
建筑设计 / 文化建筑 2025-3-3 13:05

Design Apothecary / ecoLogicStudio




© Pepe Fotografia

© Pepe Fotografia

建筑师提供的文字描述ecoLogicStudio www.ecoLogicStudio是一家融合生物技术和设计的建筑和研究公司,由Claudia Pasquero教授和Marco Poletto博士于2005年在伦敦创立,正式在意大利都灵市推出了他们的新亲生物项目design Apothecary。设计药房代表了工业遗产向创意中心转变的演变,并测试了生态家庭的新概念。它的核心是一个功能齐全的空气净化藻类花园,有17个光合作用反应器。这是一个客厅,与一个阳台接壤,阳台上有一个药用植物图书馆。此外,客人将被欢迎进入一个客厅,该客厅同时作为3D打印亲生物产品和家具的展览空间。最后,在它旁边,一个更私人的区域有一个有趣的客房。在评估了多个地点后,Claudia和Marco选择在都灵开发他们的第一家设计药店。这座城市以其丰富的艺术、科学和技术遗产以及激进的设计折衷主义传统而闻名。在航空航天和汽车研究的前沿,以及人工智能和机器人技术的前沿发展,都灵正在发展一个强大的科学界。它也带来了挑战,例如非常高的空气污染水平,这使其成为生物设计的完美试验台。
Text description provided by the architects. ecoLogicStudio www.ecologicstudio.com, architecture and research firm blending biotechnology and design, founded in London in 2005 by Prof Claudia Pasquero and Dr Marco Poletto, officially presents the Design Apothecary, their new biophilic project in the city of Turin in Italy. The Design Apothecary represents an evolution in the conversion of industrial heritage into creative hubs and tests a new concept of ecologic domesticity. Its centerpiece is a fully functional air purifying algae garden, featuring 17 photosynthetic reactors. This opens-up on a living lab room bordering a balcony with a library of medicinal plants. In addition, guests will be welcomed into a drawing room that simultaneously functions as an exhibition space for 3D-printed biophilic products and furniture. Finally, adjacent to it, a more private area hosts a playful guestroom. After evaluating various locations, Claudia and Marco chose to develop their first Design Apothecary in Turin. The city is renowned for its rich artistic, scientific, and technological heritage as well as a tradition for radical design eclecticism. At the forefront of aerospace and automotive research, as well as cutting-edge developments in AI and robotics, Turin is growing a strong scientific community. It also presents challenges, such as very high levels of air pollution, which makes it a perfect test bed for bio-design.

© Pepe Fotografia

该项目坐落在都灵市中心的前Mulini Feyles工业园区内,这是一座19世纪的工业综合体,在70年代作为贫穷艺术运动的总部之一而声名鹊起,其中包括艺术家Marisa和Mario Merz的工作室。“在都灵建立一个新前哨站的想法源于我们对探索创造力作为多头脑的兴趣,多头脑是一种能够开发多种形式智能的实体。我们的研究是在伦敦的ecoLogicStudio和我在因斯布鲁克大学指导的合成景观实验室之间协同进行的。在这种情况下,设计药剂师将使我们能够将循环设计和健康生活的新模式的潜力空间化,这一直是我们设计研究的核心”ecoLogicStudio的联合创始人Claudia Pasquero教授说。在250平方米的开放式空间的中心,坐落着空气净化藻类花园,这是一种高效工程光合作用的操作系统。一旦藻类花园中200升的螺旋藻、小球藻和蓝藻活菌建立并开始生长,整个空间就会在藻类独特的新陈代谢的推动下变得生机勃勃。这些培养物以250克/天的速度吸收二氧化碳(相当于4棵大树),每天将空气污染物重新代谢成140克干藻类和84克植物蛋白,足以补充家庭的饮食。从运营的第一天起,居民就从190克新鲜氧气中受益。Claudia、Marco以及他们的家人和团队定期收获生物质,并在俯瞰客厅的厨房里进行加工。生物质通常用作药用植物园的肥料,作为美食食谱中的蛋白质成分,作为生物降解菌丝体胶囊的含糖摄入,以及作为3D打印产品和室内设计组件的原材料。
The project is nestled inside the Ex Mulini Feyles, a XIX century industrial complex in the city center of Turin that rose to prominence in the 70s as one of the headquarters of the Arte Povera Movement, hosting among others the studio of artists Marisa and Mario Merz. "The idea of a new outpost in Turin comes from our interest in exploring creativity as a Polycephalum – an entity capable of developing multiple forms of intelligence. Our research is carried out in synergy between ecoLogicStudio in London and the Synthetic Landscape Lab, which I direct at the University of Innsbruck. In this context the Design Apothecary will allow us to spatialize the potential for new models of circular design and healthy living, which have always been at the core of our design research". — says Prof Claudia Pasquero, co-founder of ecoLogicStudio. At the center of the 250 sqm open plan space sits the air purifying algae garden, the operating system of hi-efficiency engineered photosynthesis. The whole space comes to life, fueled by the algae's unique metabolism, once the 200 liters of living cultures of Spirulina, Chlorella and Cyanidium housed in the algae garden are established and start to grow. The cultures absorb CO2 at a rate of 250gr/day (equivalent to 4 large trees) and re-metabolize air pollutants into 140g of dry algae and 84g of vegetable proteins every day, enough to supplement the family's diet. The inhabitants benefit from 190 g of fresh oxygen emitted from the very first day of operation. The biomass is regularly harvested by Claudia, Marco as well as their family and team, and processed in the kitchen overlooking the living lab room. Biomass is often used as fertilizer in the medical plants garden, as protein ingredient in gourmet recipes, as sugary intake for biodegrading mycelium capsules and as raw material to 3D print products and interior design components.

© Pepe Fotografia

在建筑上,藻类花园由模块化的冷杉木格子结构组成,模块为50厘米。该结构由不锈钢螺母和螺栓以及3D打印接头组装而成,完全可逆和可扩展。它拥有17个实验室级硼硅酸盐玻璃的光生物反应器以及所有的曝气和收获系统。空气净化藻类花园的所有可生物降解组件都在实验室区域本身进行了3D打印,强调了代谢过程的循环性,为design Apothecary室内项目的设计和生产提供了基础。在建立了一个高效的藻类花园后,ecoLogicStudio的团队进入了药剂师项目的第二阶段,其中包括建立药用植物花园和菌丝体胶囊。上述冷杉木系统用于空间的西南侧,将厨房和食物准备岛整合在一起,前面是一个长货架系统,用于存放菌丝体。该系统由定制的聚碳酸酯面板屏蔽,面板由桦木胶合板制成,可在带磁性闭合的不锈钢轨道上滑动。沿着一个典型的意大利北部狭窄的带锻铁栏杆的阳台,有一个由10个花盆组成的系统,里面种着药用植物和一些攀援植物,这些植物在夏天提供了第二层植被遮荫。该系统将消除空间内的空调需求,降低能耗,并鼓励与植被阳台和内部庭院的开放式互动。在客厅的中心,ecoLogicStudio设计了一个2x2米的桌子,由四个部分组成,可以重新排列以适应各种使用模式:“正式”的方形配置支持生物实验室活动,而“有机”配置更适合非正式聚会。这张桌子体现了Design Apothecary项目的精髓,反映了它的双重目的:一个致力于休闲和互动的空间,变成了一个实验和研究的空间。
Architecturally, the algae garden is made of a modular fir wood lattice structure, with a module of 50 cm. Assembled with stainless nuts and bolts and 3D-printed joints, the structure is fully reversible and expandable. It hosts 17 photobioreactors of lab grade borosilicate glass as well all the aeration and harvesting systems. All the biodegradable components of the air purifying algae garden have been 3D printed in the lab area itself, emphasizing the circular nature of the metabolic processes underpinning the design and the production of the Design Apothecary interior project. After establishing a productive algae garden, ecoLogicStudio's team moved on to a second phase in the apothecary project, which includes setting up the medical plants garden and the mycelium capsules. The abovementioned fir wood system is employed on the south-west side of the space to integrate a kitchen and food preparation island fronting a long storage shelving system, housing the mycelium. The system is screened by bespoke polycarbonate panels framed with birch plywood sliding on stainless steel track with magnetic closure. Running along a typical Northern Italian narrow balcony with a wrought iron railing is a system of 10 planters housing medicinal plants and some climbing plants that provide a second vegetated layer for shading during summer. This system will eliminate the need for air conditioning in the space, reducing energy consumption and encouraging open interaction with the vegetated balcony and inner courtyard.In the center of the living lab room, ecoLogicStudio has designed a 2x2 meter table consisting of four parts that can be rearranged to suit various modes of use: a "formal" squared configuration supports bio-lab activities while an "organic" configuration is better suited for informal gatherings. The table embodies the essence of the Design Apothecary project, reflecting its dual purpose: a space dedicated to leisure and interaction that turns into a space for experimentation and research.

© Pepe Fotografia

设计药房的东北侧是一个由独特的分支照明系统定义的客厅,其设计灵感来自药房中另一种生物多头绒泡菌的行为。客厅是一个画廊,Claudia和Marco将轮流展示他们档案中的生物艺术和设计产品,包括巴黎蓬皮杜中心、卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与媒体中心(ZKM)和洛桑穆达克当代设计与应用艺术博物馆等著名博物馆获得的一些艺术品的原件,H.O.R.T.U.S.XL Astaxanthin.g、GAN Physarum:La dérive numérique、bio.Serie和AIReactor等艺术品将在这里展出。客厅还将作为讲座、特别活动或大型家庭聚会的空间:4个由纸板和软木制成的Zolla窗凳将首次亮相,其中集成了一套菌丝胶囊。最后,客厅通往该项目最私人的领域之一,包括一个图书和生物材料图书馆,以及客房。冷杉木格子结构被设计成一个由木托梁组成的网格森林,并由大型滑动面板隔开,在一个非常紧凑和三维的空间中,两张高架榻榻米床位于一个储物柜上方,软木桌面延伸到一个大窗户,进入一个舒适的双人阅览室,俯瞰圣多纳托大街的城市景观。
The north-east side of the Design Apothecary is the drawing room defined by a unique branching lighting system, inspired in its design by the behavior of the Physarum Polycephalum, another creature inhabiting the apothecary. The drawing room serves as a gallery where Claudia and Marco will showcase, on a rotating basis, bio-art and design products from their archive, including some original copies of artworks acquired by prestigious museums such as the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, and the Mudac - Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts in Lausanne, artworks like H.O.R.T.U.S. XL Astaxanthin.g, GAN-Physarum: La dérivée numérique, Bio.Serie, and AIReactor, will be showcased here. The drawing room will also serve as space for lectures, special events or large family gatherings: 4 Zolla window benches made of cardboard and cork integrating a set of mycelium capsules will be unveiled for the first time. Lastly, the drawing room leads to one of the most private realm of the project that includes a book- and bio-material library, and to the guest lodging. Conceived as a gridded forest of timber joists and screened by large sliding panels, the fir wood lattice structure integrates, in a very compact and three-dimensional space, two elevated tatami beds perched above a storage wardrobe, and a cork desk surface that extends towards the large window into a cozy double reading alcove overlooking the cityscape of Via San Donato.

© Pepe Fotografia
