Tiệm Bánh Minji Cake Bakery / TTDESIGN.vn
传统建筑语言的现代演绎:项目在尊重传统建筑的基础上,进行了现代化的演绎。建筑师运用了当地的传统建筑元素,如瓷砖屋顶和乡村材料,构建出具有地方特色的建筑风格。同时,设计者巧妙地将这些传统元素与现代设计理念相结合,创造出既具有文化底蕴又充满现代气息的建筑空间。 柔和的线条、对称的布局,以及对光线的精准控制,都体现了设计师对细节的极致追求和对空间氛围的精心营造,使得建筑在保持传统韵味的同时,更具现代感和艺术性。
© Quang Tran
© Quang Tran
Text description provided by the architects. Minji - a small bakery located on the edge of the vast rubber forest of Duc Linh, where there is basalt red soil, blending with the green color of the mountains and forests. We implemented the project with a combination of languages. Traditional architectural language and promote local character.
© Quang Tran
Floor Plan
© Quang Tran
The entire structure of our project creates a wide, protruding tile roof, interwoven, and linked into circular blocks that surround the trees, creating a large space, the space is arranged into two different areas, one side is the homeowner's private area, the other side is a section for diners to sit and enjoy sweet cakes. With the spirit of creating a gentle, quiet space, we use rustic materials with a sensitive surface.
© Quang Tran
The light is focused on the right light points, the rest We wanted to push depth and blur into space. The overall shape with soft, flexible, undulating lines is symmetrical, creating visual balance.
© Quang Tran