Bergstrasse Worpswede
[f] landschaftsarchitektur:艺术家村庄的特色反映在伍普斯韦德的许多地方——回到芬多夫、亨伯格和柏格斯特里特之间的中心——它们变得更加强烈。对游客来说,这一地区代表着一种“艺术岛”,正在逐步探索。这三条街道构成了岛的周边边缘。岛屿的外部交叉点特别重要。在这里,设计设想增加结构:在视觉上标记入口的著名建筑。公共可进入的工作室、工作室或画廊可能会出现在这里,以一种当代的、区域性的建筑形式代表艺术家的村庄。
[f] landschaftsarchitektur: The special characteristics of the artist’ village are reflected in many places in Worpswede- back in the center between Findorff-, Hemberg- and Bergstreet they become more intense. For the visitors, this area represents a kind of “art island” that is to explore gradually. The three streets form the perimeter edges of the island. The outer intersection of the islands is of particular importance. Here, the design envisages structural additions: prestigious buildings that mark the entrance visually. Publicly accessible studio houses, workshops or galleries could arise here, representing the artist’s village in a contemporary, regionally inspired architecture.
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© Thomas Langreder
© [f] landschaftsarchitektur
© [f] landschaftsarchitektur
© [f] landschaftsarchitektur
除此之外,新空间内的建筑入口区域也在开发中。通过三个方形设计的环形交叉口,交通减速,入口清晰标记。作为艺术区,未来的柏格斯特拉斯将成为该区的支柱。从这里,各个展厅相互连接,可以探索艺术家的村庄。Bergstraße是按照“共享空间原则”开发的,旨在降低交通流量。通过排水沟和单独材料接缝(“线边缘”)的对齐,谨慎地标记出行走走廊。除此之外,无需在交通区域设置更多标志和限制。草案规定了中央停车场的全新组织。通过设置一个切割停车区,功能区和绿色浮雕区相互连接——公园在柏格斯特拉街上的路线一致。开阔道路空间的慷慨由老树种群补充和构成。沿着边缘还有一个灵活的空间设计。根据当地情况,临街区域可与建筑物整合或凹进。因此,艺术英里不是一条直截了当的“T型台”,而是与当地交织在一起的。“Philine Vogeler Haus”具有特殊意义,中央广场的空间布局进一步强调了这一点。一个以地面水池为中心的交流和对话场所应运而生。
Besides the additions to the building entrance areas are also being developed in the new space. By three square-like designed roundabouts, traffic is decelerated and the entrance clearly marked. As art district the Bergstrasse in the future forms the backbone of the district. From here, the individual exhibition halls are connected and the artists’ village can be explored. The Bergstraße is developed following the “ shared space principle”, which aims at decelerating the traffic flow. The travel corridor is marked discreetly by the alignment of drainage channels and separate material joints (“line edges”). Except for that, there is no need for further signs and limitations in the traffic area. The draft provides for an entirely new organization of the central car park. By arranging a incised parking area the functional and green embossed areas are interlinked – the park is routed up consistently on the Bergstraße. The generosity of the open road space is supplemented and structured by the old tree population. Also along the edges there is a flexible space design. Depending on the local situation frontage areas can be integrated to buildings or recessed. The art mile is therefore not a straightforward “catwalk” and is rather interwoven with the locality. The “Philine-Vogeler-Haus” is of a special significance, which is further emphasized by the spatial configuration of the central square. A place of communication and dialogue arises that centres around a ground level water basin.
Landscape Architecture: [f] landschaftsarchitektur gmbh, Bonn, Germany
Project name: Bergstrasse Worpswede
Location: Worpswede, Germany
Completion date: 2012 (BA1), 2013 (BA2)
Area: 24.700m2
Cost: 4.375.000€
Client: Municipality of Worpswede
Photographer: Thomas Langreder, Hannover