设计理念的创新与在地性:“LOCAL FISH”项目最令人印象深刻的是其对当地环境和历史的深刻理解与尊重。项目没有采用常见的推倒重建模式,而是巧妙地利用了原有的制冰室结构。设计师在保留建筑原有风貌,如被海盐腐蚀的墙壁、外露钢筋等细节的同时,注入了新的生命力。这种对历史痕迹的尊重与对当地文化的融入,使得项目与周围环境融为一体,而非突兀地插入。这种设计理念在地性十足,体现了对渔港文化和社区的深入思考。例如,渔民对咖啡馆的态度,以及保留建筑原始外观的努力,都显示了设计师对当地文化的尊重。
空间设计的巧妙与功能的多样性: 项目在空间利用上展现了极高的智慧。设计师充分利用了原有建筑的狭窄尺度,设计了狭窄的门、楼梯、小通道和转弯平台,营造出独特的空间体验。同时,通过开大窗户,将周围的港口风景引入室内,实现内外空间的互动。原本用于运输冰块的升降平台被巧妙地改造,一个沉入一楼,一个作为小型展览空间,赋予了建筑更多的可能性。此外,咖啡馆的功能也超越了单一的餐饮功能,成为一个供不同人群共享的场所。这种多样化的功能,增强了项目的活力和吸引力,使其不仅仅是一个咖啡馆,更是一个社区的聚集地。
材料与细节的融合与对比: 项目在材料运用和细节处理上体现了设计师的精湛技艺。设计师选择了克制的处理方式,使得细节与粗犷的建筑界面和谐统一,反而更能展现出一种质感。原有的结构元素,如船的骨架,被巧妙地拆解并重新组装成一个棚屋的骨架,渔网被悬挂在骨架之间,在阳光下闪闪发光,创造出充满诗意的遮蔽空间。这种材料的再利用和改造,不仅体现了环保理念,也赋予了建筑独特的韵味。业主对灯具、家具和艺术品的选择也为小建筑增添了装饰风格和趣味,与建筑本身的原始质感形成了有趣的对比,让整个项目更具吸引力。
© Zou Xunkai
© Zou Xunkai
Text description provided by the architects. Swimmers climbed ashore. Fishermen carrying plastic buckets filled with daily necessities for going out to sea boarded their boats. They met in the middle of two small buildings. This was originally an ice-cutting room next to the ice factory. For many years, it delivered ice to fishing boats that were about to set sail. Now, it is a coffee shop called LOCAL FISH, delivering coffee to strangers who arrived. Motorcycle traffic is frequent. Suntanned local men in the corridor on the second floor of the dangerous building of the ice factory opposite and watched and said: "LOCAL FISH, damn! We have so many of them (the name of the cafe is also a type of fish name) and they still want them", "This is a coffee shop", "Do we have a discount for coffee?"
© Zou Xunkai
© Zou Xunkai
How should a cafe that appeared on the dock due to the transformation of the town be understood and introduced to the local area? This was the consensus that the operators of "LOCAL FISH" Yasan and Amei and we, as the designers, initially needed to reach. After several twists and turns, we defeated a competitor who intended to paint them pink for photos. We tried our best to preserve and restore the original appearance of the building – walls corroded by sea salt; exposed steel bars; ice-making, professional cranes, crew introduction phone numbers on the wall, and dense names of ship owners and fishing boat numbers are the dense information network of the fishing port.
© Zou Xunkai
© Zou Xunkai
Because it was originally a space for processing ice, the small building has a unique scale and spatial feeling. We imitated this scale in the design – narrow doors and stairs, small passages and turning platforms, but opened large windows to input the surrounding port scenery into the room. The original lifting platform for transporting ice cubes, one was sunk on the first floor, and the other was lifted to the second floor as a small exhibition space.
© Zou Xunkai
We made a more restrained treatment on some details, so that they are not inconsistent with the rough interface but show a sense of quality. The owner's choice of lamps, furniture and artworks also adds to the decorative style and interest of the small building. Next to the two small buildings, the skeleton of a ship was disassembled and reassembled into the skeleton of a shed. The colorful fishing nets woven by local fishermen were stretched between the skeletons and sparkled in the sun. This is a shady place shared by people waiting to board the ship, people fishing, people from the rescue association, people who swim in winter and people who drink coffee.
© Zou Xunkai
© Zou Xunkai
Next to the two small buildings, the skeleton of a ship was disassembled and reassembled into the skeleton of a shed. The colorful fishing nets woven by local fishermen were stretched between the skeletons and sparkled in the sun. This is a shady place shared by people waiting to board the ship, people fishing, people from the rescue association, people who swim in winter and people who drink coffee.
© Zou Xunkai