
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-10 10:07

RMIT University Lawn

Peter Elliott Pty Ltd建筑+城市设计:RMIT大学已逐步重建其主要城市校园,作为其建筑存量和开放空间持续转型的一部分。城市空间项目始于1997年,每年都在逐步开发新的空间和场所。大学草坪是一个重要的城市公共空间。它位于校园的中心,是从拉筹伯街埃利斯法院到罗素街校友法院的一组重要互联开放空间的一部分。在空间上,大学草坪由不同的建筑周边和城市元素定义。
Peter Elliott Pty Ltd Architecture + Urban Design: RMIT University has been progressively rebuilding its main city campus as part of a sustained transformation of both its building stock and its open spaces. The Urban Spaces Project commenced in 1997 and has been continuously unfolding new spaces and places progressively each year. University Lawn is a major public space with great urban presence. It is located in the heart of campus and forms part of an important group of interlinked opens spaces from Ellis Court on La Trobe Street through to Alumni Court on Russell Street. Spatially, University Lawn is defined by a diverse perimeter of buildings and urban elements.

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

RMIT University Lawn

© John Gollings

This includes the Francis Ormond Building, Buildings 3, 5 and 15 along with the grand stair to Alumni Court, the remnant Old Melbourne Gaol walls, the belvedere embankment, the Former City Watch House and the link through to Building 20. All of these projects have been undertaken by this Practice over the last decade and form an unusual suite of urban spaces and built fabric.

As a place, University lawn is a quiet haven within the bustling city, a protected and defined space with a sunny northern exposure. It is a pivotal project as it dramatically opens up, repairs, and then adds a new urban venue which unites several pathways crossing the campus. A significant aspect of the remaking of University lawn was the rebuilding of new fronts onto the backs of all the adjoining buildings. A series of new facades, entry lobbies, lifts, terraces and stairways connect with the public space they face. This not only improves urban amenity and legibility, it brings new energy and activity to University Lawn.

The northern cafe courtyard to the Francis Ormond Building flows out onto University Lawn. Whist the café courtyard is an intimate paved space, University Lawn provides a larger more open garden setting with artificial lawn, fountains, timber decks, landscaping and an avenue of trees. To the north and east the lawn is captured by the dramatic backdrop of the Old Gaol wall which sits on top of a high embankment along with an upper terrace known as the Belvedere. The Gaol wall is heavily scarred and textural, with a centrally located arched gateway and grand stairway connecting the upper and lower levels.

University Lawn is essentially a passive space for sitting, strolling, relaxation and social interaction. It is surrounded by visually interesting buildings and remnant historic structures. It also readily accessed from several directions as various campus pathways have been opened up and linked the space. The design incorporates a number of ESD initiatives including large underground storm water collection tanks, recycled timbers and LED lighting. Both the fountain and garden irrigation systems use recycled water collected from the site.

University lawn was once a gravel car park surrounded by degraded buildings and spaces. It is now a rediscovered and magical place with a rich history going back to the foundations of Melbourne.

Project Title: RMIT University – University Lawn
Project Address: University Way, RMIT University, Melbourne 3000
Client: RMIT University
Principal Architect: Peter Elliott Pty Ltd Architecture + Urban Design
Design Architect: Peter Elliott
Project Architects: Rob Trinca & Jude Doyle
Project Team: Ellen Kwek, Louisa Lim, Daniel Bennetts, Juliet Maxsted

Project Value: $1.5 million
Site Area: 1100 m2
Designed: February 2010
Completion Date: December 2010
Head Contractor: Watpac Civil & Landscape
Photography: John Gollings

Structural & Civil Engineer: Clive Steele & Partners
Services Engineer: Umow Lai & Associates
Hydraulics Engineer: Rimmington $ Associates
Landscape Architect: Urban Initiatives Pty Ltd
Building Surveyor: BSGM Pty Ltd
Quantity Surveyor: Slattery Australia
