Milky’s Fold咖啡馆/西蒙·费库尔项目
Milky’s Fold Coffee Shop / Simone Ferkul Projects
空间创新的延续与突破:这个项目最引人入胜之处在于它对品牌DNA的延续与创新。设计团队Simone Ferkul Projects并没有简单地复制前两个地点的风格,而是将“Milky”标志性的细长钻石图形元素进行了“三维展开”。这种设计策略巧妙地利用了金属、木材和石材等多种材料,在墙面、货架、门把手等细节处营造出丰富而富有层次感的视觉效果,同时实现了功能性与美观性的统一。这种从平面到立体的转变,体现了设计师对品牌语言的深刻理解,以及在有限空间内进行创意探索的卓越能力,为品牌形象赋予了新的生命力。
© Riley Snelling
© Riley Snelling
建筑师提供的文字描述Milky的第三个地点是第三个维度——Milky在多伦多Dundas St W 1243号的最新咖啡店,于2024年3月15日开业。该空间由Simone Ferkul Projects设计,延续了前两个地点的标志性创新设计,但也有一些转折。银河系独特的细长钻石不是用新材料表达的,而是展开成三维的。金属、木材和石头表面用于创建3d图案。创造性思维发现了这种形状的功能性用途,这在货架、显示器甚至门把手上都很明显。
Text description provided by the architects. For Milky's third location, a third dimension - Milky's newest coffee shop at 1243 Dundas St W in Toronto, opened March 15th, 2024. The space, designed by Simone Ferkul Projects, evolves the iconic, innovative designs of the first two locations, but with a twist. Rather than being expressed in a new material, Milky's distinctive elongated diamond is unfolded into three dimensions. Metal, wood, and stone surfaces were used to create the 3d pattern. Creative thinking found functional uses for the shape which is apparent in the shelving, displays, and even a door handle.
© Riley Snelling
人们期望银河三号将在墙壁和天花板上的新材料中重新使用图形标识。人们喜欢称其他位置为“木制”或“石质”。“但避免期望是我们最擅长的,所以我们找到了一种看待钻石的新方法。”——Milky’s的创始人Fraser Greenberg。这个空间的突出之处之一是酒吧墙上镶嵌的木制钻石。三百多件被切割、贴合并粘在凹槽中,然后手工放置,创造出一个微妙而不傲慢的品牌时刻。
"There was an expectation that Milky's three would re-use the graphic identity in a new material on the walls and ceiling. People like calling the other locations the "wood one" or "stone one." But avoiding expectations is what we're best at so we found a new way of looking at the diamond." -- Fraser Greenberg, founder of Milky's. One of the standouts of the space is the wooden diamonds faceted along the bar wall. More than three hundred pieces were cut, fit, and glued into the fluting and placed by hand to create a brand moment that is subtle, instead of overbearing.
© Riley Snelling
Milky’s与当地人喜爱的理发店the Fitting Room共享这个空间。西蒙不得不在两家公司狭窄的功能和美学重叠中穿行。材料、形式和颜色在商店之间协调一致,而细节则使它们与众不同。“空间内分散的浅色饰面与温暖的橡木色调相辅相成,成为客人参与和品牌激活的接触点。这些温暖的元素在空间中娱乐和引导人们的目光。”——Simone Ferkul Projects创始人Simone Ferku
Milky's shares the space with a locally loved barbershop, The Fitting Room. Simone had to navigate a narrow functional and aesthetic overlap of the two businesses. Materials, forms, and colors were coordinated to work between the shops, while details distinguished them. "Light finishes dispersed within the space are complemented by warm oak accents that become touch points for guest engagement and brand activation. These warm elements entertain and guide the eye through the space." -- Simone Ferkul, founder of Simone Ferkul Projects
© Riley Snelling
© Riley Snelling
About the Experience - The new shop serves the same well-loved drinks and treats as the other Milky's locations with a space better focussed on hospitality. Evolving the brand, wooden touch points provide warmth and anchor guest interactions, as exemplified in the food display. Furthermore, visibility between the customers and baristas encourages conversation and showcases the process of hand-crafting a beverage. Behind the bar is seating in two modes: high tops for leaning and casual low seats with tables. Due to the narrow nature of the space, unique design solutions that incorporate storage and seating were required to ensure a comfortable guest experience that invites users to stay and enjoy Milky's original beverage offerings.
© Riley Snelling
朋友和家人-Anony和Relative Space作为合作者回归,提供他们最新的照明和表面。Anony的最新设计Pola灯展示在酒吧上方,其铝制拱门与空间的细节相呼应。
Friends and Family - Anony and Relative Space return as collaborators, providing their newest lighting and surfaces. Anony's newest design, the Pola light, is showcased above the bar, its aluminum arches echoing details from the space.
© Riley Snelling
© Riley Snelling
关于银河——银河是咖啡和幸福的提供者,也是早上好的守护者。Fraser Greenberg还拥有环保、以设计为重点的公司Relative Space,这家全新的公司以优质咖啡、原创、创意饮料、周到的款待和引人注目的设计为中心。每个银河系的位置都是一个新的、创新的和创造性的设计机会,而这个机会被抓住了。
About Milky's - Milky's is a purveyor of coffee and happiness, and a curator of good mornings. The brand-new venture from Fraser Greenberg, who also owns the eco-friendly, design-focused company Relative Space, is centered around excellent coffee, original, creative drinks, thoughtful hospitality, and compelling design. Every Milky's location is an opportunity for a new, innovative, and creative design, and that opportunity is taken.
© Riley Snelling