
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-18 18:24

Plaza de Santo Domingo

Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados:本项目由马德里圣多明各广场的城市化工程组成。它位于历史核心区,是全球项目的一部分,该项目旨在逐步实现市中心的步行化和公共交通扩展。这一行动是一项大型活动的第一阶段,该活动将覆盖卡劳广场以及未来的Jacometrezo和Preciados街道。整个地区是一场思想竞赛的对象,目前的项目是对获奖提案的一部分进行开发。该项目的发起人是马德里市的Ayuntamiento(马德里市政厅),其地址为:c/危地马拉,马德里1328016。
Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados: The project presented consists of the urbanization works of Plaza de Santo Domingo in Madrid. Located in the historical core, it is part of a global project which seeks to generate a progressive pedestrianization and expansion of public transport in the city centre. This action is the first stage of a larger activity that should cover Plaza de Callao and both streets Jacometrezo and Preciados in the future. The whole area was the object of a Contest of Ideas and the present project is the development of a portion of the winner proposal. The sponsor of the project is the Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Madrid City Hall) through its Área de Gobierno de Urbanismo, Vivienda e Infraestructuras (Government Area of Urbanism, Housing and Infra-structure) with the following address: c/ Guatemala, 13, 28016 de Madrid.

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA

Plaza de Santo Domingo

© Mariñas AA


恢复曾经是圣多明各广场的空地是现行总体规划的优先事项之一,也是市政府的决定。因此,有必要掩埋或拆除现有的公共停车场,从而与Preciados Street和Plaza de Callao一起建立优质的步行空间,由于矛盾和不相容用途的无序叠加,城市木桶的一部分高度退化和麻烦,重新回归市民娱乐。提议是拆除现有停车楼,并在新地下停车场的屋顶上恢复一个作为花园庭院的开放空间,同时以步行方式改造Preciados街和Plaza de Callao,将形成一个新的优质空间,无需汽车流通。
The recuperation of the open space of the place that had been the Plaza de Santo Domingo was one of the priorities of the General Plan in force, as well as the decision of the city government. Therefore it would be necessary to bury or, in this case, demolish the existing public parking lot, thus setting up with Preciados Street and Plaza de Callao a quality pedestrian space, regaining to the citizen entertainment a portion of the urban cask highly degraded and troublesome due to disordered superposition of contradictory and incompatible uses. The proposition was to demolish the existing parking building and the recuperation of an open space as a garden court on the roof of a new underground parking which, simultaneously with the transformation of Preciados Street in a pedestrian way and the Plaza de Callao, will form a new quality space, free of motor circulation.


To the nature of opportunity of this kind of action as a chance to regenerate urban space, we believed it was a proper occasion to add the necessity of defining new ways of appropriation of the public space trough an analysis of urban activity. This investigation revealed new perspectives of valorisation of this area and its potential to be used as a node of a digital network with free access that we propose to introduce within the open spaces system in Madrid city center. Our proposal consists in the development of the civic appropriation process that we have defined in the contest of ideas and which was based on two main guidelines:

01- A space for all kind of user:

Through the proposed design we seek to convert the public space into a big multifunctional carpet where an infinite range of activities could take place, without any limit of gender age, or cultural background. We believe that the urban space should facilitate and allow contact and interaction, not only between the individual and his adjoining environment but also with different places within the city. On the one hand, our proposal is based in spaces that are absolutely adapted and accessible for all kinds of visitors, especially for those who could have more difficulties such as kids, aged people, handicappers, women and young groups.
– Elimination of architectonic obstacles to make possible the easy use of bikes, wheelchairs, baby trolleys, etc; – Increase public transport, improving timetables, frequency and itineraries; – Flexibility of the use and opening of different ways of citizen participation that contemplate the demands of the various groups along time
– Recuperation of the vocation and memory of this public space as a place to get together.
On the other hand, we suggest an open space design that gives the user a feeling of safety through:
– Visibility, lighting pathways and resting places, transparency,
To see and to be seen – to hear and to be heard
– Clear and fluid pathways, well signaled to make it easily and quickly understandable.
Where you are and where you want to go Be able to escape and get help
– Multifunctional, attractive and pleasant environment that allows and makes social control easy during the day and the night.
We intend to use the gender factor, understood as the study of social relations and responsibility between men and women in a specific historical and socioeconomic context, as a key element to develop and design our urban spaces. Our main goal is to offer an adequate life quality to all the citizens analyzing and identifying particular issues, necessities and concrete requirements of each group.

02- A place for communication

我们的计划是将马德里中心的这些公共空间变成免费无线网络(WI-FI)的组成部分,该网络连接到城市的城市信息数据库,该数据库应在开放空间上开发。这一网络将使公民能够自由获取有关城市的多种信息(通过移动电话或便携式计算机),如交通、公共交通、天气、商业信息、,文化方案和活动……这将使公民不仅能够获得信息,而且能够互动地参与或干预关于自己城镇的决策。因此,公共空间变成了一个集体参与和交流的空间,每个广场都是这个网络的一个节点,用于信息、帮助和积极的公民态度。目前,圣多明各广场已经免费连接到无线互联网,成为首批提供这项新公共服务的公共场所之一。这种联系允许控制暴力或性别歧视的内容,也是一种调查手段,提供数据,以便更好地了解在我们城市更大的自由空间体系中这种建议的程度。从几何角度来看,本期干预总面积为5.306 m2,包括圣多明各广场和相邻街道,称为“cuesta de Santo Domingo”。
Our plan is to turn these public spaces in Madrid center into an integrant part of a free wireless network – WI FI – connected to the city’s urban information database that should be developed on open spaces. This net would allow the citizens to have free access to a multiple range of information about the city (through mobile telephones or portable computers), such as traffic, public transport, weather, commercial information, cultural programmes and activities…which would enhance the citizen to obtain not only information but interactively participate or intervene in the decisions that are produced about his own town. Therefore, public space is turned into a space of collective participation and communication where each square is a node of this network for information, for help and active approach to citizenship. Presently Plaza de Santo Domingo has already a free connection to wireless Internet, been one of the first public spaces to have this new public service. This connection allows the control of violent or sexist contents and it is also a means of investigation that provides data to understand better the extent of this kind of proposal in a larger system of free space in our cities. From a geometric point of view, the total surface of this phase of the intervention is of 5.306 m2 including Plaza de Santo Domingo the adjoining streets, called “cuesta de Santo Domingo”.

The topography of the site is certainly taken into account as there is a difference of 8 meters between both ends, fact that determines the fragmentation of the space into terraces that adapt to the parking and makes the transverse design of the plaza more difficult. The basic material that configures the space is the blue ‘platino’ granite from the region of Cáceres (ESP) in small shaped pieces that provide to the pavement an almost domestic appearance. Stainless steel and Teca wood constitute the palette of materials that, along with a selection of autochthonous plants species and low cost maintenance, give a touch of colour and fragrances to such space.

Landscape Architecture: Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados
The material execution budget: 1.526.694 euros
Project ratified budget, taxes inclusive, is 2.107.447 euros.
Date: 2007
Area: 5.306 m2
