Ágora UNI/Módulo体育场
Ágora UNI / Estúdio Módulo
设计理念与可持续性:Ágora UNI项目的核心在于其对“抗疫情建筑”理念的实践,这明显受到了20世纪初现代主义建筑的启发。项目强调自然通风和采光,这不仅为使用者创造了健康的工作环境,也减少了对能源的依赖。此外,项目与周边环境的无缝融合,通过中央中庭连接自然景观,打造了促进创新、协作和福祉的开放灵活空间。这种设计理念超越了单纯的功能性需求,更注重提升使用者的生活质量和工作体验,体现了可持续设计的精髓。
材料与建造技术:Ágora UNI项目采用了预制系统进行设计和建造,这是其亮点之一。预制系统的运用不仅提高了施工效率,降低了材料浪费,也显著缩短了工期。这种建造方式在保证建筑质量的同时,也体现了对环境的友好性。外立面的穿孔波纹金属板也是一个值得关注的细节,它不仅提供了良好的通风性能,也赋予了建筑独特的外观。项目在细节上的精心设计和材料的选择,都展现了建筑师对技术和美学的完美结合,以及对建筑可持续性的深刻理解。
© Manuel Sá
© Manuel Sá
建筑师提供的文字描述Ágora UNI项目将Ágora-Tech Park内的办公和餐厅空间结合在一起,无缝融入周围环境,同时通过自然通风和采光提供健康的环境。Estúdio Módulo的合伙人马库斯·达蒙(Marcus Damon)强调,该项目遵循“抗疫情建筑”的路线,灵感来自20世纪初现代主义建筑师的方法,他们将通风和照明作为健康的优先事项。
Text description provided by the architects. The Ágora UNI project combines office and restaurant spaces within the Ágora Tech Park, integrating seamlessly into its surroundings while providing healthy environments through natural ventilation and lighting. Marcus Damon, a partner at Estúdio Módulo, highlights that the project follows a line of “anti-pandemic architecture,” inspired by the approach of early 20th-century modernist architects who prioritized ventilation and lighting for health.
© Manuel Sá
Iso - General
© Manuel Sá
Ágora UNI的战略位置允许通过连接复杂建筑的顶棚与圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学(UFSC)直接连接。中央中庭通往一片森林,专为休闲和野餐而设计,提供了一种促进幸福和生活质量的体验。Ágora科技园执行董事Ricardo Fantinelli表示,该环境旨在鼓励创新、协作和福祉,开放灵活的空间促进不同部门的团队合作和思想交流。
The strategic location of Ágora UNI allows for a direct connection with the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) via a canopy linking the complex buildings. The central atrium leads to a forested area designed for leisure and picnics, providing an experience that fosters well-being and quality of life. According to Ricardo Fantinelli, Executive Director of Ágora Tech Park, the environment was designed to encourage innovation, collaboration, and well-being, with open and flexible spaces that promote teamwork and idea exchange across different sectors.
© Manuel Sá
Ágora UNI拥有现代化的实验室和共享办公基础设施,具有适应性强的空间,使研究领域能够根据需要进行改造。这些空间的灵活性旨在促进持续创新,其建筑能够适应研发需求。
With modern infrastructure for laboratories and coworking, Ágora UNI features adaptable spaces, allowing research areas to transform as needed. The flexibility of these spaces was intended to foster continuous innovation, with architecture that adjusts to research and development needs.
© Manuel Sá
© Manuel Sá
Masterplan 1.500
© Manuel Sá
除了功能之外,Ágora UNI还致力于为游客、学生和员工提供优质的生活体验,促进与周围景观的视觉联系,包括Serra do Mar和大西洋森林。大窗户允许内部和外部之间的这种互动,而覆盖着穿孔波纹金属的立面可确保通风并防止阳光直射。外部天棚是一个宽敞的阳台,建筑西侧的露天看台提供了一个欣赏日落的地方。
In addition to functionality, Ágora UNI seeks to offer a quality-of-life experience for visitors, students, and employees, promoting visual connection with the surrounding landscape, including the Serra do Mar and the Atlantic Forest. Large windows allow for this interaction between interior and exterior, while a facade covered with perforated corrugated metal ensures ventilation and protects against direct sunlight. The external canopy serves as a spacious veranda, and bleachers on the building’s west side offer a place to contemplate the sunset.
© Manuel Sá
Ágora UNI采用预制系统设计,实现了高效、低浪费的施工,并在更短的时间内完成。这种方法使Ágora的MOB、HUB和UNI建筑能够在五年内交付,总面积超过20000平方米。
Designed with a prefabricated system, Ágora UNI achieved efficient, low-waste construction, completed in a reduced timeframe. This approach enabled the delivery of Ágora’s MOB, HUB, and UNI buildings within five years, totaling more than 20,000 m².
© Manuel Sá
Section A
© Manuel Sá
Ágora UNI因其设计质量而受到认可,于2023年获得了巴西建筑师协会圣卡塔琳娜分会(IAB SC)的奖项,并入围了第十届圣戈班AsBEA奖。
Recognized for its design quality, Ágora UNI received an award in 2023 from the Brazilian Institute of Architects – Santa Catarina Section (IAB SC) and was a finalist in the 10th Saint-Gobain AsBEA Award.
© Manuel Sá