
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-14 22:54

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

2007年春,PLANT Architect Inc.与Perkins+Will Canada、Hoerr Schaudt景观设计师和Adrian Blackwell城市项目联合,赢得了多伦多市政厅标志性的Nathan Phillips广场和平台的国际设计比赛。领奖台屋顶花园是内森菲利普斯广场(Nathan Phillips Square)名为AGORA/剧院的第一次改造。这座1965年标志性市政厅的上层建筑占地3英亩,最初由芬兰建筑师维尔乔·雷维尔(Viljo Revel)设计,作为一个公共仪式空间,通过一个巨大的雕塑坡道可进入。这个空间被证明是一个可怕的、铺砌过的空间,十多年来一直对公众关闭。今天,这个遗址是加拿大最大的公共可进入的绿色屋顶花园。作为多伦多市绿色屋顶项目的旗舰,该项目已获得多伦多市绿色屋顶奖的认可。
In the spring of 2007, PLANT Architect Inc. won the international competition to redesign the iconic Nathan Phillips Square and Podium at Toronto City Hall in joint venture with Perkins+Will Canada, and with Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architect, and Adrian Blackwell Urban Projects. The Podium Roof Garden is the first transformation in the Nathan Phillips Square Revitalization entitled AGORA/THEATRE. This three-acre, upper-level component of the 1965 iconic City Hall was originally conceived by the Finnish architect Viljo Revell as a public ceremonial space made accessible by a giant sculptural ramp. This space proved to be a grim, paved void, remaining closed to the public for over a decade. Today, this heritage site is the largest publicly accessible green roof garden in Canada. It serves as the flagship green roof project for the City of Toronto, and has been recognized as a leading example of the city’s award-winning Green Roof By-Law.

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Steven Evans / Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Plant

Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden

© Plant

The project fulfils the original potential of Revell’s design by creating a place for gathering, ceremony, and where one can admire the towers’ fine architectural detail. This lush metropolitan haven has now become a site for intimacy, lingering and strolling, large-scale art installations, and wedding chapel gatherings. The Podium is organized with a black-granite paved courtyard, a long curving bench that frames the Council Chamber, a striped café that occupies the prow, a perimeter walk and walk that borders the towers with custom concrete pavers, furniture and lighting, a vast garden, and a raised tree planter that beckons visitors up from the main Square—its three Kentucky Coffee trees providing shade as they grow to a mature height of 40 feet.

受保罗·克莱(Paul Klee)的《复调》(1932)启发,该花园以23种景天属植物与42种禾本科植物和多年生植物相互种植的复杂马赛克为特色。颜色从西南部较亮的黄色和橙色逐渐变为东北部较深的红色和紫色,反映方向和阴影条件。
Inspired by Paul Klee’s Polyphony (1932), the garden features a complex mosaic of 23 sedum species inter-planted with 42 species of grasses and perennials—the colours progressing from brighter yellows and oranges in the SW to deeper reds and purples in the NE reflecting orientation and shade conditions.

Landscape Architecture: PLANT Architect inc
Project Title: Nathan Phillips Square Podium Roof Garden
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Design Year: 2007
Completion Year: 2010
Area: 11,000 m2
Image Credits: Photographs by Steven Evans | © PLANT Architect Inc.
