
室内设计 / 公共空间 2025-2-20 18:51

Amator Cph Restaurant / wiercinski-studio




© Paolo Galgani

© Paolo Galgani

建筑师提供的文字描述哥本哈根一家舒适的小餐厅,提供独特的生家具和物品,全部在波兰手工制作。阿马托(Amator)是哥本哈根(Østerbro)宁静地区的一个新的、深受客人喜爱的景点。它结合了一家咖啡馆、一家餐厅和一个私人用餐场所,店主马泰乌斯·萨诺夫斯基(人称马蒂·皮奇)将其描述为“家庭餐厅”(丹麦语:hjemme spisested)。马蒂最喜欢的菜,经典的煎蛋卷,是菜单上的核心和标志性项目。白天,厨房供应早餐和午餐,提供以时令蔬菜为基础的清淡可口的菜肴。晚上是为私人和公司烛光晚餐预留的。五年前,Mati在著名的Noma餐厅实习,开始了他的哥本哈根之旅,他的热情最终促使他开设了自己的餐厅。他联系了他的朋友Adam wiercinski工作室的创始人,帮助他实现自己的愿景。他们合作的结果是波兰建筑师在哥本哈根设计的第一个室内设计。
Text description provided by the architects. A small, cozy restaurant in Copenhagen, featuring unique, raw furniture and objects, all handmade in Poland. Amator is a new, beloved spot for guests in the peaceful district of Copenhagen – Østerbro. It combines a café, a restaurant, and a venue for private dinners, which the owner, Mateusz Sarnowski, known as Mati Pichci, describes as a "home dining room" (in Danish: hjemme spisested). Mati's favorite dish, the classic omelet, is the centerpiece and iconic item on the menu. During the day, the kitchen serves breakfasts and lunches, offering light, flavorful dishes based on seasonal vegetables. Evenings are reserved for private and corporate candlelit dinners. Mati began his journey in Copenhagen five years ago as an intern at the renowned restaurant Noma, and his passion eventually led him to open his own place. He approached his friend, Adam Wierciński, founder of wiercinski-studio, to help bring his vision to life. The result of their collaboration is the first interior in Copenhagen designed by the Polish architect.

© Paolo Galgani


© Paolo Galgani

Amator背后的意图是创造一个空间,让客人感受到温暖、温馨的氛围,其概念灵感来自Mateusz组织的社交聚会。狭小的空间影响了最初的功能和设计假设。内部的中心元素是一张由小桌面组成的公共桌子,中间点缀着用于盛放菜肴、蜡烛或饮料的特色盘子。桌面之间的最小间隙给人一种单独桌子的印象,但通过拉出钢圈,它们可以组合成一张大餐桌。每张橡木桌面都是倾斜的,一起形成一条独特的锯齿线。与桌子相辅相成的是节省空间的极简主义橡木凳,这是即将推出的wiercinski objects系列的第一批产品。Amator的私密空间充满了Adam Wiercinski以其标志性风格设计的定制家具。由生钢制成的简单几何结构,显示出明显的手工制作痕迹,与坚固的天然橡木相结合。这些材料以其真实的形式为室内提供了主要的颜色,象征性地反映了马蒂的诚实美食。
The intention behind Amator was to create a space where guests could feel a warm, homely atmosphere, conceptually inspired by the social gatherings organized by Mateusz. The small space influenced the original functional and design assumptions. The central element of the interior is a communal table made up of small tabletops, interspersed with characteristic plates used for serving dishes, candles, or drinks. Minimal gaps between the tabletops give the impression of separate tables, but by pulling out steel rings, they can be combined into one large dinner table. Each oak tabletop is angled, together forming a distinctive jagged line. Complementing the tables are space-saving, minimalist oak stools, which are the first products in the upcoming wiercinski-objects series. The intimate space of Amator is filled with custom furniture designed by Adam Wiercinski in his signature style. Simple, geometric constructions made of raw steel, showing visible signs of handcrafting, are combined with solid, natural oak. These materials in their authentic form provided the main colors for the interior, symbolically reflecting Mati's honest cuisine.

© Paolo Galgani

© Paolo Galgani

The chef's constant contact with guests is essential. A bar, built from the same materials and enhanced with brown mirrors, separates the open kitchen, which is also visible from the outside through a large, elegant storefront. By the window, the designer placed a high counter where guests can sit and enjoy views of Copenhagen's townhouses. Importantly, all furniture and details were crafted in Poland by skilled artisans and transported to Copenhagen. On the walls hang shelves that appear to float against wrinkled, natural Polish linen. Additional custom details include stainless steel sconces, mirrors, a steel washbasin, and bar stools that echo elements of small architecture on the sidewalk in front of Amator. Near the entrance, guests are greeted by a wall-mounted installation featuring a piece of a tree trunk from a Polish forest, a subtle nod by the designer to the project's leading materials. Breaking the custom furniture's aesthetic are yellow plywood shelves reminiscent of home interiors. Their color ties into the space's signature feature: a yellow dot.

© Paolo Galgani

对于Mati来说,用优美、高品质的声音来提升烹饪体验至关重要。在会场后面的一扇窗户下,有一个由Adam设计的乙烯基架子,上面放着当地公司Arda Audio定制的扬声器。转盘和迷人的黑胶唱片系列是定义Amator享受时间概念的元素之一。
For Mati, enhancing the culinary experience with beautiful, high-quality sound is essential. At the back of the venue, under a window, is a vinyl shelf designed by Adam, topped with custom-made speakers from the local company Arda Audio. A turntable and a captivating vinyl record collection are among the elements defining the concept of enjoying time at Amator.

© Paolo Galgani
