
室内设计 / 居住空间 2025-2-22 15:40

Wabi Sabi Apartment / Makhno Studio

侘寂美学的深度诠释:这个项目最引人入胜之处在于其对“侘寂”(Wabi-Sabi)美学的深刻理解和实践。设计师并未拘泥于表面的形式,而是深入挖掘了“侘寂”的核心内涵——接受不完美、追求简约、强调自然的本质。通过选择天然材料,如粘土、木材、未经修饰的岩石,营造出一种质朴而宁静的氛围。空间布局的简化,以及对“隐藏”元素的运用,更强化了“侘寂”所提倡的“less is more”理念。例如,隐藏的厨房和衣柜,以及大面积的落地窗,都体现了对生活本质的提炼和对多余装饰的摒弃。



Courtesy of Makhno Studio

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

任务为大家庭中的一对年轻夫妇设计一套单独的公寓。在这里定居空虚和舒适,自然和技术,激情和禅宗。只有wabi sabi能做到这一点。
Task. To design a separate apartment for a young couple in a big family nest. To settle here emptiness and comfort, nature and technologies, passion and zen. Only wabi-sabi can do that.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

Realization. We will start with not a classic description of the interior, but with things that make people live wabi-sabi. To live wabi-sabi means to live a simple, conscious life, in harmony with oneself, with all other harmonies coming in gradually. By the way, not a single Japanese can accurately explain the essence of this concept — it’s in their blood. Another version — they wouldn't want to as every family has its own understanding, which is kept secret far from the other families.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

规划尽可能简单。一间带隐蔽厨房的客厅,一间带隐藏衣柜的卧室,以及一间玻璃后面的浴室。前一句中的两个“隐藏”词是故意使用的。如果你喜欢wabi sabi,你需要忘记所有有几十个小雕像的架子,即使其中一个是你奶奶或初恋的礼物。只有封闭的存储区域。如果你真的喜欢那个奶奶的陶瓷猫,它应该很荣幸被放在房间的中心,而不是放在几十个小雕像中。因为wabi sabi是关于对你来说真正重要的事情。
Planning is as simple as possible. A living room with a hidden kitchen, a bedroom with a hidden wardrobe, and a bathroom behind the glass. And two “hidden” words in a previous sentence were used on purpose. If you are about wabi-sabi, you need to forget about all the shelves with dozens of statuettes, even if one of them is a gift from your granny or your first love. Only closed storage areas. And if you really like that granny’s ceramic cat — it should be honored to be placed in the center of the room, not among dozens of statuettes alike. Because wabi-sabi is about the things that really matter to you.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

客厅墙壁是粘土做的,天花板是粘土和木头做的,四堵墙中有一堵是窗户。日本人的wabi sabi生活方式是一种平和快乐的接受整个生命周期。从出生到死亡,从最辉煌的时刻到彻底的衰落。因此,这里的主要装饰元素是一扇6米长的窗户,可以看到风景,无论世界上有什么东西会出现和消失。一次又一次。
Living room. The walls are in clay, the ceiling is in clay and wood, one of the four walls is a window. Japanese wabi-sabi way of life is a peaceful joy to accept the full life circle. From birth to death, from the point of greatest glory to complete decline. Therefore, the main décor element here is a 6-meter window with a view of the landscape that no matter what will come into the world and die. Again, and again.

The main composite element here is an ample sofa and a dining table. The blue-steel-legged table is a wart slab, whose bruises are healed with a polymer resin. Above the table, there are designer ceramic storm lamps KHMARA by MAKHNO products, when the rain has not yet begun and has not passed.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

Serhii Makhno和Slavko Odarchenko设计的陶瓷花瓶的灵感来自日本著名艺术家Shiro Tsujimura的作品。墙上挂着彩色橡木——是的,这就是我们隐藏的厨房。咖啡桌是老柳树树桩。
The ceramic vase designed by Serhii Makhno and Slavko Odarchenko was inspired by the work of the famous Japanese artist Shiro Tsujimura. Tinted oak on the wall — yes, this is where our hidden kitchen is. And the coffee tables are old willow stumps.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

卧室当你接受事物的本来面目,不去试图改善它们时,你就有更多的时间来享受这些东西。不完美不是可以忍受的。这是生活中不可或缺的一部分,我们必须学会接受和庆祝。一张柔软的床放在MAKHNO Products的设计师灯具的臂弯里,后面是隐藏衣柜的同色橡木。这就够了。
Bedroom. When you accept things as they are and do not try to improve them, there is more time left to just enjoy these things. Imperfection is not something to be endured. It is an integral part of life we must learn to accept and celebrate. A soft bed in the arms of designer lamps by MAKHNO Products, behind which is the same tinted oak that hides the wardrobe. All that is enough.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

Courtesy of Makhno Studio

Bathroom. A glass wall, on the contrary, doesn’t hide the bathroom but gives it some air. It gives it a chance to be a full-fledged part of the space, not a soggy corner without windows. Here, there’s also clay on the walls — the whole space is like a canvas for the most talented artist — life.

Courtesy of Makhno Studio
