城市橱柜系列(1)/Beatriz Arroyo+Lys Villalba
Urban Cabinets Series (1) / Beatriz Arroyo + Lys Villalba
家具建筑的革新概念: 城市橱柜系列(1)的核心在于其“家具建筑”的设计理念,将家具放大到建筑尺度,模糊了室内空间与家具之间的界限。这种设计手法颠覆了传统住宅的设计模式,赋予了空间更强的可塑性和多功能性。项目中,大型桌子、可逆橱柜、办公桌等家具元素不再仅仅是填充空间的附属品,而是作为空间的主导者,定义了居住者的活动区域,并以其独特的形态塑造了空间的整体风格。这种设计策略不仅提高了空间利用率,也为居住者带来了更个性化和灵活的生活体验,充分体现了设计者的创新思维和对居住空间的深度思考。
材料与工艺的精妙融合: 项目对材料的选择和工艺的处理达到了精湛的程度。设计师注重手工和定制材料的应用,例如彩色水磨石桌面、折叠钢板和标准化木板等,这些材料不仅具有独特的质感和美学价值,也体现了对传统工艺的尊重。同时,项目的实施过程中,不同建筑行业的工匠在现场进行协作,实现了手工制作的精细化与现场施工的协调统一。这种对材料、工艺和施工的精心把控,使得项目在细节上经得起推敲,呈现出精致而富有质感的空间效果,也反映了设计师对品质的极致追求和对传统手工艺的推崇。
空间重塑与功能整合的巧妙结合: 该项目成功地对原有住宅的空间进行了重塑和功能整合。通过拆除隔断,恢复原始露台,并利用“家具建筑”来定义空间,设计师将原本封闭的居住环境改造成了通透、开放的社交空间。例如,横跨空间的巨型桌子,既是就餐区、学习区,也是交流的中心。厨房和办公区域与起居室的融合,实现了空间功能的无缝衔接,满足了现代家庭对多功能空间的需求。这种设计策略极大地提升了空间的使用效率和灵活性,体现了设计师对居住者生活方式的深刻理解和对空间布局的精准把握,为未来住宅设计提供了有益的借鉴。
© José Hevia
© José Hevia
Site plan
© José Hevia
Urban Cabinet是一系列住房修复项目,探索围绕家具建筑概念的设计策略。在每种情况下,一系列家具变成了空间,构成了介于这两个尺度之间的家庭生活。家具生长,变成XXL,并被认为具有建筑风格。它重视手工和定制材料,这些材料由小公司手工制作,在最终执行过程中,来自这两个地区的不同建筑行业将在现场进行对话。
Urban Cabinets is a series of housing rehabilitation projects that explore design strategies around the concept of furniture architecture. In each of them, a family of furniture-that-turns-into-spaces configures domesticities halfway between these two scales. The furniture grows, becomes XXL, and is thought architecturally. It values handmade and custom-made materials, artisanally made in small companies, and in whose final execution, different construction trades from both areas will enter into dialogue on-site.
© José Hevia
Floor plan
The first project in the series addresses the renovation of a 1950s home in the Salamanca neighborhood of Madrid. The original home, which divided the public space of the house into different rooms - entrance hall, living room, study, kitchen, hallway - hindered cross ventilation, the enjoyment of southern light in winter, and access to the terrace. The renovation proposes to unify this domestic environment - cleaning and leaving its structure exposed; recovering the original terrace - and articulate it through a series of furniture architectures that equip the space inhabited by this family.
© José Hevia
Tables - detail
© José Hevia
吃饭、聊天、学习、玩耍、画画、做饭、阅读、工作在Urban Cabinet Series(1)中,一切都发生在桌子周围。正是这张桌子的设计——横向放置在空间中,在程序之间的一个未定义的地方——重新构建了房子的家庭生活。这张3.5米长、1.05米宽的桌面由三对固定在地板上的金属圆柱体组成,用彩色水磨石手工制作,上面撒着小五彩纸屑状碎片,从而释放了周围的所有空间。
Eating, conversing, studying, playing, painting, cooking, reading, working... In Urban Cabinet Series (1) everything takes place around a table. And it is the design of this table - placed transversely in the space, in an undefined place between programs - that reconfigures the domesticities of the house. Handcrafted in colored terrazzo sprinkled with small confetti-like pieces, the 3.5m long and 1.05m wide tabletop rests on a structure of three pairs of metal cylinders anchored to the floor, thus freeing up all the space around it.
© José Hevia
© José Hevia
On one side of it, the kitchen, whose shorter front becomes the second piece of this family of small furniture architectures: a reversible cabinet, with a countertop on one side and a coat rack on the other, perforated by an oculus from which to look out upon arriving home.
© José Hevia
On the other side, is the living office, where a second table organizes a collective study space. Two lateral supports made of folded steel sheets and a standardized maximum length wooden board (366 cm) blend without screws or joints, configuring free work support for the whole family.
© José Hevia