
室内设计 / 公共空间 2024-11-8 14:44

Caco Apartment / Coarquitetos

创新空间设计:可可公寓的翻修展现了大胆而富有创意的设计理念。拆除几乎所有内墙,使 47 平方米的空间融为一体,极大地提升了自然采光、通风和空间幅度。胶合板橱柜巧妙地组织和分隔区域,滑动木门和凹槽玻璃门在不影响自然光和开放感的前提下实现空间划分。这种设计既满足了功能需求,又营造出宽敞、现代的居住氛围。


© Maurício Araújo

© Maurício Araújo

Text description provided by the architects. Located in Brasília, Brazil, this 47m² apartment underwent a radical renovation that demolished almost all internal walls and integrated the spaces, focusing on natural lighting, ventilation, and spatial amplitude. Aesthetic and sustainable strategies were applied to create a space that is both contemporary and welcoming.

© Maurício Araújo

© Maurício Araújo

The apartment renovation reused the original ceramics, which were transformed into shards and used as cladding in the kitchen and bathrooms. In the kitchen, the ceramic shards predominantly feature orange tones with white details, while in the bathroom, white tones with orange details create an opposite visual effect. This use of demolition materials reflects a commitment to sustainability and the appreciation of artisanal work.


Floor Plan

The entire space was integrated, and the plywood cabinetry plays a central role in organizing and separating the areas, while providing storage and functionality. Sliding wooden and fluted glass doors are used to separate the living room from the office and the kitchen from the laundry room, allowing the division of spaces without compromising natural light and the feeling of openness.

© Maurício Araújo

© Maurício Araújo

The apartment's original structure was stripped to show the exposed concrete, which becomes a central element and guides the choices of finishes, textures, and colors in the project. The entire apartment floor was covered with microcement, providing a neutral and continuous base that connects the spaces and visually expands the area.

© Maurício Araújo

The suspended lighting was carefully positioned on the same plane as the existing beams, accentuating the architectural lines. An interesting detail is the pipe found during the construction between the living room and the kitchen, which was kept and painted black, becoming a decorative element that dialogues with the industrial and contemporary aesthetic of the project.

© Maurício Araújo
