Poitiers Cœur d’Agglomération
Poitiers Town Council launched a call for tenders from multi‐skilled teams to help it strengthen its image as a regional capital. It is a medium‐sized town (pop. 90,0000) looking to increase its attractiveness and emphasize its central location. The town centre is built on a plateau hemmed in by the deep Clain Valley. Poitiers’ main features are its medieval network of winding, sloping streets and its outstanding architecture. Its tradition of creating private gardens behind groups of houses makes them neither accessible nor visible from public areas, giving the town a very mineral appearance.
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
© E.Saillet
A range of conflicting uses has developed over the last decades, with increased congestion of land and public space tending to conceal the architectural quality of the urban fabric and leaving little room for pedestrians. In 2009, our team was selected as the result of a methodology tender focussing attention on small and large‐scale use of the town. The unusual procedure was based on the Town Council’s desire primarily to select a team and a project partner rather than merely create a “fine” image. The team’s work, including prospection and project management, was conducted on three levels:
‐ an overall, prospective view of the town on a territorial level (reference grid) prior to the project management studies used to define an operational perimeter, ‐ project management for the layout of public areas in the town centre (33,000 sq. metres, XXX euros),
‐ a development charter for 250 hectares of the “plateau” as an operational tool for the Council’s technical departments.
Aim of intervention
The aim of the redesign of the town centre is to:
‐ Make the town centre attractive on a regional scale,
‐ Enhance the architectural heritage,
‐ Make the town centre accessible to all,
‐ Integrate greenery to meet the needs resulting from climate change,
‐ Increase understanding of the layout of private gardens behind groups of dwellings.
Description of intervention
Traffic calming within the town centre was the first, fundamental element before the areas could be redesigned on a territorial level (reference grid). Overall changes to traffic flow were based on the following:
‐ a pedestrian precinct accessible to all (1,500 metres), linking the town’s two main parks to the North and South and interconnecting all the main urban routes,
‐ a new traffic plan structured by the use of ring roads and circular routes serving public car parks to free the pedestrian precinct of cars,
‐ the introduction of an enhanced public transport service (3 routes for buses with a high level of service)
The layout of the corresponding public areas was based on:
‐ A 19th‐century East/West route linking the Town Hall and Prefecture along the crest of the
plateau. (cf. panel 2: the main route),
‐ A network of mediaeval streets and small adjacent squares
Once freed from cars, the developments will have a chromatic palette that has purposefully been simplified, to highlight the town’s superb architecture. A single building material, light‐coloured Comblanchien limestone, has been selected to provide consistency with existing buildings. Moreover, it meets sustainable development concerns (albedo of building materials).
这也简化了对开放空间的理解,将它们适度地整合到城镇的历史结构中。通过移除任何路缘石,并特别注意整平整个表面,为老年人或残疾人提供了完全无障碍的开放空间。莱克莱尔广场石灰岩石板的和平简朴可以在整个历史大道上看到,在东端的美丽的阿里斯蒂德·布里昂广场(Place Aristide Briand)达到顶峰。通过这样做,它揭示了普瓦捷原有立面的传统城市结构。铺路机的“编织”布局反映了蜿蜒的中世纪街道,并增强了每个小广场(公共广场、卡诺广场)。
This has also simplified understanding of open spaces, integrating them modestly into the town’s historic fabric. Total accessibility of open spaces for the elderly or disabled has been introduced by removing any kerbs and paying particular attention to levelling the overall surface. The peaceful austerity of the limestone slabs on Place Leclerc can be seen along the entire length of the historic thoroughfare culminating in the wonderful Place Aristide Briand at the eastern end. In doing so, it reveals the traditional urban structure of Poitiers’ original façades. The “braided” layout of the pavers reflects the winding mediaeval streets and enhances each small square (Square de la République, Place Carnot).
The planting of saplings with light‐coloured foliage (sophora, locust tree) or trees from more southerly areas on the squares (hackberries) add structure and airiness to urban spaces. Beyond the historic thoroughfare and the Town Hall is a reminder of the diversity of plant life in the private gardens – the Puygareau Garden, opening wide onto the urban environment. The changes in layout then give way to an architectural, urban landscape and areas with a multitude of uses.
位于城市景观中心的莱克莱尔广场(Place Leclerc)完工仅八个月,尽管其外围的工程仍在进行中,但广场似乎已经成为集体精神的一部分。它被视为一个自由的领域,一个市民认为属于他们的特殊领域。广场上没有任何障碍物,现在被用来举办自发的“官方”活动。广场被接受的速度得益于项目早期和竣工期间的协调讨论(共有约65次公开会议)。此外,其治理是基于统一项目管理的一致性和结构化的。市中心近10000平方米的“空旷空间”最初引起了人们的怀疑,因为它与一些现代公共区域的设施和设计特征的过度杂乱截然不同,但现在它已经赢得了所有人的认可。
Just eight months after completion of the work on Place Leclerc at the very heart of the urban landscape, and despite the fact that work is still in progress on its periphery, the square already seems to have become part of the collective psyche. It is seen as an area of freedom, a special area which the townspeople feel belongs to them. Cleared of any obstacle, the square is now used for spontaneous and “official” events. The speed with which the square has been accepted was helped by concerted discussions in the early stages of the project and during its completion (there were some 65 public meetings). Also its governance is consistent and structured, based on unified project management. This “empty space” of almost 10,000 sq. metres in the town centre initially raised doubts because it was so different to the excessive clutter of amenities and design features that are characteristic of some modern public areas, but it has now won everybody over and become accepted.
“地区中心”项目(“Coeur d'Aggo”)是该镇广场在15年前开始的相当持续的城市发展的最后阶段。与“地区中心”开发项目同时起草的《公共区域宪章》建议,通过增加各个角落和缝隙或更宽的街道和小巷部分的“微型场所”数量,扩大相同质量的开放空间和公共用途,创造类似于意大利小广场的空间:平坦的地面、美丽的树木和几张长凳,它们平衡了日常的城市街道,有助于创造一种反映城市生活乐趣的氛围。今天,三分之二的工作已经完成并交付。该项目计划于2013年完成。
The “Heart of the District” project (“Coeur d’Agglo”) constitutes the final stage in a fairly sustained urban development of the town’s squares that began more than fifteen years ago. The public area charter, which was drafted at the same time as the “Heart of the District” development project, proposes to extend the same quality of open space and public use by increasing the number of “micro‐locations” in the various nooks and crannies or wider sections of streets and alleys, creating spaces akin to the tiny Italian squares: with flat ground, a beautiful tree and a few benches, they counterbalance the everyday city streets and help to create an ambiance reflecting a town in which life is pleasurable. Today, two‐thirds of the work has been completed and delivered. The project is programmed for completion by 2013.
Landscape Architect: Ilex Paysages & Urbanisme
Project name: Poitiers Cœur d’Agglomération
Project’s address: Poitiers (86) FRANCE
Participating offices and function: Ilex [Paysages urbanisme], MA Studio –lighting / Atelier Lion (mandataire) – Architect / A2i – engineering / Terao
Completion: 2013
Client: Ville de Poitiers
Area: 3,3 ha
Photographer: E.Saillet
Text: Ilex