
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-14 16:54

Kashiwa Center Cemetery

PLATdesign: What kind of a place is a cemetery? We began the design of this project by reconsidering the nature of cemeteries. For the family and friends of those deceased, going to visit the cemetery is like paying a visit to their house. From the perspective of the deceased, it is like a home that loved ones may visit, as if they are saying “perhaps everyone will remember me sometimes, and pay me a visit?” We decided to try to make a spatial representation of this, and used “hospitality from the deceased” as our keyword.

Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


Kashiwa Center Cemetery


一个人通过这条通道进入墓地,这条通道作为从现实到死者领域的入口点,用随着季节变化而改变表情的绿色植物包裹着来访者。首先是石砌的瀑布眼站,它提供了一个庄严的大门,同时也创造了声音和运动。从入口首先可以看到一棵巨大的菩提树(Tilia miqueliana)矗立在附近。这棵巨树似乎在死者的入口处扮演主人,伸出双臂在那里等待,在受到菩提树的欢迎后说“欢迎,欢迎!”一步一步地进入墓地,在那里,人们被一条两旁长着“Youkouzakura”樱桃树(Prunus Youkou)的小路吸引它在日本春天探望死者的仪式季节盛开。这条樱桃树林荫大道,定位为日常生活与死者世界的连接点,从而创造了一座“世界间的桥梁”。可以说,从这个世界到另一个世界跨越这座桥的行为就像是体验来世的世界。进入墓地时,人们的心态会发生变化,这里的景色也会发生变化,就像漫步在一个大的庄园花园中一样,人们会感觉到他们是生活世界和我们之前生活过的人之间的时空旅行者。
One enters the cemetery via the approach, which as the entry point from reality to the realm of the deceased, envelopes the visitors with greenery that changes expression with the seasons. One is first greeted by the Stone wall eye-stop with waterfall, which provides a dignified gateway while also creating sound and movement. From the entry one first sights a giant Linden tree (Tilia miqueliana) standing nearby. As if playing host in the entry of the deceased, the giant tree seems to wait there with outstretch arms, saying “Welcome Welcome!” After being greeted by the Linden tree, one steps further into the graveyard where one is lured by a path lined with “Youkouzakura” cherry trees (Prunus Youkou) which bloom during the Japanese springtime ritual season of visiting the deceased. This avenue lined with cherry trees is positioned as the connection between everyday life and the world of the deceased, thus creating a “bridge between worlds.” One could say that the act of crossing this bridge from this world to the next is like experiencing the world of the afterlife. One’s state of mind shifts when entering a cemetery, which is represented by the change in scenery here, and just as one may stroll through a large estate garden, one feels if they are space-time travelers between the world of the living and the realm of those who lived before us.

Landscape Architecture: PLATdesign
Project name : Kashiwa Center Cemetery
Completion date : 2010
Location : Chiba, Japan
Area : 1.2ha
Designer of Architecture : Someya Architectual Design Office
Client : Izumiya Sekizaiten, Inc.
