Shima Kitchen
Shima Kitchen was a renovation project to create a venue for arts, and dinning from an old vacant house in a village on Teshima. Teshima is a rural island in the Seto Inland Sea of Western Japan, just next to the famous art tourism island of Naoshima. Around this old house were vacant lands where several other buildings had been demolished a long time ago. An old warehouse, two persimmon trees,and many smaller fig trees remained. We changed the house into an open style kitchen, refitted the warehouse as an art gallery, and extended a sunshade awning around the trees to create an outdoor theatre. The theatre was based on a traditional NOH style theater, with its stage(butai), veranda (hashikake), and gallery (sajiki), but was designed to adapt to various kinds of event programs such as live music, modern performance art, folk dance, and community festivals.
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
© Daici Ano
遮阳篷由烧焦的木板制成,传统上用作该岛房屋的侧板。这些面板松散地绑在一个框架上,这样它们就可以在风中轻轻地摆动,以唤起鸟的羽毛。该结构采用简单、轻质的材料建造,即使在这个孤岛上也很容易找到。34 mm的钢管用作主柱,主梁。27 mm的钢管用作次梁,D10钢筋用作雨篷的网格框架。我们还采用了一个非常轻的基础系统螺旋钢扁桩。
The sunshade awning is made of fire charred wooden panels which are traditionally used as siding on the houses of this island. The panels were tied loosely to a frame so that they would flutter slightly in the wind to evoke bird feathers. The structure is created with simple, and light materials that can easily be found even on this isolated island.34 mm steel water pipes were used as the main columns, and main beams.27 mm steel water pipes were used as the sub-beams, and D10 steel rods were used as the grid frame of the awning. We also employed a very light foundation system with spiral steel flat bar piles.
The form of the sunshade awning was conceived to flow contiguously from the existing house with its outer edges lower than the neighboring houses. In this way the roof fits harmoniously into the surrounding landscape of the village, without disturbing the serene atmosphere.
In the end, working with existing structures, traditional methods, and simple materials, we succeeded in creating an intimate village gathering place that promotes a pleasant feeling of being under the shade of trees.
Principal designer: Ryo Abe
Location of site: Kagawa prefecture
Program: restaurant, theater, gallery
Design team: architects atelier ryo abe
Site area: 1,100㎡
Built-up area: 429㎡
Year of completion: 2010
Text credits: Ryo Abe
Photo credits: DAICI ANO