
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-12 00:05

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

[f] landschaftsarchitektur:历史特征赋予城市空间独特性、氛围和记忆。凭借卓越的设计理念,我们试图追溯过去和现在,并将注意力集中在以整体方式与市民、游客或徒步旅行者分享的感觉上。[……]现在,你可以从一个“地方”漫步到另一个“地方”,在每个空间中发现一幅新的、不同的“图画”:庭院、喷泉、光带和树木线在城市舞台的各种表演等地方相互跟随。[……]
[f] landschaftsarchitektur: Historical features give the urban spaces of the city Worbis their uniqueness, their atmospheres, their memories. With a superior design concept we try to trace the past and the present, and focus attention on the sense of a holistic approach to the citizens, visitors or hikers to share it. [….] Now you can stroll from one “place” to another with the possibility to discover a new and different “picture“ in each space: The courtyards, rushing fountains, the band of lights and tree lines follow each other at places like the various acts of urban staging. [….]

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© Thomas Langreder

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© [f] landschaftsarchitektur

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© [f] landschaftsarchitektur

Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis

© [f] landschaftsarchitektur

考虑到基本的城市结构,应重新激活该场所的气氛。其目的是通过改善空间环境和创造吸引人的街道和场所设计,创造一个宜居和活跃的中心。“Lange Straße”是Worbis的历史和中心轴线。根据历史的重要性,街道将再次形成一个单一的元素。为此,交通空间将减少到最小,并进行重组。
The atmosphere of the place shall be reactivated with the basic urban structure in mind. The aim is to create a liveable and active centre, by improving the spatial environment and by creating an attractive design of streets and places. The “Lange Straße” is the historic and central axis of Worbis. According to the historical weightiness the street will be formed as a unitary element again. For this, the traffic space will be reduced to a minimum and restructured.

Adjacent to the line of the Long Road, lay the two central squares of the city as well as the cemetery of the most influential Church of St. Nikolaus. Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt will be formed according to their original character as an experience and urban space. Regular series of patches with rectangular formats divided here the central square area of the Peace Square. Taken by the continuation of the small patch of stone in the pre-zone, a separate and homogeneous space is formed. The northern edge of the square is dominated by the newly established St. Nikolaus churchyard. The previous sprawling churchyard wall is replaced by an edging which is clear and emphasizing the strength of the churchyard. Chamfered stairs and ramps produce one this place reasonable access.

The Rossmarkt is the axis between Rentamt, Gülden Creutz and St. Nikolaus. The fountain “Krengljäger” emphasizes the Rossmarkt as a central element. The newly gained, tree-lined area of the Rentamt is divided as a separate room at the Rossmarkt.

Landscape Architecture: [f] landschaftsarchitektur gmbh, Bonn, Germany
Project name: Friedensplatz and Rossmarkt, Worbis
Location: Worbis, Germany
Completion date: 2010 (BA1), 2013 (BA2)
Area: 10.400m2
Cost: 3.410.000€
Client: City of Leinefelde-Worbis
Photographer: Thomas Langreder, Hannover
Text: [f] landschaftsarchitektur
