
室内设计 / 公共空间 2025-2-18 15:35

09WOMEN Suwon Store / SUBTEXT




© Ki-Woong Hong

© Ki-Woong Hong

建筑师提供的文字描述从零到九:庆祝多样性——由狭隘的社会标准决定美丽的日子已经一去不复返了。如今,女性正在拥抱个性,品牌也在加紧支持这一演变。Andar的“人人穿紧身裤”活动支持所有年龄段追求激情的女性,而Isoi的“露出你的裸脸”鼓励女性在不化妆的情况下庆祝自己的自然美。Fenty Beauty以40种粉底色调掀起了波澜,这些色调专为各种肤色而设计,超越了过时的欧洲中心规范。与此同时,Laka以其性别中立的方式重新定义了韩国的美,提醒我们色彩和自我表达适合每个人。
Text description provided by the architects. From Zero to Nine: Celebrating Diversity – Gone are the days when beauty was dictated by narrow societal standards. Today, women are embracing individuality, and brands are stepping up to support this evolution. Andar's "Leggings for Everyone" campaign champions women of all ages who are pursuing their passion, while Isoi's "Show Your Bare Face" encourages women to celebrate their natural beauty without hiding behind makeup. Fenty Beauty made waves with 40 foundation shades designed for a broad spectrum of skin tones, moving beyond outdated Eurocentric norms. Meanwhile, Laka is redefining beauty in Korea with its gender-neutral approach, reminding us that color and self-expression are for everyone.

© Ki-Woong Hong

The "body positivity" movement is breaking barriers of gender, size, and race, inspiring industries to celebrate diverse forms of beauty. In this spirit, 09WOMEN offers a space where women of all shapes and sizes can express themselves confidently and freely. Our inclusive range of sizes empowers every woman to celebrate her style, her way.

© Ki-Woong Hong

© Ki-Woong Hong

Floor Plan

© Ki-Woong Hong

Originally, "09WOMEN" referred to group purchasing, but we've redefined it to represent freedom in choosing clothing, regardless of body type. We have given meaning to each digit from 0 to 9 by introducing ten distinct styles and identities for every woman to explore. This reinterpretation reflects our brand's identity, curating a space that highlights diverse styles and offers customers an intuitive and seamless shopping experience. We emphasize the graceful curves of the numbers, integrating these curves into the design of walls, fixtures, and signage.

© Ki-Woong Hong

© Ki-Woong Hong

The choice of a neutral beige color, representing a broad spectrum of skin tones, creates a harmonious, borderless aesthetic. The space is thoughtfully divided: the front wall features product displays, while the back area houses functional zones such as the counter, fitting rooms, and innerwear section. Curved hangers that extend seamlessly from the walls provide an effortless way to categorize and display products. Number-shaped light installations guide customers' attention, making it easy to find items on both walls and hangers. We aim to create a space where everyone feels free to express their individuality, celebrate the beauty of diversity, and gain confidence in their unique identity.

© Ki-Woong Hong
