The Blue Line Apartment / Asooarch
空间布局的巧妙设计: 蓝线公寓最引人注目的亮点在于其对空间的灵活划分和功能整合。设计师巧妙地将公寓分为住宅区、工作区和休闲区三个独立但相互关联的部分,并通过可移动的元素实现了空间的灵活性。这种设计既满足了居住者对私密性的需求,又确保了各个功能区域之间的连贯性,使得居住者可以根据自身需求自由切换和组合空间。这种巧妙的布局不仅提升了居住体验,也赋予了空间更大的使用价值和适应性。设计师对功能区域的细致划分和灵活整合展现了其卓越的空间规划能力。
色彩与材质的和谐统一: 项目在色彩和材质的选择上体现了高度的专业性和审美水平。蓝色的运用贯穿始终,既象征着空间的连续性,又赋予了公寓独特的视觉特征。手工瓷砖、木质外壳等材质的搭配,营造出一种简洁、现代又不失温馨的氛围。设计师通过对色彩和材质的精妙运用,成功地营造出空间的质感和层次感。色彩的运用也体现了伊朗文化的特色,为公寓增添了文化底蕴和地域特色,使整个空间更具生命力和艺术感染力。
体验感与生活方式的完美结合: 蓝线公寓不仅仅是一个居住空间,更是一个体验空间,体现了设计师对生活方式的深刻理解。项目在休闲区域的设置上,充分考虑了居住者的需求,设计了桑拿浴室、健身房、水池、喷泉等设施,为居住者提供了放松身心的场所。设计师还通过蓝色的窗帘、绿植,营造了安静舒适的氛围,使居住者可以在繁忙的生活中找到片刻的宁静。这种对居住者体验的关注,使得蓝线公寓成为一个充满活力、舒适宜居的生活空间,实现了建筑与生活的完美融合。
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
建筑师提供的文字描述蓝线公寓是Bandar-e Mahshahr一个旧住宅区的一部分,根据一对夫妇的生活、工作和休闲需求进行设计和规划。为了满足这些需求,蓝线公寓已经变成了一个独特的空间。根据客户的要求,公寓分为三个部分:
Text description provided by the architects. The Blue Line Apartment is part of an old residential complex in Bandar-e Mahshahr, designed and planned according to the needs of a couple for living, working, and leisure. Responding to these needs, the Blue Line Apartment has been transformed into a unique space. According to the client's requirements, the apartment is divided into three sections:
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
1- A residential area (including a kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, etc.) 2- A space for work and professional activities 3- A space for leisure and relaxation (including a Jacuzzi, sauna, gym, etc.) These three spaces, while interconnected, can be separated as needed to maintain privacy, with each area operating independently.Therefore, using movable elements and components, maximum flexibility has been created for the spaces.
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
By closing the movable doors, the living room area is completely covered, providing independent access to the work area through a separate entrance without any intrusion into the living space, facilitating a private work session. In the recreational area, alongside the gym, sauna, and Jacuzzi, the presence of water in shallow wet pools, fountains, green walls, and blue curtains creates a sense of freshness and vitality, allowing moments of tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of life and everyday concerns.
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
Section CC
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
The spectrum of blue colors, like a continuous dotted line, combines the spaces while maintaining their distinction, giving life to the space through a variety of spatial qualities using handmade tiles and simple, neutral backgrounds. One of the reasons for the cohesion of wooden shells with tiled walls is the limited height of the indoor space, which has been transformed by eliminating corners and creating a continuous, sequenced shell, evoking dimensions beyond reality.
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
The Blue Line Apartment is a place for experiencing space, a diverse, cohesive, and lifestyle-driven experience for the user. This blue line reflects the authentic spectrum of Iranian colors used in the apartment's interior elements. The Blue Line Apartment is like a book of interconnected, unique spatial scenes that can invite its user for use throughout the day.
© Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh