Wonder Live走廊公共艺术/Sata Na建筑师

建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2025-3-5 09:40

Wonder Live走廊公共艺术/Sata Na建筑师
Wonder Live Corridor Public Art / Sata Na Architect

设计理念的卓越性:Wonder Live走廊项目最令人称道的,是其对城市环境问题的深刻回应。面对曼谷严重的空气污染,设计师巧妙地将艺术与功能结合,创造了一条“呼吸通道”。这种设计理念超越了简单的美学追求,旨在恢复人与自然、环境之间的平衡。项目选址于Benjakitti公园,将公共艺术融入自然,充分利用了公园的现有资源。这种对城市困境的敏锐洞察和积极回应,使得该项目具备了强烈的社会意义和人文关怀,为解决城市环境问题提供了新的思路。


可持续性与整体性:Wonder Live走廊项目不仅注重视觉效果和功能性,更将可持续性理念贯穿于整个设计过程。气泡材料的可重复利用,为社区提供了潜在的经济价值,体现了设计师对材料长期价值的考量,也体现了对环境负责任的态度。此外,项目巧妙地利用自然光和人工光,创造了独特的空间体验,体现了对时间维度的关注。从整体上看,该项目将艺术、功能、可持续性和时间维度融为一体,展现了建筑设计的多重可能性,为公共艺术和城市环境建设树立了良好的典范,是一个极具启发性和创新性的设计作品。

© Rungkit Charoenwat

© Rungkit Charoenwat

Wonder Live走廊:城市平衡的呼吸之路-曼谷面临严重的空气污染危机,尤其是PM2.5颗粒物水平超过安全标准。这种情况对公共卫生、生活质量和环境产生了重大的负面影响。WONDER LIVE CORRIDOR是在Benjakitti公园举行的WOW Festival展览的一部分,旨在创造一条呼吸通道,以恢复人类、自然和环境之间的平衡。
Wonder Live Corridor: Pathway to Breath for Urban Balance – Bangkok faces a severe air pollution crisis, particularly with PM2.5 particulate matter levels exceeding safe standards. This situation has had a significant negative impact on public health, quality of life, and the environment. The WONDER LIVE CORRIDOR, part of an exhibition in the WOW Festival held at Benjakitti Park, was designed to create a pathway for breathing that aims to restore the balance between humans, nature, and the environment.

© Rungkit Charoenwat


© Rungkit Charoenwat

© Rungkit Charoenwat

© Rungkit Charoenwat

Common Material in a New Perspective: Air Bubbles – This exhibition showcases the innovative use of air bubbles, a common material reimagined in an architectural context. The design integrates seamlessly with both the original structure and the surrounding garden. This translucent material creates diverse dimensions and viewpoints within each module. The intentional spaces between the pieces allow for airflow and unique perspectives of the environment. Additionally, visitors are encouraged to engage with the exhibition by drawing or painting images of animals, insects, and other living creatures found in the garden on the material's surface. This participatory concept transforms the exhibition into a "living artwork," which evolves and grows through human interaction.

© Rungkit Charoenwat


© Rungkit Charoenwat

© Rungkit Charoenwat

Light and Time: Dimensions of Transformation – The exhibition design highlights the interaction between natural and artificial lighting, creating unique experiences throughout the day. During the daytime, the translucent Air Bubbles act as a medium for natural light, casting distinct shadows and patterns on the concrete floor below. In the evening, artificial lighting added a new dimension and completely transformed the exhibition's atmosphere.

© Rungkit Charoenwat

Sustainability: Creating Long-Term Value – Air Bubbles were designed to be more than temporary elements of the exhibition. Communities in Bangkok can repurpose them as protective packaging for transporting goods. This approach reflects the designers' commitment to reducing waste and increasing the long-term value of materials.

© Rungkit Charoenwat

Wonder Live Corridor不仅仅是一种公共艺术。它是一种模范建筑设计,通过将简单的材料与深思熟虑的光、时间和可持续性概念相结合,促进了人与自然之间的深刻联系。
The Wonder Live Corridor is not just public art. It is an exemplary architectural design that fosters a profound connection between humans and nature by combining simple materials with thoughtful concepts of light, time, and sustainability.

© Rungkit Charoenwat

Wonder Live走廊公共艺术/Sata Na建筑师