标致沉默之家/Natan Gil Arquitetura

室内设计 / 公共空间 2024-11-12 11:04

标致沉默之家/Natan Gil Arquitetura
Peugeot House of Silence / Natan Gil Arquitetura

独特的宁静体验:这个项目在第 37 届圣保罗 CASACOR 中展现出独特魅力。设计师通过建筑、景观、装饰和设计的融合,打造了一个集多种功能于一体的空间。精心挑选的元素丰富了优雅的极简主义环境,艺术策展与家具设计相得益彰。大型不锈钢球体艺术装置更是描绘出沉默带来的浩瀚感。空间的整合探索了宽敞,不断提及沉默,创造出虚假的空虚感,引导人们对沉默产生新的欣赏,探索内心深处。


© estudiony18

© estudiony18

建筑师提供的文字描述在第37届圣保罗CASACOR“De presente,o agora”中,建筑师Natan Gil通过探索建筑、景观、装饰和设计相结合的环境中的沉默概念,提供了一种独特的体验。该空间占地1528平方英尺,集客厅、厨房、卧室和浴室于一体。穿越环境的旅程变成了一个舒适的感官空间,该项目的提案致力于对宁静的沉思。该提案通过使沉默的存在几乎显而易见,暗示了一些不同的东西。
Text description provided by the architects. In the 37th edition of CASACOR São Paulo, “De presente, o agora”, architect Natan Gil offers a unique experience by exploring the concept of silence in an environment that combines architecture, landscaping, decoration and design. With an area of 1528 ft², the space integrates a living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The journey through the environment is transformed into a cozy sensory space, where the project's proposal is dedicated to the contemplation of stillness. The proposal suggests something different by making the presence of silence almost palpable.

© estudiony18

Plan - Ground floor

© estudiony18

精心挑选的元素丰富了优雅的极简主义环境。艺术策展包括由建筑师的同行艺术家马科斯·科埃略·本雅明创作的蓝色曼荼罗,以及棕色和灰白色色调的极简主义家具。所有家具均由Natan本人与Zeea Mobiliário合作设计。空间的整合探索了宽敞,不断提及沉默,并有意在不同时间创造一种虚假的空虚感。作者的艺术装置,天花板上的一个大型不锈钢球体,旨在描绘沉默给我们带来的浩瀚感。建筑师认为,没有声音最初可能会让许多人感到不安,但他透露,通过体验沉默,人们对它产生了新的欣赏,将材料与非物质联系起来,并鼓励游客不仅探索物理环境,还探索自己的内心深处。
The elegant minimalism of the environment is enriched by carefully selected elements. The art curation includes a blue mandala, created by the architect's fellow artist, Marcos Coelho Benjamim, as well as furniture with minimalist finishes in shades of brown and off-white. All the furniture was designed by Natan himself, in collaboration with Zeea Mobiliário. The integration of the spaces explores spaciousness, making constant reference to silence and intentionally creating a false sense of emptiness at various times. The author's art installation, a large stainless steel sphere on the ceiling, aims to portray the feeling of immensity that silence gives us. The architect argues that the absence of sound can be initially disconcerting for many, but reveals that by experiencing silence, people develop a new appreciation for it, connecting the material to the immaterial and encouraging visitors to explore not only the physical environment, but also their own inner depths.

© estudiony18

© estudiony18

The entire space is embraced by a large green, which becomes the protagonist of the work, inducing the user to contemplate nature. The landscaping is not just an aesthetic addition, but an essential harmony between the project and the natural environment. The lighting is integrated in an intelligent and balanced way, bringing the necessary naturalness to the work. The wall at the back of the room has a rustic texture, subtly standing out and breaking the uniformity of the rest of the project, which has walls and ceiling with the same continuous texture in light tones.

© estudiony18

标致沉默之家/Natan Gil Arquitetura