LABO by L’UNI Office Space / CUDO:
设计理念的深度与广度:该项目最引人注目之处在于其设计理念的深度与广度。建筑师巧妙地将场地历史、地域特色与功能需求融为一体。药用玻璃这一元素的运用,不仅是对前医科大学药学院历史的致敬,也为空间赋予了独特的视觉语言。而受奥德拉河启发的波浪形设计,则将场所精神与自然元素巧妙结合,使空间更具生命力与流动性。这种对历史、环境和功能的深刻理解,使得LABO by L'UNI不仅仅是一个办公空间,更是一个充满文化底蕴和艺术氛围的场所。
细节处理与材料的选择:项目的成功也离不开对细节的极致追求和对材料的精心选择。沙色钢材的运用,既呼应了建筑的新古典主义风格,又为空间增添了沉稳与质感。设计师家具、人体工程学解决方案以及对隐藏式厨房和衣柜的设计,都体现了对用户体验的关注。高品质的材料和精细的施工,共同营造出一个舒适、优雅的办公环境。整个空间的设计,无不体现着对细节的极致追求和对整体氛围的精心营造,使LABO by L'UNI成为一个令人印象深刻的高端共享办公空间。
© Migdał Studio
© Migdał Studio
Text description provided by the architects. Need HelpThe main objective of the project was to create the first high-end co-working space in Wrocław that combines functionality, elegance, and an artistic ambiance. The inspiration for the project came from the building itself, the former Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University, where the office is located. We drew inspiration from pharmaceutical glass as a material that reflects the history of the place, as well as wavy forms inspired by the nearby Odra River.
© Migdał Studio
One of the challenges of the project was designing unique glass installations using fused pharmaceutical glass and seamlessly integrating social and technical functions into the overall design.
© Migdał Studio
The project utilized advanced glass-curving technology and a custom-developed technique for connecting glass elements. Each circular installation component measures over 3 meters in diameter and consists of more than 50 glass elements. Additionally, we incorporated sand-colored steel for shelving and acoustic panels, which reference the building's neoclassical architecture.
© Migdał Studio
© Migdał Studio
The central feature of the space is the open co-working area, dominated by artistic glass installations. Large glass partitions separate the offices, ensuring ample natural light. Concealing the kitchen and wardrobe areas helps maintain order in the main space. This was all achieved through attention to detail, high-quality materials, designer furniture, and ergonomic solutions.? Below you can find some questions to help you describe your project.
© Migdał Studio