
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-16 14:08

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

Torp公司芭堤雅距离曼谷约2小时车程。在过去,它以美丽的长滩和畅通无阻的海景而闻名。然而,由于缺乏当地法规,海滩上现在挤满了夜总会和酒吧。为了避开喧闹的海滩,希尔顿芭堤雅酒店(Hilton Pattaya)建在一个新购物中心的屋顶上,拥有200间客房。特罗普负责创建一个城市避难所,避开下面混乱的海滩。我们的目标是再次将风景与芭堤雅美丽的海景联系起来。由于面积有限,我们不得不重新组织花园的整体空间结构。从战略上讲,我们将花园分为3个主要部分。
TROP Company Pattaya is about 2 hours drive from Bangkok. In the old days, it was famous for beautiful long beach and unobstructed sea view. However, lacking of local regulations, the beach is now crowded with nightclubs and bars. In order to avoid the noisy beach, Hilton Pattaya, a 200-rooms hotel, is built on the roof of a new shopping mall. TROP is responsible to create an urban sanctuary hidden from chaotic beach below. Our goal is to re-connect the Landscape with Pattaya’s beautiful sea view one more time. Because of the limited area, we have to re-organize the overall spatial structure of the garden. Strategically, we divided the garden into 3 Main Components.

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Charkhrit Chartarsa

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Adam Brozzone

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Adam Brozzone

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Adam Brozzone

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel


Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel


Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel

© Wison Tungthunya

1 Sand Court : This Sand Court is also our Arrival Area. Only 2 materials are used in the design, sand and green land-form. Sand is chosen because of its relationship with ocean and beach. It is also used as a piece of canvas for all Hotel’s installations throughout a year.

2 Sun Deck : To maximize the garden area, another Layer of Landscape is added on top of Gym and Toilets. Their roofs are extended and connected with the Hotel’s 17th Floor, 1 floor above the Lobby. The result is a reasonable-size deck with a direct access from the Hotel. Instead of walking through the Lobby, guests can walk directly to the Pool Area.

3 Ocean Pool : The Infinity Pool is strategically placed at the edge of the roof, making its water visually connected with the ocean below. It is designed as one big sheet of water with Lap Pool, Fun Pool, Jacuzzi Maze, and Kid Pool hidden underneath the same water surface.
Inspired by a school of shiny fish, we added fiber optic lighting on the Bottom of the Pool. So, at night, the Pool grows like those silvery fish giving the same effect as stars.

Combining 3 Components together, we managed to create a true hidden sanctuary above Pattaya’s Skyline.

Landscape Architecture: TROP Company
TROP on Facebook
Project Name: Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel
Completion: November 2010
Location: 333/101 Moo 9 Nong Prue Banglamung, Pattaya Chonburi, Thailand
area1st floor: 1252 sqm.
area16th floor: 2538 sqm.
area16Mth: 408.51 sqm.
Client:Central Pattana (CPN)
Project Director: Pok Kobkongsanti
Project Designer: Pakawat Varaphakdi, Bun Asai
Project Team: Wasin Muneepeerakul, Pattarapol Jormkhanngen, Teerayut Pruekpanasan, Chatchawan Banjongsiri
Photographers: Adam Brozzone, Charkhrit Chartarsa, Pok Kobkongsanti, Wison Tungthunya
Budget: 1,000,000 US
Text: TROP
