
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-17 02:21

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

Lola Domènech:paseo de St Joan作为一条50米长的重要大道的布局是由Ildefons Cerdá在其恩萨奇项目中首先确定的,该项目于1859年获得批准。消除种族歧视委员会(Cerdá)的20米宽的街道的各向同性布局还包括各种50米宽的主要林荫道,宽人行道两旁有两排树木,以及一条中央道路。圣琼就是其中之一。Josep Fontseré的Ciutadella项目(1872年竞赛的获胜者)以一条新的中央长廊为特色,这条长廊将延长圣女贞德教堂(Salón de St Joan)。Ciutadella要塞被拆除并变成了一个公园,这导致圣琼大道的延长,从而恢复了丰塞雷项目中的纵轴。
Lola Domènech: The layout of paseo de St Joan as an important 50m boulevard was first laid down by Ildefons Cerdà in his Ensanche project, approved in 1859. Cerdà’s isotropic layout of 20m-wide streets also features various main 50m-boulevards with wide pavements lined with two rows of trees as well as a central roadway. Passeig de Sant Joan is one of these. Josep Fontseré’s Ciutadella project (winner of the 1872 contest) featured a new central promenade which was to prolong the Salón de St Joan. The Ciutadella fortress was demolished and turned into a public park and this led to the prolongation of paseo de St. Joan thus recovering the vertical axis featured in Fontseré’s project.

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Adrià Goula

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech

Passeig De St Joan Boulevard

© Lola Domènech


Although the 50m distance between façades remains constant along the entire stretch of paseo de St Joan, we can distinguish 3 different sections along the length of the boulevard:
Sections 1 and 2, from Arc de Triomf up to Mossen Cinto Verdaguer square are very similar and only vary in the way the traffic lanes are distributed. In both sections the layout is symmetrical with 12.5m pavements, a 25m roadway for vehicles and a central bicycle lane. On certain sections of the pavement there are discontinuous parterres which are in a very bad state and create a very fragmented impression. The state of the road paving and the pavements is very precarious causing problems of pedestrian and road accessibility.
In section 3 the layout is completely different to the other two due to the transformation undertaken in the last urbanisation project. This section features a central 29m pedestrian promenade with three 7.5m car lanes and a 3m pavement on each side. The two-way bicycle lane is situated on the promenade on the llobregat side.


The new remodelling proposal sets two basic objectives: to give priority to the pedestrian use of the boulevard and turn it into a new urban green zone extending right up to Ciutadella park.


In order to achieve these objectives the project has adopted three fundamental urban planning criteria:

1. to guarantee the continuity of the section along the length of the boulevard. Despite the fact that this part of the boulevard currently consists of 3 differentiated sections the remodelling intends to create a new longitudinal section making it uniform along its entire length. The new section is symmetrical and extends the width of the current pavements from 12.5m to 17m, maintaining the century old trees and accompanying them with two new rows of trees. The layout’s continuity is absolutely essential in order to ensure functional clarity along the entire length of the boulevard.

2. to adapt the urban space to different uses. The new section must cater to the different uses of this urban space whilst enabling them to coexist harmoniously. The 17m of pavement have been organised in such a way that 6m are allocated to a pedestrian pavement whilst the remaining 11m under the rows of trees are for recreational uses (benches, children’s play areas and bar terraces). Previous road traffic surveys showed that the original road was too large. So it was possible to reduce the space allocated to traffic and turn it into a pacified transit zone. As part of the new layout, the two-way 4m bicycle lane is physically segregated, protected and signposted, located in the middle of the road.
The key tenets of the new proposal are to reduce the number of traffic lanes, create leisure zones under the trees and segregate the bicycle lane.

3.促进圣琼大道成为新的可持续城市绿化区。圣琼大道(Passeig de Sant Joan)被规划为该市的新绿化区,其延伸部分经帕塞格•德•洛伊斯公司(Passeig de Lluís Company)一直延伸至Ciutadella公园。为了实现这一目标,将在现有百年老树的两侧种植两排新的树木,以创造一个自然遮荫区域,容纳新的娱乐区、儿童游乐场和酒吧露台。为了保证这种新布局的可持续性,我们需要确保底土的适当排水,并承担在林荫地带纳入混合路面系统的挑战。使用混合路面处理土壤和使用潜水的自动洒水系统是确保底层排水的关键,这将保证植被的生存。将当地灌木纳入这一林荫地带将有助于丰富底土生物多样性。路面的处理与新街道的用途密切相关:在行人区,路面由“panot”铺路板(典型的ensanche铺路)构成,而在休闲区,将铺设一条带排水缝的新预制路面。
3. to promote the passeig de St Joan as a new and sustainable urban green zone. Passeig de Sant Joan, which, with its prolongation via the Passeig de Lluís Companys reaches right up to Ciutadella park has been projected as the city’s new green zone. In order to achieve this, two new rows of trees will be planted on both sides of the existing century old trees to create an area of natural shade that will accommodate the new recreational zones, children’s playgrounds and bar terraces. In order to guarantee the sustainability of this new layout we need to ensure proper drainage of the subsoil and take on the challenge of incorporating a mixed pavement system in the tree-lined zone. The treatment of the soil with mixed pavements and the automatic watering system that uses phreatic water are key to ensuring substrata drainage that will guarantee the survival of the vegetation. The incorporation of local shrubs to this tree lined zone will contribute to enriching subsoil biodiversity. The treatment of the pavements is closely linked to the uses of the new street: on the pedestrian section the pavement is made of “panot” paving slabs (typical ensanche paving) whereas in the recreational zones a new prefabricated pavement with draining joints will be laid down.


With this new proposal the Passeig de St Joan has won back its social value as an urban space that provides a variety of requested uses and functions whilst also addressing key aspects of biodiversity and sustainability. This street’s urban transformation has enabled us to revitalise its commercial life and recreational uses, whilst at the same time retrieving its historical value as a main boulevard that continues right up to Ciutadella park.

Landscape Architecture: Lola Domènech, architect
Project collaborators: Teresa Galí agronom engeneer / Cimex-engineer
Development company: Proeixample S.A.-(city council-barcelona)
Coordination project: Proeixample S.A.
Area: 31.455m2
Situation: passeig de st joan boulevard-(between tetuan-arc de triomf) barcelona
Drafting: 2008-2009
Execution: 2010-2011
Project management: Cicsa-engineer
Budget: 4.127.161,73 €
Constructor: fcc (fomento de construcciones y contrats)
Photographer: Adrià Goula
