博尔索尼/博蒂奇尼剧院+Facchinelli ARW+布雷西亚基础设施

建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2025-3-3 19:40

博尔索尼/博蒂奇尼剧院+Facchinelli ARW+布雷西亚基础设施
Teatro Borsoni / Botticini + Facchinelli ARW + Brescia Infrastructure




© Federico Covre

© Federico Covre

建筑师提供的文字描述新剧院是名为“Oltre la strada”的Via Milano更广泛重建项目的关键要素。该倡议旨在改变该地区的工业身份,将剧院确立为一个正在经历重大复兴的地区的地标,并通过众多增强项目加以丰富。这座建筑远离街道线,创造了一个用花岗岩铺成的“公民墓地”,东侧有一个绿树成荫的广场,毗邻现有的住宅区。广场以通风烟囱和南面机房的镜像体积而闻名。重新定义周围的公共空间与建筑本身一样,对于提升该地区的价值至关重要。
Text description provided by the architects. The new theatre is a pivotal element of the broader redevelopment project for Via Milano, titled "Oltre la strada." This initiative seeks to transform the industrial identity of the area, establishing the theatre as a landmark in a zone undergoing significant revitalization, enriched by numerous enhancement projects. Set back from the street line, the architecture creates a "civic churchyard" paved with granite and a tree-lined plaza on its eastern side, adjacent to the existing residential area. The plaza is distinguished by ventilation chimneys and the mirrored volume of the plant room to the south. Redefining the surrounding public space is as crucial as the architecture itself in enhancing the area's value.

© Federico Covre

Ground Floor Plan

© Federico Covre

Designed as "civic architecture," the theatre acts as a cultural condenser. The building is a parallelepiped volume defined by large-scale rusticated concrete and aluminum loggia carved into the north facade facing Via Milano, where the main entrance is located. The cyclopean wall is made entirely with a prefabricated system of large rusticated concrete blocks measuring 4x1.25 m. A continuous glass wall visually connects the foyer to the plaza, emphasizing the theatre's openness to the city.

© Federico Covre

© Federico Covre

The volume rises into the fly tower at the stage level, with its long sides clad in translucent polycarbonate panels that glow at night when illuminated from within. The theatre functions as an inclusive urban space, hosting rooms for different age groups, communal areas, a bar foyer opening onto the new plaza, and a large hall with a stage connected to dressing rooms and storage areas. Interior materials include wood for the acoustic wall panels, contrasting with dark grey plaster and resin floors in the halls. Communal spaces feature a combination of light grey, wood, and aluminum, the latter used for staircases, railings, and reception counters, giving the space its distinctive character. An "orange path" leads from the foyer to the children's room, marking this special area.

© Federico Covre

Longitudinal Section

© Federico Covre

The theatre comprises two performance halls, both accessible from the first floor. The main hall, seating 312 spectators, features three aisles—one central and two lateral—connected to emergency exits. Its wooden walls, illuminated by LED strips, and the ceiling design ensure optimal sound amplification. The elevated wooden stage, with a hollow space underneath, enhances voice resonance. The children's hall, on the other hand, accommodates 169 seats. Its wooden floor extends seamlessly to the stage, providing an informal seating area, and the hall lacks a fly tower, reflecting its simpler, more intimate design. This theatre is an architecture for the city and within the city—a catalyst for revitalizing an area with a rich industrial history, transforming it into a beacon of cultural and social renewal for today's and future generations.

© Federico Covre

博尔索尼/博蒂奇尼剧院+Facchinelli ARW+布雷西亚基础设施