
室内设计 / 公共空间 2025-2-18 11:47

RiverRidge Cafe / KKOL STUDIO




© Donggyu Kim

© Donggyu Kim

Text description provided by the architects. Humanity is innately wired to constantly seek a better life and home rather than to be content with the present. Our desire and drive toward the ideal has been aggregated for eons to compose the contemporary society we live in, and allowed us to forge into the new world that could otherwise have been nothing more than a fantasized ideal.

© Donggyu Kim

Floor Plan

© Donggyu Kim

RiverRidge concurrently visualizes the impression of an ideal city imagined by antiquated societies and the harmonious future we dream of today. Every element of the space is congregated into one — becoming deemable as a piece of compositional art — and was designed to execute the vision of a space where all elements interact intimately, needing no further addition or removal of elements.

© Donggyu Kim

The "ideal city" as envisioned during the Renaissance embodies perfectly precise rules, displaying a finetuned and controlled appearance spearheaded by exquisite perspective. It also minimizes the expression of human presence in comparison. The sizeable elements composing the context of the RiverRidge space carry the refined harmoniousness akin to the Renaissance era, yet breaks free of archetypal forms to accentuate free will and flexibility. As such, design elements reinterpreted through a contemporary lens exist within a classic frame, coexisting and mingling without favoring one or the other to deliver a pleasant visual whimsy.

© Donggyu Kim

RiverRidge位于KN Global办公楼的一楼,既是公司高管的休息室,也是提供特色混合咖啡的咖啡馆。内部分为神圣区、公共区和私人区,反映了古代概念“理想城市”的基本组成部分。该空间的构成多种多样,包括为在咖啡馆学习的顾客提供单人座位,为私人提供双人座位,为可容纳八位或更多客人的小型会议提供团体座位,以及一个用于研讨会的讲台。RiverRidge致力于让所有有独特需求的客户在其范围内形成自己的理想社区。
RiverRidge, located on the first floor of the KN Global office building, serves as a break room for company executives and as a café offering specialty coffee blends. The interior is segmented into a Sacred zone, a Public zone, and a Private zone, reflecting the essential components of the conceptual "ideal city" of antiquity. The space's composition is varied, including one-person seating for patrons that study in the café, two-person seating for private individuals, group seating for small meetings that accommodates eight or more guests, and a rostrum meant for seminars. RiverRidge strives to empower all types of customers with unique needs to form their own ideal community in its bounds.

© Donggyu Kim
