La Felipa/DIA UNO工作室

室内设计 / 居住空间 2025-2-21 10:40

La Felipa/DIA UNO工作室




© Javier de Paz García

© Javier de Paz García

建筑师提供的文字描述La Felipa是一套55平方米的公寓,位于马德里一个20世纪60年代的郊区。这一改造有两个主要目标:尊重和尊重房产的原始特征,不矫饰或奢侈,并将空间布局从这个时代典型的分区排列调整为混合和灵活的使用,以满足新主人的需求。
Text description provided by the architects. La Felipa is a 55m² apartment located in a 1960s suburban neighborhood of Madrid. This transformation was approached with two main objectives: to honor and dignify the original character of the property, without pretense or extravagance, and to adapt the spatial layout from the typical compartmentalized arrangement of this era to a hybrid and flexible use that would cater to the needs of its new owner.

© Javier de Paz García

The project respects the original materials of the dwelling, showcasing both the concrete structure and the various terrazzo floors that evoke the previous distribution.

© Javier de Paz García

The terracotta flooring of the terrace has been preserved and serves as a guide to reintroduce the same material in areas where the previous flooring was damaged and irreparable, such as in parts of the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom.

© Javier de Paz García

© Javier de Paz García

In the pursuit of freeing up space and maximizing fluidity and luminosity, most of the partitions were removed, and the decision was made to install exposed electrical wiring to eliminate false ceilings, thereby expanding the livable area. Only the toilet and one bedroom were kept separate.

© Javier de Paz García

The open area is a multifunctional space for cooking, dining, or working. Here, the uses are delineated by a colour-lacquered iron shelving unit that adds personality and seamlessly integrates with the rest of the materials. It functions as a dynamic element that stores, separates, or connects throughout the space.

© Javier de Paz García

The bedroom maintains the warmth of the original parquet flooring and is conceived as a neutral space, with the only standout feature being a raised platform clad in terracotta for reading and meditation, connected to the outdoors.

La Felipa谈到了根,谈到了随着时间的推移而持久,谈到了马德里社区的生活,谈到了家作为归属之地的价值。
La Felipa speaks of roots, of enduring over time, of life in the neighborhoods of Madrid, of the value of home as a place of belonging.

© Javier de Paz García

La Felipa/DIA UNO工作室