 March 2012 by the Prime Minister of Singapore
Area: 52 hectares (before redevelopment), currently 62 hectares
Annual visitorship: > 3 million
Length of concrete channel before redevelopment: 2.7 km
Length of naturalised section of Kallang River: 3 km
Total length Kallang River: 10 km
Timeline design: 2007-2010
Timeline construction: October 2009 to February 2012 (2 ½ years)
Construction costs: 76 million SGD / 45 million € / US$ 60 million
