Pietro Maria Bardi MASP大楼

建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2025-3-4 15:19

Pietro Maria Bardi MASP大楼/Metro Arquitetos
Pietro Maria Bardi MASP Building / Metro Arquitetos

尊重与延续:这个扩建项目最引人注目的亮点在于其对原建筑的尊重与延续。设计师没有选择与Lina Bo Bardi的标志性建筑争夺视线,而是以一种谦逊而现代的方式与其对话。新建筑的几何形态,矩形棱柱体,与MASP的“自由跨度”保持视觉连续性。同时,项目也巧妙地运用了与原建筑相同的材料,比如黑色的硬木地板、玄武岩石材以及清水混凝土,在细节上实现了对原有设计语言的呼应。这种设计手法避免了突兀感,将新建筑融入到整体的艺术氛围之中,突出了MASP作为整体的艺术机构的身份。


功能与整合:Pietro Maria Bardi建筑不仅注重外观设计,更在功能和空间整合方面展现出卓越的创造力。受纽约垂直博物馆的启发,设计师巧妙地设计了垂直的交通流线,通过电梯和楼梯将参观者引导到不同的展区。地下通道的设计,将新旧建筑连接起来,实现了功能上的无缝衔接,优化了人流和艺术品的运输。将售票处移至地下室,也恢复了“自由跨度”的公共空间功能。这种空间布局的整合和优化,使得整个建筑群能够作为一个有机整体协同工作,为公众提供更便捷、更丰富的文化体验。该项目在有限的空间内,实现了功能的最大化利用,体现了建筑师卓越的空间组织能力。

© Leonardo Finotti

© Leonardo Finotti

建筑师提供的文字描述圣保罗阿西斯·夏多布里昂艺术博物馆(MASP)正在经历其发展轨迹中的历史性时刻,扩建将以新的Pietro Maria Bardi建筑达到高潮。这个项目代表了博物馆自1968年安装在标志性的保利斯塔大道总部以来最大的物理飞跃,该总部由Bo·巴迪设计。由Martin Corullon和Gustavo Cedroni领导的麦德龙建筑事务所负责建筑设计。此次合作延续了麦德龙和MASP之间的长期合作关系,该关系始于2015年,已经对原始建筑进行了重大干预,例如归还了从博物馆原始展览系统重新设计的玻璃架。
Text description provided by the architects. The Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP) is going through a historic moment in its trajectory with the expansion that will culminate in the new Pietro Maria Bardi building. This project represents the museum's biggest physical leap since its installation in the iconic Avenida Paulista headquarters in 1968, designed by Lina Bo Bardi. The METRO Arquitetos Associados firm — led by Martin Corullon and Gustavo Cedroni — is responsible for the architectural design. This collaboration continues the longstanding relationship between METRO and MASP, which began in 2015 and has already resulted in significant interventions in the original building, such as the return of the glass easels, redesigned from the museum's original exhibition system.

© Leonardo Finotti

© Leonardo Finotti

新建筑有14层,增加了7821平方米,将使MASP的展览能力提高66%。设计尊重Lina Bo·巴迪建筑的规模和语言,避免与其纪念碑性相竞争。该体积由透明基座上的矩形棱镜组成,与MASP著名的“自由跨度”保持了视觉连续性。
Expansion and New Architecture
With 14 floors and an additional 7,821 m², the new building will increase MASP's exhibition capacity by 66%. The design respects the scale and language of Lina Bo Bardi's building and avoids competing with its monumentality. The volume consists of a rectangular prism on a transparent base, which preserves visual continuity with MASP's famous "free span".

© Leonardo Finotti

该建筑的主要区别之一是穿孔和褶皱金属板的覆层,这是一种控制自然光入射并减少内部加热的解决方案。这种金属立面起到了保护“皮肤”的作用,减少了热负荷,提高了建筑的能源效率,减轻了空调系统的负担。除了技术上的优点外,创新的金属立面通过包围整个建筑,与Lina Bo Bardi设计的建筑形成了纯粹而规则的体积,增强了扩建的功能和象征性。
One of the main differentials of the building is the cladding in perforated and pleated metal sheets, a solution that controls the incidence of natural light and reduces internal heating. This metal façade works as a protective "skin", reducing the thermal load and increasing the building’s energy efficiency, relieving the air conditioning system. In addition to its technical virtues, the innovative metal façade, by enveloping the entire construction, produces a pure and regular volumetry, in dialogue with the building designed by Lina Bo Bardi, reinforcing the functional and symbolic character of the expansion.

© Leonardo Finotti

受纽约等垂直博物馆类型的启发,Pietro Maria Bardi建筑采用了一个循环系统,通过电梯和楼梯将游客从上到下引导到路线。楼梯除了作为逃生路线外,还被设计成令人愉悦的空间,有允许自然光进入的窗户和防火玻璃,避免了封闭的感觉,并将其变成了公共流通的区域。
Connection and Functionality
Inspired by the typologies of vertical museums like those in New York, the Pietro Maria Bardi building incorporates a circulation system that leads visitors to routes from top to bottom, using elevators and stairs. The stairs, in addition to functioning as escape routes, were designed to be pleasant spaces, with windows that allow natural light to enter and fireproof glass, avoiding the feeling of enclosure and turning them into areas for public circulation.


该项目包括一条地下通道,将MASP连接到新建筑,促进两座建筑之间的功能整合,优化公众流动和艺术品运输。此外,售票处将转移到Pietro Maria Bardi建筑的地下室,根据Lina Bo Bardi捍卫的理想,将“自由跨度”恢复到其最初的公共空间角色。
The project includes an underpass that will connect MASP to the new building, facilitating the functional integration between the two buildings and optimizing the flow of the public and the transportation of works of art. In addition, the ticket office will be transferred to the basement of the Pietro Maria Bardi building, returning the "free span" to its original role as a public space, according to the ideal defended by Lina Bo Bardi.

© Leonardo Finotti

马丁·科鲁伦(Martin Corullon)定义道:“扩建项目的设计方式与莉娜的建筑相辅相成,创造了一个作为单一有机体而不仅仅是增加面积的建筑群。”。通过整合装卸艺术品的码头,并创建一个为两栋建筑服务的新空调中心,整个建筑群开始作为一个大型集成设备工作。
"The expansion project was designed in a way that complements Lina's building, creating an architectural ensemble that works as a single organism, and not just an addition of areas," defines Martin Corullon. By incorporating docks for loading and unloading works of art and creating a new air conditioning center, which serves both buildings, the entire ensemble starts to work as a large integrated equipment.

© Leonardo Finotti

Pietro Maria Bardi大楼是辞职过程的结果。该项目利用了已有的建筑——一座20世纪40年代的建筑,于2014年进行了干预,但尚未完工——将曾经的住宅空间改造成了一个当代文化综合体。马丁·科鲁伦解释说:“了解什么可以保留,比如基础,什么应该调整,比如在拆除整个楼层的情况下将天花板高度加倍,这一点至关重要。”。选择干预和调整现有结构,而不是从头开始建设,强化了圣保罗作为一个不断转型的城市的历史。
Resignification and Retrofitting
The Pietro Maria Bardi building is the result of a careful process of resignification. Taking advantage of pre-existing structures – a building from the 1940s that had undergone an intervention in 2014, unfinished – the project transforms what was once a residential space into a contemporary cultural complex. "It was crucial to understand what could be preserved, such as the foundations, and what should be adapted, such as doubling the ceiling heights, with the removal of entire floors," explains Martin Corullon. The choice to intervene and adapt an existing structure, rather than building from scratch, reinforces São Paulo's history as a city in constant transformation.

© Leonardo Finotti

Construction Challenges
The implementation of the project was not without challenges. The main difficulty was the partial demolition of the old concrete building, which had several structural columns. The process was conducted with parts being demolished and built simultaneously, without causing an aggressive intervention in the surroundings. "The tunnel that will connect the two buildings, in addition to being a complex engineering work given that we are excavating on Avenida Paulista, is unusual in architectural projects, it is actually widely used in infrastructure systems, but in our case, it will serve the public and the transit of works of art" comments Gustavo Cedroni.

New structure and circulation

Materials and Relationships to the Original Building
The project pays subtle homage to Lina Bo Bardi's original building through the use of carefully selected materials. The black hardwood floors, for example, are a direct reference to the black floor of MASP. Basalt stone, used in several details, including the sidewalk and staircase of the original building, is also present in the new building. Exposed concrete, a hallmark of Lina's project, is another key material that reinforces this connection. The metallic skin covers the building up to a certain height, while the ground floor is wrapped in clear glass, preserving the feeling of openness and integration with the surroundings. "When the elevator doors open, you will have a full view of the art galleries, without walls of any kind, reinforcing the idea of immediate connection of the public with the art pieces just as it happens at MASP’s picture gallery" explains Gustavo Cedroni

© Leonardo Finotti

Technology and Sustainability
The new MASP building represents not only physical expansion, but also technological modernization that positions the museum among the most advanced in the world. The air conditioning and lighting systems, designed with state-of-the-art technology, will meet the strict international standards for the conservation of works of art. In addition, automated LED lighting ensures energy efficiency, significantly reducing environmental impact.

© Leonardo Finotti

Another crucial aspect of sustainability in the project lies in its timeless design, with simple shapes and the reduced use of highly durable materials. This structural minimalism reflects the natural longevity of the building, ensuring that its aesthetics and functionality are maintained over time, without the need for major future interventions. Sustainability, therefore, goes beyond energy efficiency: it is also reflected in the choice of materials and in the architectural design, which combines practicality and aesthetics with the durability required by an iconic work.


Sustainability is a central theme in the project, which has achieved LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. The double metal façade and smart ventilation systems were designed to reduce energy consumption, ensuring thermal comfort and savings. This approach highlights METRO Arquitetos' commitment to creating a building that is not only innovative and functional, but also respects the environment and integrates harmoniously into the urban landscape.

© Leonardo Finotti

© Leonardo Finotti

Social and Cultural Spaces
The Pietro Maria Bardi building will have exhibition galleries, multipurpose areas, classrooms, a restoration laboratory, restaurant and café, creating several meeting points for visitors to enjoy. These new spaces will expand MASP's capacity to serve the public, offering a varied program of exhibitions, courses, and cultural events.

© Leonardo Finotti

The Pietro Maria Bardi building, expected to be completed in 2024, will be a milestone in MASP's history, transforming not only its physical structure, but also the cultural experience of its visitors. This project reaffirms the importance of the museum for the city of São Paulo and Brazil, offering more space for art, socialization and dialogue between past, present and future.

© Leonardo Finotti

Pietro Maria Bardi MASP大楼