VJC Iporanga House/大卫巴斯托斯+玛丽娜大厅建筑与室内设计

室内设计 / 居住空间 2025-2-24 10:32

VJC Iporanga House/大卫巴斯托斯+玛丽娜大厅建筑与室内设计
VJC Iporanga House / David Bastos + Marina Salles Arquitetura e Interiores

地形与自然的完美融合:VJC Iporanga House项目最引人注目的亮点在于其对陡峭地形的巧妙利用以及与周边大西洋森林的无缝融合。建筑师巧妙地将房屋“降落”在地形之上,而非简单地建造在地面上,这种设计手法使得建筑能够最大程度地融入自然环境。项目颠覆了传统的空间组织模式,将私密空间置于较低楼层,由植被环抱,营造出宁静氛围;而社交和休闲空间则位于高层,如同树梢上的观景平台,最大限度地利用了海滨景观,将建筑与周围的自然环境完美结合。



© Fran Parente

© Fran Parente

建筑师提供的文字描述理想的避暑胜地,是在距离圣保罗首都约100公里的瓜鲁贾的一座特权住宅公寓中,Reside M ncia VJC项目成为大西洋森林环绕的绿洲。
Text description provided by the architects. Idealized as a summer retreat, it is in a privileged residential condominium in Guarujá - a city located about 100km from the capital of São Paulo - that the project for Residência VJC emerges as an oasis embraced by the Atlantic Forest.

© Fran Parente

随着建筑项目委托给建筑师David Bastos(DB Arquitetos),陡峭的地形带来了微妙地降落房屋并将其完全融入当地植被的挑战。考虑到这一点,从最初的设计到完工的八年后,新家从负责项目分配的五层楼的重叠中实现。在这个项目中,提出了传统程序组织的倒置,亲密翼布置在较低的楼层——被植被遮挡,那里更安静——而社交和休闲翼位于较高的楼层,在树梢的高度,通过这些开口构成了沿海景观。
With the architectural project commissioned to architect David Bastos (DB Arquitetos), the steeply sloping terrain posed the challenge of delicately landing the house and completely integrating it into the native vegetation. With this in mind, after eight years from the initial design to completion, the new home materializes from the overlapping of five floors responsible for the distribution of the program. Proposing the inversion of the traditional programmatic organization, in this project, the intimate wing is arranged on the lower floors - sheltered by the vegetation mass and where there is greater tranquility - while the social and leisure wing is located on the upper levels, at the height of the treetops and through which openings frame the coastal landscape.

© Fran Parente

在室内设计的最后阶段,装修项目由建筑师Marina Salles(Marina Salles Arquitetura e Interiores)领导,他还负责这对夫妇在圣保罗的房子的主要室内装修过程。作为一种沉浸式的邀请,该提案利用了住宅周围的双层结构,从应用于基础的天然原材料到树木的叶子——暗指树屋的想法——通过建议一个避难所。从城市狂热中停顿下来,这里是放慢脚步、重视生活方式的理想场所。
In the finalization stage of the interiors, the decoration project is led by architect Marina Salles (Marina Salles Arquitetura e Interiores) - who was also in charge of the renovation process of the main interiors of the couple's house in São Paulo. An invitation to immersion, the proposal takes advantage of the double layer that surrounds the residence, from the palette of natural raw materials applied to the base, to the foliage of the trees - alluding to the idea of ​​a tree house - by suggesting a refuge. A pause from urban frenzy, this is the ideal place to slow down, valuing the lifestyle.

© Fran Parente

© Fran Parente

Dedicated essentially to leisure, on the top floor, the living rooms, dining room, and kitchen merge with the balcony, solarium, and swimming pool, enjoying moments of introspection and calm. Gradually, the scenario that embraces the residence is revealed through generous glass panels that frame the view that unfolds on the horizon, like a constantly changing canvas.

© Fran Parente

Privileging interaction and shared moments among the family and friends of the resident couple, the layout of the living room focuses on the center of the space, while the transparency of the window frames visually brings the flora inside. The furniture mix predominates: family heirlooms, new Brazilian design pieces, solid wood findings, and others designed by Marina Salles specifically for the project.

© Fran Parente

© Fran Parente

在这一系列中,Jocal制作的这对沙发增加了意大利设计师Paola Navone为Gervasoni(Casual Móveis)设计的一对灰色07扶手椅,该扶手椅采用Ecosimple的防水帆布,以防止盐空气的作用,Xangai藤条扶手椅(Amazônia Móveis)、土著长椅(Dpot Objetos)、一对嵌套的边桌(由建筑师设计),以及由米纳斯吉拉斯州蒂拉登茨的一个木工车间发现并委托的拆卸木制成的箱子、侧板、边桌和中央桌。重新定义了它们的用途,这些充满故事的碎片承担了新的功能:餐具柜支撑着酒吧,而箱子则变成了边桌。
In the ensemble, the pair of sofas, made by Jocal, adds to the pair of Gray 07 armchairs, designed by Italian designer Paola Navone for Gervasoni (Casual Móveis) - in waterproof canvas from Ecosimple for protection against the action of salt air - Xangai rattan armchair (Amazônia Móveis), indigenous benches (Dpot Objetos), pair of nesting side tables (designed by the architect), as well as chest, sideboard, side, and center tables in demolition wood, found and commissioned from a carpentry workshop in Tiradentes, Minas Gerais. Resignifying their uses, the found pieces, full of stories, assume new functions: the sideboard supports the bar, while the chest becomes a side table.

© Fran Parente

房子一直在移动,就像居住在里面的居民一样有机。因此,选择较轻的部件有助于在需要时重新布局。在寒冷的日子里,悬挂的壁炉是一种舒适的选择,可以让人享受阅读的时光。为了装饰空间,家具被放置在不透水的地毯上(Clatt),颜色通过配饰和装饰件引入,如垫子、陶瓷和花瓶。在餐厅里,由建筑师设计并由Prime Marcenaria执行的实木桌子由一套Gana椅子(Franccino Giardini)组成,这些椅子是用绳子和防潮织物手工编织的,最多可容纳10人。
The house is in constant movement, organic like the residents who inhabit it. For this reason, the choice of lighter pieces facilitates the rearrangement of the layout when desired. A comfort in colder days, the suspended fireplace proposes moments of reading. Adorning the space, the furniture is placed on an impermeable rug (Clatt), and color is introduced through accessories and decorative pieces, such as cushions, ceramics, and vases. In the dining room, the solid wood table, designed by the architect and executed by Prime Marcenaria, is composed of a set of Gana chairs (Franccino Giardini) - hand-woven in rope and moisture-resistant fabric - comfortably seating up to 10 people.

© Fran Parente

Privileging the landscape that appears framed on both sides - the first through the large wooden and glass frames that demarcate the entire vertical circulation, and the second towards the balcony - the lighting project, signed by Lightworks, avoids barriers in the field of view of those sitting at the table, so the traditional use of pendants gives way to the Canoa luminaire, authored by the same office. The piece, whose design refers to the typical boats of the Brazilian coast, has a continuous lighting system, and the absence of visible light bulbs gives it a delicate appearance.

© Fran Parente

© Fran Parente

在聚集的框架相遇的角落里,这反过来又决定了一个被绿色植物包裹的受保护的“L”,Canela桌子的位置(由Fernando Prado为Dpot制作的实木)暗示了一个游戏和快餐的空间。仍然在合奏中,椅子(Amazônia Móveis)由防水帆布罩(Ecosimple)和Olho Móveis的落地灯保护。最后一点是陶罐中的陶瓷和排列。
In the corner where the gathered frames meet, which in turn determines a protected "L" wrapped in greenery, the positioning of the Canela table (turned solid wood, by Fernando Prado for Dpot) suggests a space for games and quick meals. Still in the ensemble, chairs (Amazônia Móveis) are protected by a waterproof canvas cover (Ecosimple), and a floor lamp from Olho Móveis. The final touch is given by the ceramics and arrangements in clay pots.

© Fran Parente

美食阳台被质朴的木制凉棚遮蔽,与客厅和餐厅融为一体,呼应了与自然的接触点:与建筑表面的材料相协调,木桌周围环绕着一套与餐桌相同型号的椅子,加强了内外的连续性;在户外生活区,来自Taúna的沙发和扶手椅采用Sunbrella面料,一对来自Nani Chinellato的Acqua坐垫和一张木咖啡桌与一对从主地址带来的现有躺椅搭配在一起。
Shaded by the rustic wooden pergola, the gourmet balcony is integrated with the living and dining rooms, echoing the point of contact with nature: in harmony with the materials found on the surfaces of the architecture, the log table is surrounded by a set of chairs of the same model as those found at the dining table, reinforcing the continuity between inside and outside; while in the outdoor living area, the sofa and armchair from Taúna with Sunbrella fabric, a pair of Acqua poufs from Nani Chinellato, and a wooden coffee table accompany a pair of loungers - existing ones brought from the main address.

© Fran Parente

An ode to the coastal climate, in this residence the palette of natural materials seeks to translate the concepts of warmth and lightness. In architecture, granite slabs cover the interior floors and pool deck, while wood is applied to the panel slats, lining, and perimeter louvers in Cumaru. In the decoration, the mix of pieces in wood, linen, straw, wicker, and ceramics, suggests the laid-back simplicity of an authentic beach house, without forgetting the easy maintenance and durability of the effects of time and sea air.

© Fran Parente

在露台上,鼓励与自然融为一体的体验,没有围栏加强了居民与景观之间的关系,就像从一个角度可以看到树梢上方的大海一样。为了支持沉思,由巴西设计师Carlos Motta设计的一套Astúrias Fixa扶手椅与面向海湾的休息室的拆除木箱一起使用。在对面,面对树梢,躺椅(由CR Santos Tapeçaria设计)有利于在阳光下休息。
Encouraging an experience integrated with nature, on the terrace the lack of enclosures intensifies the relationship between residents and the landscape, like a viewpoint from which it is possible to see the sea above the treetops. To support contemplation, the set of Astúrias Fixa armchairs, designed by Brazilian designer Carlos Motta, accompanies demolition wood trunks for a lounge facing the cove. On the opposite side, facing the treetops, the daybed (by CR Santos Tapeçaria) favors rest under the sunlight.

© Fran Parente

欢迎和宁静定义了亲密的翅膀。为了实现这一点,为原始室内设计选择材料可以增强体验。在卧室里,围绕立面的板条木板的双重性,有时充当护栏(固定在中间高度),就像虾式开放系统中的胸脯,增加了一层保护。在装饰方面,床单遵循了风景中的细微差别,采用了原始、绿色和蓝色的色调,枕头和脚踏板的棉套是由Estúdio Avelós专门生产的。在主卧套房里,有一把陶阿利和柳条结构的上海扶手椅(Amazônia Móveis),上面装饰着垫子(Dpot Objetos)和一个用于存放毯子的天然纤维篮。
Welcoming and serenity define the intimate wing. To achieve this, the selection of materials for the original interior design enhances the experience. In the bedrooms, the duality of the slatted wooden panels that surround the facades, sometimes acting as guardrails (fixed at mid-height), as brises in a shrimp-type opening system, add a layer of protection. In terms of decoration, the layettes follow the nuances found in the landscape, in tones of raw, green, and blue, and the cotton covers for the pillows and footboards were specially produced by Estúdio Avelós. In the master suite, a Shanghai armchair (Amazônia Móveis) in a Tauari and wicker structure, adorned with a cushion (Dpot Objetos) and a natural fiber basket for storing blankets.

© Fran Parente

出于对细节的欣赏,每间套房都有个性化的床单,包括沙滩包、浴袍和毛巾——上面绣着航海主题的插图,由Marina Salles特别设计,并由专业供应商开发。颜色与床单上的颜色一致。在家庭影院,亚麻窗帘也受到木制板条遮阳伞的保护,当面板打开时,亚麻窗帘会过滤自然光。诱人的亚麻内饰与橙色和绿色条纹挂毯形成了和谐的对比。在墙上,稻草篮的组合在表面上创造了一个图形,增强了当地的手工艺品。
With an appreciation for detail, each of the suites had personalized linens, including a beach bag, bathrobe, and towels – embroidered with nautical-themed illustrations, specially designed by Marina Salles, and developed by a specialized supplier. The colors follow those applied to the bed linen. Also protected by wooden slatted sunshades, in the home theater, linen curtains filter natural light when the panels are open. The inviting linen upholstery harmoniously contrasts with the orange and green striped tapestry. On the wall, a composition of straw baskets creates a graphic on the surface and enhances local artisanal work.

© Fran Parente

VJC Iporanga House/大卫巴斯托斯+玛丽娜大厅建筑与室内设计