Marie Thumas工作场所/高层建筑设计师
Marie Thumas Workplace / tweestroom architecten
可持续与再生设计的典范: 这个项目最令人瞩目的亮点在于其对现有材料的巧妙再利用和可持续设计理念的深刻践行。设计师敏锐地捕捉到废弃空间中蕴含的价值,将旧罐头厂的原始元素,如剥落的油漆、裸露的砖墙和混凝土,融入设计之中,而非掩盖。通过回收材料和可拆卸的设计,项目实现了材料的循环利用,减少了对新材料的需求,降低了环境负担。这种设计理念不仅体现在会议室的玻璃墙、会议桌、地板等细节之处,更贯穿于整个项目的空间布局和色彩搭配中,为我们展现了一种全新的建筑设计可能性。
空间特性的尊重与强化: 项目的精髓在于对原有空间特性的尊重和强化。设计师并未试图完全改变旧工厂的粗犷和工业风格,而是通过巧妙的软化和补充,使其更具特色和魅力。例如,使用纺织品来平衡裸露的混凝土和砖墙,赋予每个区域独特的氛围;保留并突出空间的原始肌理,使之成为设计的一部分。这种“修旧如旧”的设计手法,不仅节约了成本,更赋予了空间一种历史感和故事性。同时,通过对现有材料的限制性使用,激发出设计师的创造力,例如会议室玻璃墙的设计,展现出独特的细节和韵味,使空间更具个性。
功能性与美学的和谐统一: 值得称赞的是,这个项目成功地将功能性与美学完美地融合在一起。例如,会议室的地板修复不仅解决了不平整的问题,还改善了声学效果;色彩鲜艳的窗帘在增加活力的同时,也改善了空间的采光。整个项目在强调可持续设计理念的同时,兼顾了舒适性和实用性,营造出令人愉悦的工作环境。从共享工作区到“客厅”和厨房,每个区域都体现了设计师对细节的关注和对使用者需求的理解。这种设计理念不仅体现在视觉效果上,也体现在空间的使用体验上,最终呈现出一个充满活力、富有创意且可持续的工作场所。
© Nick Claeskens
© Nick Claeskens
建筑师提供的文字描述在寻找新办公室的过程中,我们在鲁汶的一家旧罐头厂Marie Thumas找到了这个原始空间。在等待重大翻修的同时,我们和其他创意人员现在正在让这座建筑保持活力。我们发现了废弃但光线充足的空间,上面有剥落的油漆,并使用建筑内的材料将其改造成一个新鲜的环境。存在是我们最大、最快乐的灵感。我们为这个项目创造的一切都秉承了材料再利用的精神。我们不仅使用尽可能多的回收材料进行设计,而且我们还保留了不需要永久性的可拆卸元素,为未来的更改提供了灵活性。我们保留并突出了空间的粗糙、元素特征——由涂漆的砖块和暴露的混凝土定义——我们通过使用纺织品来软化它,这赋予了每个区域独特的魅力,而不会产生过高的成本。
Text description provided by the architects. In our search for a new office, we've found this raw space in Marie Thumas, an old canning factory in Leuven. While awaiting a major renovation, we, along with other creatives, are now keeping the building alive. We discovered abandoned yet light-filled spaces with peeling paint and transformed them into a fresh environment using materials found within the building. The existing is our greatest and most joyful inspiration. Everything we created for this project adheres to the spirit of reusing materials. Not only do we design using as many reclaimed materials as possible, but we also keep elements removable that don't need to be permanent, allowing for flexibility in future changes. We preserve and highlight the rough, elemental character of the spaces—defined by painted bricks and exposed concrete— and we soften it by the use of textiles, which give each area its distinct charm without excessive costs.
© Nick Claeskens
Meeting Room with found materials - The glass wall in the meeting room owes its unique detailing to the limitations of the found materials. Only by overlapping oversized glass panels could we incorporate them into the space. This detail emphasizes the character of the smoked glass even more. We complemented the wall with reused marble and a new aluminum door, along with a door handle discovered in the building. The eclectic aesthetic that emerged is something we never could have envisioned using only new materials. The color palette in the meeting room was chosen to complement the existing hues: yellow for gas and green for electricity. The meeting table, designed by Tweestroom, was made using re-used wood and polished with brushed aluminum. The floor in the meeting room, uneven due to water drainage during the building's canning days, was leveled using fine pine planks we found in the abandoned spaces. This not only corrected the floor's unevenness but also improved the acoustics.
© tweestroom architecten
© Nick Claeskens
Colorful curtains to counter grey days - The main co-working area is kept simple, with exposed technical elements that blend seamlessly into the space. Desks are arranged around an existing brick wall, which we finished with marble. To add vibrancy, especially on grey days, we chose colorful curtains with a simple natural linen base.
© Nick Claeskens
© Nick Claeskens
A touch of warm oak - The 'living room' was designed to evoke a cozy, quiet atmosphere. The acoustic panels, coffee table, and old couch are all crafted from warm oak, creating a cohesive and natural feel throughout the space. As with the co-working area, we added color through repurposed fabrics on the natural linen curtains, infusing the room with warmth and charm.
© tweestroom architecten
Welcoming kitchen - For the kitchen, we sourced a secondhand stainless steel kitchen unit that complements the raw aluminum elements used elsewhere in the space. Once again, the curtains bring a cheerful, welcoming atmosphere. This project demonstrates how repurposing existing materials can spark creativity and transform forgotten spaces, creating something new and meaningful—even if it's only for a limited time.
© Nick Claeskens