
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-3-2 20:40

De Kikker Community School / Dok Architecten

设计理念与创新:该项目最令人印象深刻的亮点在于其将可持续性与美学完美融合。 德基克社区学校的外立面不再仅仅是建筑的表皮,而是一个充满活力的太阳能发电系统。 采用荷兰最大的彩色太阳能面板,不仅实现了能源自给自足,更赋予了建筑独特的视觉语言。 这种设计突破了传统太阳能应用的局限,将绿色能源与建筑的趣味性和活力相结合,为下一代树立了积极的榜样。 这种创新体现了建筑师对于可持续发展的深刻理解,以及对于建筑设计无限可能性的探索,展示了建筑在应对气候变化和能源危机中的重要作用。

技术与安全性的整合:除了美学和可持续性,项目的另一个核心亮点在于其对安全性的高度重视。 德基克学校的太阳能光伏系统采用了华为的先进逆变器和优化器,确保了能源效率的最大化。 更重要的是,为了应对紧急情况,该项目引入了快速关闭技术,保证了太阳能面板在意外情况下的安全性。 与阿姆斯特丹消防队的合作,以及对电弧故障检测等关键安全功能的关注,展现了项目在技术应用上的严谨性。 这种技术与安全性的完美结合,使得德基克学校不仅是一个可持续发展的典范,更是一个安全可靠的建筑范例,特别是对于小学等特定场所,更具示范意义。

社区参与与合作精神:项目不仅在技术和设计上有所突破,还充分体现了社区参与和合作精神。 从市政府、建筑师、承包商到居民、学生和艺术家,各方共同参与了项目的各个环节。 当地居民和学生参与创作的楼梯艺术品,象征着团队合作和共同责任,增强了社区的归属感。 这种合作模式不仅提升了项目的社会意义,也确保了项目能够更好地融入社区,满足当地居民的需求。 这种包容性的设计理念,使得德基克社区学校不仅仅是一栋建筑,更是一个充满活力和社区凝聚力的场所,体现了建筑设计的社会价值。

Courtesy of Solarix

Courtesy of Solarix

建筑师提供的文字描述荷兰最大的彩色太阳能外墙为阿姆斯特丹的De Kikker社区学校增光添彩。这是阿姆斯特丹可持续发展和创新的象征。阿姆斯特丹迎来了一个新的可持续杰作:位于Nieuw West的De Kikker社区学校,现在拥有荷兰最大的Solarix彩色太阳能立面。De Kikkar拥有1444平方米的亮绿色和黄色立面面板,并配有纹理玻璃,将生动的美学与先进的太阳能发电融为一体。这种创新的外观将学校转变为可持续能源解决方案的视觉地标和里程碑。经过大规模翻修,学校建筑已成为可持续发展和创新的标志性例子。Solarix定制设计的立面面板构成了这个令人印象深刻的项目的核心。Reinier Bosch,创意总监;Solarix的联合创始人解释说:“新一代人应该得到丰富多彩、充满活力的可持续发展的例子。让我们向我们的孩子们展示,一个欢快、多彩的太阳能外墙不仅能提升德基克这样的学校,还能为他们和地球的未来做出贡献。”
Text description provided by the architects. The Netherlands' largest coloured solar facade graces De Kikker community school in Amsterdam An icon of sustainability and innovation in Amsterdam. Amsterdam welcomes a new sustainable masterpiece: De Kikker community school, located in Nieuw-West, now features the Netherlands' largest coloured solar facade by Solarix. With 1,444 m² of facade panels in vibrant green and yellow tones, finished with textured glass, De Kikker blends a lively aesthetic with advanced solar energy generation. This innovative facade transforms the school into both a visual landmark and a milestone in sustainable energy solutions. Following an extensive renovation, the school building has been transformed into an iconic example of sustainability and innovation. The custom-designed facade panels by Solarix form the heart of this impressive project. Reinier Bosch, Creative Director & Co-founder of Solarix, explained: "New generations deserve colourful and dynamic examples of sustainability. Let's show our children that a cheerful, colourful solar facade not only enhances schools like De Kikker but also contributes to their future and the planet's."

Courtesy of Solarix

关于该项目-最初由Dok Architecten的Liesbeth van der Pol设计的De Kikker的翻修是由阿姆斯特丹市政府发起的。2024年夏天,该建筑进行了全面改造。过时的亮绿色覆层被定制设计的彩色Solarix太阳能电池板所取代。市政府让Dok Architecten参与进来,以确保包括太阳能电池板在内的新立面设计与复兴后的建筑完美匹配。其结果是一个引人注目的彩色立面,由不同深浅的绿色和黄色太阳能电池板制成,并配有纹理玻璃。这种新的外观为建筑提供了充满活力和欢快的外观,与两所学校、日托中心和公共卫生设施的俏皮风格完美契合。同时,该设计最大限度地提高了太阳能发电量。总共安装了1444平方米的立面面板,其中160平方米是虚拟面板。创新和安全-德基克的太阳能光伏系统使用了华为的先进逆变器和优化器。为确保安全,太阳能立面采用了快速关闭技术,使面板在紧急情况下能够断电至零伏。该系统是与阿姆斯特丹消防队协商开发的。华为逆变器符合新的国际IEC 63027:2023电弧故障检测标准,这是一项防止电弧故障引起火灾的关键安全功能。电弧故障检测系统与优化器相结合,经过TNO的严格测试。这使得De Kikker不仅是一个可持续的项目,也是一个安全的榜样项目,特别是因为它涉及小学。在安装过程中,安装了507个优化器,以提高每个Solarix面板的性能。Kuijpers Installatietechniek负责整个安装过程,包括容纳20种不同面板类型的串式设计。安装了8台6000W逆变器。虽然安装在屋顶上的朝南面板通常会产生更高的能量输出,但De Kikker的外墙安装在阳光明媚的日子里可以产生超过170千瓦时的能量,足以为大约22户家庭供电。
About the project - The renovation of De Kikker, originally designed by Liesbeth van der Pol of Dok Architecten, was initiated by the Municipality of Amsterdam. During the summer of 2024, the building underwent a complete transformation. The outdated bright green cladding was replaced with customdesigned, colourful Solarix solar panels. The Municipality involved Dok Architecten to ensure the new facade design, including the solar panels, perfectly matched the revitalised building. The result is a striking, colourful facade made of solar panels in varying shades of green and yellow, finished with textured glass. This new exterior provides the building with a vibrant and cheerful appearance, perfectly aligned with the playful character of the two schools, daycare centre, and public health facilities housed there. At the same time, the design maximises solar energy generation. A total of 1,444 m² of facade panels were installed, 160 m² of which are dummy panels. Innovation and safety - The solar PV system at De Kikker uses advanced inverters and optimisers from Huawei. To ensure safety, the solar facade incorporates Rapid Shut Down technology, enabling the panels to be de-energised to zero volts in case of an emergency. This system was developed in consultation with the Amsterdam Fire Brigade. The Huawei inverters comply with the new international IEC 63027:2023 standard for arc fault detection, a critical safety feature that prevents fires caused by arc faults. The arc fault detection system, combined with optimisers, was rigorously tested by TNO. This makes De Kikker not only a sustainable but also a safe example project, especially since it involves primary schools. During installation, 507 optimisers were fitted to enhance the performance of each Solarix panel. Kuijpers Installatietechniek managed the entire installation process, including a string design accommodating 20 different panel types. Eight 6000W inverters were installed. While roof-mounted south-facing panels typically yield higher energy output, De Kikker's façade installation generates over 170 kWh of energy on a sunny day—enough to power approximately 22 households.

Courtesy of Solarix

可持续性和协作-在立面翻新方面,阿姆斯特丹市政府与Dok Architecten、Kernbouw(主承包商)、Kuijpers(光伏安装)和Solarix(面板设计和开发)合作。对可持续发展的关注强调了为子孙后代建设更美好未来的承诺。楼梯艺术品作为翻修的一部分,当地居民、学生和艺术家罗宾·德·克鲁夫为学校的室外楼梯创作了一件色彩缤纷的艺术品。这件作品象征着团队合作和共同责任,旨在激励每个人享受和维护它。11月22日的节日开幕式和社区活动。活动将包括新家庭中心FC De Kikker的揭幕和楼梯艺术品。社区庆祝活动将汇集学校、当地居民和所有相关方,以纪念De Kikke的可持续转型。快来从这个标志性的项目中汲取灵感,展示可持续性、安全性和美观如何齐头并进。
Sustainability and collaboration - For the facade renovation, the Municipality of Amsterdam partnered with Dok Architecten, Kernbouw (main contractor), Kuijpers (PV installation), and Solarix (panel design and development). The focus on sustainable development underscores a commitment to building a better future for the next generations. Staircase artwork As part of the renovation, local residents, students, and artist Robin de Kruiff collaborated on a colourful artwork for the school's outdoor staircase. The piece symbolises teamwork and shared responsibility, aiming to inspire everyone to enjoy and maintain it. Festive opening and community event on 22 November On Friday, 22 November, the transformation of De Kikker and the adjacent square will be celebrated with a festive opening. The event will include the unveiling of the new family centre, FC De Kikker, and the staircase artwork. The neighbourhood celebration will bring together schools, local residents, and all involved parties to honour the sustainable transformation of De Kikker. Come and be inspired by this iconic project, showcasing how sustainability, safety, and beauty can go hand in hand.

Courtesy of Solarix
