Lavalle / proyecto triangular
多功能模块化设计: 项目的精髓体现在对功能的多样化和灵活性的高度重视。 设计师精心打造了三个功能模块,巧妙地将浴室、厨房、储物、甚至图书馆等功能整合到有限的空间内。模块化设计不仅提升了空间的利用率,也满足了居住者在同一空间内生活和工作的需求。卧室的设计也体现了这种灵活性,通过双向门与公寓其他区域分隔,既提供了私密性,又可以根据需要开放空间。这种设计理念体现了对居住者生活方式的深刻理解和对空间高效利用的追求,在小户型设计中具有很高的借鉴意义。
材料的对话与历史的尊重:项目在材料的选择和运用上展现了对建筑历史的尊重和对当代审美的融合。 保留原始建筑的材料肌理,例如裸露的砖墙和混凝土,为空间注入了历史的沉淀感,与白色主色调形成了鲜明的对比,突出了材质的微妙变化。同时,设计师采用了抛光微水泥、半透明材料和暖色调的木质储物柜,为空间增添了现代感和温馨氛围。这种新旧材料的巧妙对话,不仅丰富了视觉层次,也体现了对建筑历史的尊重,并为居住者营造了舒适宜人的生活环境,是项目设计中非常出彩的部分。
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
Text description provided by the architects. The intervention is carried out in a 32m2 apartment in a listed building of heritage character from the thirties in the Balvanera neighborhood, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The preexisting organization of the unit presented a series of poorly articulated enclosures, so the work was done to maximize the entry of natural light throughout the unit and recover the footprint of the original project, while adapting to contemporary ways of living, such as living and working in the same space.
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
The purpose of the apartment was to accommodate a permanent residence and a professional development space for a textile designer, which required a capacity for flexibility of the unit and adequate storage space. For this, three pieces were designed that organize the new configuration of the apartment and adopt almost all of its height, capable of accommodating various storage spaces, as well as activities such as cooking and hygiene, among others.
One of them defines the bathroom space, and the other is the kitchen space. Another is responsible for having a triple function, providing library storage towards the living-working space, and accommodating some appliances adjacent to the kitchen space. In contrast, the bedroom functions as a dressing room, complemented by a two-position door that allows isolating the bedroom from the rest of the apartment.
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
The materials catalog is defined by the integration of preexisting textures, discovered after the demolition and dismantling of the ceilings. The exposed brick was left on the walls and the imprint of the wood from the formwork was preserved in the concrete of the ceiling and columns, as well as the original moldings of the building. All these materials became homogeneous from the white color, highlighting the subtle variations of the textures.
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
The floor became continuous through the application of polished micro cement. In addition, translucent materials such as polycarbonate were used to filter the views, allowing light to pass through the entire apartment, as well as guatambu storage modules that provide warmth to the intervention. In the case of the bathroom, opal glass was used towards the exterior and polycarbonate towards the interior, acting as a thermal bridge breaker and avoiding condensation of vapor, while maintaining the entry of light.
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
Cortesía de proyecto triangular
In conclusion, the intervention carried out in this apartment has allowed for greater integration of spaces, the entry of natural light throughout the unit, and the maximization of its flexibility and storage capacity. The material palette used respects the history of the building while introducing contemporary elements that provide warmth and luminosity to the intervention.
Cortesía de proyecto triangular