Ring of Starlight / HDEC AIR-CoLAB Studio
与环境的和谐共生: "星光环"项目最引人入胜之处在于它与周边环境的和谐共生。设计者没有试图用巨大的体量来凸显建筑的存在,而是选择将其融入自然之中。通过精心设计的陆路和水路,项目充分利用了中国古典园林的造景手法,让建筑成为旅程的一部分。 "每一步都在改变风景"的设计理念,营造了一种渐进式的空间体验,引导游客在探索的过程中,逐渐接近并感受建筑的魅力。这种设计不仅是对环境的尊重,更赋予了建筑一种动态的美感,使其能够随着时间的推移和季节的变化,展现出不同的姿态。
空间体验的精妙设计: 项目在空间体验上的设计堪称精妙。水上剧场的概念是点睛之笔,它将建筑与水体完美融合,创造了一个独特的观演空间。悬挑桥的窄度设计,巧妙地限制了通行人数,增加了空间的私密性和体验感。栏杆的放大处理,使其自然形成一个亭子,为游客提供了遮风避雨的场所,也构成了绝佳的观景点。此外,水面、光影、混凝土墙的互动,都极大地增强了游客的感官体验,使人能够在静谧的环境中进行自我反思,感受到内心的平和与和谐,这是一种对建筑功能和精神层面的深度思考。
多重功能的巧妙融合: 项目体现了多功能融合的设计理念,这座小建筑在满足不同功能需求的同时,依然保持着自身的独特性。它可以是一个表演剧场、小型新闻发布会场地,也可以是一个私密的聚会场所,甚至是一个阅读冥想的静谧空间。这种多功能性,使得建筑具有了更强的生命力和适应性。同时,设计者还关注了不同年龄段用户的需求,悬挑桥对儿童而言是一个充满趣味的游乐场。夜幕降临后,建筑又化身为水面上的新月,为城市夜景增添了一抹诗意。这种将功能性和艺术性巧妙结合的设计,是这个项目的精髓所在。
© Arch-Exist
© Arch-Exist
Text description provided by the architects. The Stage at the Centre of the "Vortex" - The Luhu Ring of Starlight project is located on the island at the centre of Vortex Park, which Z+T Studio designed. The entire park is surrounded by a commercial plot and three residential plots, presenting a unique semi-enclosed layout. Although the location of the Ring of Starlight is at the geographic and visual centre of the park, its connection to the outside world is somewhat isolated due to being surrounded by water. Visitors must traverse forest paths or take a small boat, trekking nearly a thousand meters to reach the island from any direction. As a result, this small island has become the most tranquil corner of the entire park, far from the noise and fast pace of the city, resembling an idyllic paradise.
© Arch-Exist
© Arch-Exist
Varying Sceneries with Changing Viewpoints - In this environment closely connected to nature, the developer hoped that the small building, with a diameter of only 25 meters, could become the central landmark of the park. After spending a few days on the site, an inspiration gradually emerged: we did not wish to make its presence known through a vast mass but rather hoped for it to harmonize with nature, giving it a vitality akin to other natural elements, revealing different aspects over time and with changing scenes. Thus, we expanded our vision to encompass the entire park and drew inspiration from the concepts of traditional Chinese gardens, carefully planning two paths leading to the small architecture — one land route and one water route. Visitors, during their journey, can experience the feeling of "changing views with every step."
© Arch-Exist
Plan - Site
In the initial concept design, a water curtain was planned for the cantilevered structure. When people first step into the park, they hear the gentle sound of water flowing in the distance. The mist created by the water splash formed a barrier, like a thin veil, making it difficult to see clearly. Unfortunately, the water curtain could not be retained during the implementation of the project. As visitors proceed along the winding paths, the building, hidden in the natural landscape, can only be partially glimpsed, presenting different appearances as the angle of view changes. Upon reaching the building, visitors enter a new world wrapped in white concrete. The railing of the pedestrian bridge across the water has been intentionally enlarged here, naturally forming a pavilion that provides shelter from wind and rain.
© Arch-Exist
At the centre of the site, the bridge meanders downward to the water surface, naturally forming an open-air theatre. The stage at the end is level with the water level, resembling a lotus leaf. Visitors coming from the water can also board the platform by boat and ascend the stairs, following the cantilevered bridge along the water's edge, enjoying the view from the railing, or becoming part of someone else's scenic view. As night falls, everything quiets down. The busy residents return home, and looking down from the windows of the high-rise buildings, the Ring of Starlight appears like a crescent moon on the water's surface, adding a poetic touch to the tranquillity of the night.
© Arch-Exist
© Arch-Exist
A Theater for Self-Reflection - The character of this small building is multifaceted. It can serve as a performance theater for 100 people, host small press conferences, or become a gathering place for intimate salons. The cantilevered bridge over the water, narrow enough for only one person to pass at a time, becomes an adventurous playground for children. People can also bring a book, sit quietly on the steps, and enjoy a peaceful afternoon, immersing themselves in the world of words. The concept for the waterside theatre came from a wonderful travel experience: in the ancient theatre of Hierapolis, sitting on the empty semicircular stone steps, the sunlight gradually disappeared overhead, casting a glow on the horizon behind the theatre. The ancient ruins and nature's dialogue transported people from the real world into a pressure-free, liberated space where time seemed to stand still.
© Arch-Exist
© Arch-Exist
Our design intentionally enhanced the sensory connection between visitors and the natural environment. The view of the water theatre faces the water's surface, drawing visitors' attention to the ripples caused by the breeze, the changing reflections in the water, and the delicate rhythm of light and shadow on the clear concrete walls. This hidden space will become a brief refuge from reality, where people can find inner peace and harmony during their time of self-reflection.
© Arch-Exist