João XXI/Orra Arquitectos公寓

室内设计 / 居住空间 2025-2-21 15:40

João XXI/Orra Arquitectos公寓
Apartment on João XXI / Aurora Arquitectos




© Do Mal o Menos

© Do Mal o Menos

Text description provided by the architects. In mixology, the study of combining ingredients to make a cocktail, one goal is to achieve a new flavor resulting from the mixture of ingredients while allowing each one to be distinguished. It is a delicate balance between the individual and the collective.

© Do Mal o Menos

Plan -

© Do Mal o Menos

Axonometric - Proposal

© Do Mal o Menos

这是一个公寓翻新项目,位于里斯本一栋20世纪50年代和60年代的传统建筑内,被称为“rabo de bacalhau”(鳕鱼尾)。这种类型学的特点是厨房和房子的社交区域之间有很大的分隔和很大的距离。
This is an apartment renovation project in a traditional Lisbon building from the 1950s and 1960s, known as "rabo de bacalhau" (codfish tail). A great compartmentalization and a large distance between the kitchen and the social areas of the house characterize this typology.

© Do Mal o Menos

The intervention strategy had two phases: first, selective demolitions, leaving scars clad in stone; then, the addition of a continuous volume for the kitchen and storage, whose autonomous geometry crosses and traverses the existing spaces.

© Do Mal o Menos

The detailing is deliberately ambiguous: it uses the language of the original project and leaves doubts between preexistence and intervention, the ingredients, and the resulting mixture.

© Do Mal o Menos

João XXI/Orra Arquitectos公寓