House LU / KC Design Studio
空间布局的精妙设计:House LU / KC Design Studio 在空间布局上展现出卓越的专业素养。首先,垂直交通核心——楼梯与电梯的设置,巧妙地连接了整个住宅的各个层面,成为空间的灵魂。设计师并未拘泥于传统,而是将楼梯设计成悬挑式,并通过堆叠的台阶创造出立面的层次感,这种创新手法赋予了空间动态的活力。其次,公共区域的设计灵活多变,预留了大面积的开放空间,配合浅色基调,为居住者的个性化布置提供了无限可能。这种“留白”的设计,不仅提升了空间利用率,也体现了设计师对居住者生活方式的深刻理解。
光线与材质的巧妙运用:光线和材质的运用是 House LU / KC Design Studio 的另一大亮点。设计师大胆地将原有的封闭楼梯墙拆除,取而代之的是大面积的玻璃,从而将自然光引入室内,创造出丰富的光影效果。这种设计手法不仅提升了空间的通透感,也赋予了空间多变的表情。在材质的选择上,设计师巧妙地将暖木、浅色矿物漆、金属、铁部件和大理石等多种材质进行组合,并通过色彩的巧妙搭配,营造出温馨而富有质感的空间氛围。特别是地下室娱乐室的设计,利用中庭引入自然光,解决了采光问题,也使得地下空间不再阴暗压抑,体现了设计师对细节的关注。
以人为本的设计理念:House LU / KC Design Studio 充分体现了以人为本的设计理念。在满足基本居住需求的基础上,设计师深入挖掘了居住者的生活习惯和个性化需求。例如,考虑到业主对品酒和聚会的偏好,特别设计了地下室娱乐室;在二、三层私人区域的设计上,借鉴了酒店的布局,将各种功能设施融入日常生活,重新定义了家居空间,充分体现了设计师对居住者生活方式的尊重。这种将设计与居住者紧密结合的设计理念,使得 House LU / KC Design Studio 不仅仅是一个建筑作品,更是一个能够满足居住者精神和物质需求的理想居所,体现了设计的终极价值。
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
Text description provided by the architects. Compared to an ordinary apartment, the space plan of a townhouse has to take more aspects into consideration. Besides the functions and flow planning of each floor, privacy and safety are also important. The main purpose of the design is to make full use of the space and make the most appropriate space plan according to the residents’ preferences and living habits.
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
Plan - Basement 01 and 1st Floor
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
As the major flow of the house, the staircase and elevator serve as the soul to connect the overall space through its location and style. First, the vertical flow is established in the middle of the house. From the floor, the stacked steps connecting the cantilevered stairs are extended to the elevation. Each step, stacked up like building blocks, infuses different layers into the space. The original enclosed stair wall is removed to introduce light indoors through large glass and stair gaps and create different effects of light and shadow.
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
A large empty area on the first floor is reserved for great flexibility. In the background of a large area of light-colored mineral paint, the sofa in the highly-saturated color is placed, and the owner’s collections and potted plants embellish the space and showcase personal style. Different materials are combined to decorate details and set the tone of the atmosphere.
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
Considering the owner’s preference for wine tasting and gathering with family and friends, the entertainment room is placed in the basement, where natural light is introduced through the atrium to solve the problem of insufficient light. The elevated couch area allows the guests to sit freely on the steps and move and talk more freely without limitation.
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
Plan - 2nd and 3rd Floor
The private area is inspired from the owner’s experience of staying at hotels. The functions and facilities of a hotel are integrated in daily life to redefine a home space. Various functions are combined with the bedroom on the same floor so that each function can be used independently.
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography
As for the style, warm wood and light-colored mineral paint are embellished with some metal, iron parts, and marble, with some pleasant colors used at the same time. The combination of different colors further enriches the space.
© Yi-Hsien Lee Photography