Yuyarina Pacha社区图书馆/阿尔博德
Yuyarina Pacha Community Library / Al Borde
设计理念与社区融合:Yuyarina Pacha社区图书馆项目最令人称道之处在于其深刻的设计理念与当地社区的紧密结合。建筑师深入理解了Kichwa语中“思考的时空”的含义,并将这种理念融入到图书馆的设计中。项目并非仅仅是书籍的存放地,而是为当地儿童提供了一个安全、开放的学习、玩耍和创造的空间。这种以社区需求为导向的设计策略,体现在图书馆多功能性的设置上,从最初的阅读俱乐部发展成为涵盖艺术、科学、数字语言等多方面的综合性学习场所。这种积极的回应当地需求的态度,体现了建筑对社区文化和发展的尊重。
可持续性与文化传承:Yuyarina Pacha社区图书馆项目的精髓在于其对可持续性和文化传承的深刻理解。该项目不仅在材料选择上体现了可持续性,还通过建筑设计传承了当地的建筑文化。该图书馆作为一个社区项目,展现了对自我管理和社区发展的承诺。该项目强调了社区参与的重要性,在施工完成之前就举办了当地活动,体现了社区对图书馆的归属感。数字语言的应用,如平板电脑和电脑的使用,也为社区的口头记忆提供了保护和传承的平台,进一步体现了该项目对文化多样性和社区发展的关注。
© JAG Studio
© JAG Studio
建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Yuyarina Pacha means 'Space-Time to Think' in Kichwa. This project is located in the community of Huaticocha, in the buffer zone of the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve, in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In 2019, the Laboratorio Creativo Sarawarmi and Witoca, an agricultural association focused on coffee in the community of Huaticocha started a pilot non-formal education project with local children. What began as a reading club quickly evolved into a space for holistic learning. The library and reading club are more than just a place to look at books; they are a safe space where local children can learn, play, and create.
© JAG Studio
The reading club was a great success. The small space in which it was held needed to become a full-fledged library, and since there was no community meeting space available, it also needed to fulfill that function. These needs led to the final configuration of the project, where the program is divided into three floors: An open ground floor for art and science workshops that involves water, plastics, food, etc., which also serves as a space for informal events for the Association and other spontaneous gatherings.
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© JAG Studio
Section - A
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Plan - Ground floor
The first floor is for activities without water, where the bibliographic collections are housed and children can access the books in an open shelf format; this is one of the Association's largest spaces, so meetings and other activities are also held there; and a
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© JAG Studio
Plan - First floor
The second floor focused on digital languages, where tablets and computers are used to store audio collections of stories aimed at preserving the community's oral memory; it also houses the magazine collection, which can be enjoyed at a balcony reading table connected to the central void of the first floor.
© JAG Studio
The main structure of the project is made of Chonta, an Amazonian palm known for its incredible durability and strength. For generations, traditional houses in the region have relied on Chonta for construction, as its structure can be anchored directly into the ground without the need for waterproofing. The architecture embraces the pragmatic value of the region's ancestral building practices and adapts them to contemporary needs.
© JAG Studio
Section - B
在这种架构中,毫米精度是一个挑战,因为材料是有机的,不规则的。因此,该设计考虑了潜在的变化,并适应了材料的缺陷。茅草屋顶以陡峭的坡度为特征,适应了该地区的多雨气候。对于图书馆来说,屋脊上安装了一个玻璃天窗,提供了自然的头顶照明,方便了项目的建设和维护。茅草屋顶的屋脊是建造最复杂的部分,需要最多的护理和维护。这个社区项目是对持久性和自我管理的承诺。甚至在施工完成之前,该场地的占用就始于当地的一场活动。Yuyarina Pacha社区图书馆不仅是一个知识空间,也是农村社区在被国家忽视的情况下负责发展的能力的见证,也是与居住地保持更和谐关系的文化的见证。
Millimetric precision is a challenge in this architecture because the materials are organic and irregular. Therefore, the design considers potential variations and adapts to the imperfections of the materials. The thatched roof, characterized by its steep pitch, responds to the region's rainy climate. For the library, a glass skylight was incorporated into the ridge, providing natural overhead lighting and facilitating the construction and maintenance of the project. The ridge of a thatched roof is the most complex part to build and requires the most care and maintenance. This community project is a commitment to durability and self-management. The appropriation of the site began with a local event even before construction was completed. The Yuyarina Pacha Community Library is not only a space for knowledge, but also a testimony to the ability of rural communities to take charge of their development, despite being neglected by the state, and to a culture that maintains a more harmonious relationship with the place it inhabits.
© JAG Studio
© JAG Studio