Greenpeace Belgium HQ / archipelago
可持续性策略的典范:“绿色和平组织比利时总部”项目最突出的亮点在于其对可持续性设计原则的深刻理解与实践。 项目充分利用了现有建筑结构,通过翻新和改造,最大程度地减少了对新材料的需求,从而显著降低了建筑的隐含碳排放。设计师并未仅仅追求视觉上的新颖,而是深入分析了现有建筑的特性,包括结构、能源流和空间布局,并将其与绿色和平组织的工作和活动需求进行“匹配”,这种“充足性”策略体现了设计师在可持续建筑上的专业素养,以及对资源利用的最大化,避免了过度设计与浪费。
© Stijn Bollaert
© Stijn Bollaert
Text description provided by the architects. The new Greenpeace Belgium HQ is located in a dense building block in the city center of Brussels. The existing structures used to belong to an old organ atelier, called Manufacture d'Orgues de Bruxelles. To uncover the qualities of the factory building, a process of 'matchmaking' resulted in an innovative approach towards the programming of the new offices: the existing structures, as well as the interior and surrounding climates, were analyzed and matched with specific activities from the Greenpeace team (from formal meetings to wall climbing), resulting in a low-tech project and a high-quality work environment.
© Stijn Bollaert
Ground Floor Plan
© Stijn Bollaert
Sufficiency - We made a careful study of the site at the Vergotedok, located in the rapidly evolving 'canal zone' of Brussels, and found an interesting mix of atmospheres. Typical Brussels row houses and a hidden warehouse at the back. Open views towards the water and cement silos on the opposite side. Heritage buildings and a hyper-diverse neighborhood. To maintain this mix of atmospheres, a strategy of 'sufficiency' was proposed as the guiding principle for the design of the project. This means that we look first at what is available, in terms of structure and energy, and then look at strategies to use 'just enough' for specific activities taking place in the building.
© Stijn Bollaert
Activity-Based - We started a co-creation process by camping out at the former Greenpeace offices and the Rainbow Warrior ship in Ostend. Next, an activity-based approach led us to identify several work activities at Greenpeace: large meetings, small meetings, informal meetings, focus work, calling, eating, making, and climbing. The sharing of these spaces, by Greenpeace and local organizations, aims to support social interaction and foster a sense of community. In addition to tailoring the program to the needs of Greenpeace, we, therefore, looked at the management of the shared spaces by clustering activities and considering shared facilities as well as important acoustical barriers. In this way, we created a work environment where multiple activities can happen simultaneously and interfere if desired.
© Stijn Bollaert
© Stijn Bollaert
© Stijn Bollaert
Match-Making - Low impact environmentally should have a high impact architecturally. The choice to preserve, renovate, and transform is not only critical for the mitigation of embodied carbon, but it also challenges us to play out the phenomenon of incremental bricolage to uncover a great diversity of spaces. Following our aim to match existing structures and energy flows with specific activities, we made some evident choices for the program of the project, like the old organ atelier in the back that becomes the workshop for Greenpeace activists or placing the guest rooms in the row houses in front. However, in between front and back, we designed an elaborate sequence of indoor and outdoor spaces, public and private areas, and more or less conditioned interior climates, providing multiple spatial options for the dynamic and ever-changing organization of Greenpeace.
© Stijn Bollaert