
景观设计 / 居住环境 2021-11-8 09:42

Guldberg Byplads

丹麦兰伯尔A/S:Guldberg Byplads是哥本哈根一个五年城市更新项目的最终成果。主要的想法是切断街道上的交通,而不是创造一个有吸引力的开放空间,在那里人们可以在白天见面、坐下、聊天、玩耍和闲逛。此外,人们一直希望为每天往返当地学校的许多儿童创造更安全的路线。
Rambøll Denmark A/S: Guldberg Byplads is the final result of a five year old urban renewal project in Copenhagen. The main idea was to cut off the traffic in the street and instead create an attractive open space, where people can meet, sit, talk, play and hang out during the day. Also, it has been a desire to create safer routes for the many children each day traveling to and from the local school.

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Stamers Kontor

Guldberg Byplads

© Stamers Kontor

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Stamers Kontor

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads

© Rambøll Denmark A/S

Guldberg Byplads的主要概念是基于对空间使用者在白天和夜晚如何移动的分析。使用者的不同类型的运动已转化为空间表面的图案。Guldberg Byplads背后的意图是在建筑密集的Nørrebro中心创造一个有吸引力的城市空间。在新种植的树木下方,放置着由树木制成的西班牙进口长椅。此外,一个由混凝土制成的底座,你可以坐在不同的高度,欣赏风景,是专为这个位置设计的。附近的地图已投射到基座的水平面上。
The main concept of Guldberg Byplads is based on an analysis of how the users of the space move during the day and night. The different types of movement of the users have been transformed into a pattern on the surface of the space. The intention behind Guldberg Byplads was to create an attractive urban space in the center of densely built-up Nørrebro. Below the newly-planted trees, Spanish imported benches made out of tree are located. Furthermore a plinth made out of concrete, where you can sit in different heights and enjoy the view, has been designed especially for the location. A map of the neighborhood has been cast into the horizontal surface of the plinth.

To create the best possible conditions for urban life 24 hours a day, eleven new trees have been planted. The trees soften the urban space, creates niches and an improved microclimate. In the darker hours the space is lit up by bended, conically shaped light masts, which have been supplied with spotlights, which graze the tree leaves and project the leaves on the granite pavement.

Landscape Architect and Engineering: Rambøll Denmark A/S
Project name: Guldberg Byplads
Location: Nørrebro, Copenhagen
Realized: The 15th of june 2012
Area: 2000 m2
Client: The Municipality of Copenhagen
