
室内设计 / 公共空间 2025-2-20 18:51

Tarasana Healing Center / MA Estudio

设计理念的深度与广度:塔拉萨娜治疗中心的设计远不止于建筑本身,它深入探讨了人与环境、人与自身、以及人与生命的联系。项目深受Mathias Goeritz的“情感建筑”宣言启发,致力于通过建筑来提升人类的精神层面,试图摆脱建筑单纯的物质功能。这种设计理念体现在对母体子宫意象的运用,以及环面(Toroid)结构的采用。这种结构不仅仅是形式上的创新,更是对神圣几何、能量流动的深刻理解和应用。这种对建筑与精神、情感的融合,体现了设计师对建筑本质的深刻思考。



Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Tarasana is situated within the Yelapa community, nestled amidst the lush jungle and alongside Mexico's western Sierra Madre mountains. As a holistic hub, Tarasana offers versatile amenities, including options for natural childbirth in water or on a bed. Additionally, it operates as a healing center that accommodates diverse activities. The project proposal aims to establish a comprehensive environment where babies, women, and men can reconnect with their inherent nature and the world around them. Inspired by Mathias Goeritz's Manifesto of Emotional Architecture, which advocates for elevating human spirituality through architectural design, the goal is to rescue architecture from its current state of purely material functionality.

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores


Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

这项努力的核心是创造一个能唤起类似于母体子宫的安全感和幸福感的空间。这些空间旨在用于分娩和培养父母与孩子之间的联系,包括父亲的参与。总体概念是创造与人体协调的环境,让人想起子宫,不是作为一种回归,而是作为一种和解的手段。这个名为Centro TARSANA的适应性强的设施是身体和精神治疗的避难所,同时也为各种活动提供了机会。
Central to this endeavor is creating spaces that evoke a sense of security and well-being akin to the maternal womb. These spaces are intended for childbirth and nurturing the bond between parent and child, including the involvement of fathers. The overarching concept is to craft environments that harmonize with the human body, reminiscent of the womb, not as a regression but as a means of reconciliation.Named Centro TARSANA, this adaptable facility serves as a sanctuary for both physical and spiritual healing, while also fostering opportunities for diverse activities.

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

概念化和原型化该术语基于仿生学原理,源自希腊语bios(生命)和ikos(统一),这两个词概括了基于生命系统创建人工结构的概念,由Jack E.Steele于1958年首次引入。
Conceptualization and prototype. Based on the principles of bionics, derived from the Greek words bios (life) and ikos (unity), which encapsulate the concept of creating artificial constructs based on living systems, the term was first introduced by Jack E. Steele in 1958.


仿生学致力于开发模仿生物体行为的功能和形式,通过细致的观察、深入的研究、分析和综合来实现。仿生学认为,任何模型都可以为设计适合特定环境和用户的方法提供新颖的想法,而不仅仅是复制。一个典型的例子是Paolo Soleri的城市系统,Arcology(建筑和生态学的融合),其灵感来自生物体中的细胞分布(Jaivier Senosian,生物建筑,2017,“寻找空间”,第18页)。
Bionics strives to develop functionalities and forms that mimic the behavior of living organisms, achieved through meticulous observation, in-depth research, analysis, and synthesis. Rather than mere replication, bionics posits that any model can offer novel ideas for designing methods tailored to specific contexts and users. An exemplary instance is Paolo Soleri's urban system, Arcology (a blend of Architecture and Ecology), inspired by the cellular distribution in organisms (Jaivier Senosian, bioarchitecture, 2017, "In search of a space," p. 18).

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores


The structure and form of TARASANA are based on the archetype of the Toroid, characterized by an energy pattern resembling a doughnut—a continuous surface with a central opening. This energy dynamic sustains itself in a primary pattern, with energy flowing through one end, circulating the center, and exiting through the other side.

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

In the toroid, principles of Sacred Geometry such as the Great Void, the Law of Unity, the Law of Duality, and mathematical pillars like Phi, Pi, and Euler are found ( Psychogeometry 2021 Article #10 "Human Toroids and their Functioning").


Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores

The function of cement, concrete, and steel in TARASANA embodies the convergence of seemingly irreconcilable opposites, akin to yin and yang, light and shadow, and feminine and masculine principles. Ferrocement, the precursor of reinforced concrete, offers high plasticity, enabling molding and sculpting. Its metallic skeleton directs vertical rods to a concentric ring, creating a monolithic form that aligns with the principles of the toroid. This ensures self-support, eliminating the need for independent vertical supports

Courtesy of Alberto Esponda, Mayra Flores
