乔治城大学麦考特公共政策学院/Roberto A.M.Stern建筑师事务所

建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-2-27 19:05

乔治城大学麦考特公共政策学院/Roberto A.M.Stern建筑师事务所
McCourt School of Public Policy Georgetown University / Roberto A.M Stern Architects


内部空间的人文关怀:项目在内部空间设计上,体现了对使用者体验的重视。设计者没有采用传统楼梯直上直下的方式,而是设计了“移动楼梯”,使其贯穿整个建筑,迫使师生在穿梭于不同空间时产生互动。这种设计打破了学术孤岛和等级制度,促进了交流和协作,营造了包容的学术氛围。此外,宽敞的公共空间、20间教室、400座礼堂、以及可俯瞰国会大厦的屋顶露台等设施,满足了教学、会议、交流等多种需求。由艺术家Maya Lin创作的装置艺术,更是将自然元素融入室内,激发人们对环境的思考,展现了建筑的人文关怀和对使用者情感的细腻关注。

可持续发展与创新设计:项目在可持续发展方面表现出色,旨在获得LEED白金认证,体现了对环境责任的承诺。除了采用节能材料和技术,项目还通过一系列创新设计来实现可持续目标。例如,建筑的立面设计充分考虑了遮阳和热性能优化。Maya Lin设计的艺术装置也与自然环境互动,如天气响应吊灯和模拟波托马克河流域的玻璃弹珠。此外,屋顶花园的设计,不仅提供了休憩空间,还融入了当地植物,庆祝了区域生态。这些创新设计不仅提升了建筑的环保性能,也为使用者带来了独特的体验,将可持续理念融入到建筑的每一个细节,堪称典范。

© Francis Dzikowski

© Francis Dzikowski

建筑师提供的文字描述Robert A.M.Stern Architects(RAMSA)为华盛顿特区市中心乔治城大学国会大厦校区的麦考特公共政策学院设计了一个新的旗舰住宅。这座占地1500000平方英尺的新建筑位于西北E街125号,是活跃在美国首都的学生、教师、研究人员和更广泛的政策制定社区的学术中心。该建筑拥有广泛的教育和社区空间,包括20间教室、一个宽敞的主公共空间、学术办公室、一个400个座位的礼堂和一个可以俯瞰美国国会大厦和280个座位的大型屋顶露台。作为一个致力于应对复杂的国家和国际挑战的学术中心,麦考特公共政策学院优先考虑可持续性和能源效率,旨在获得LEED白金认证。此外,建筑师、设计师、艺术家和雕塑家Maya Lin的一系列原创现场装置鼓励建筑用户考虑他们的自然环境。
Text description provided by the architects. Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA) has designed a new flagship home for the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University's Capitol Campus in downtown Washington, D.C. The new 150,0000 sqft building, located at 125 E St. NW, is an academic hub for students, faculty, researchers, and the wider policymaking community active in the nation's capital. The building houses extensive educational and community spaces, including 20 classrooms, an expansive main commons, academic offices, a 400-seat auditorium, and a large rooftop terrace with sweeping views of the U.S. Capitol and a 280-seat venue. As an academic center devoted to addressing complex national and international challenges, the McCourt School of Public Policy prioritizes sustainability and energy efficiency and is designed to achieve LEED Platinum certification. Additionally, a series of original site-specific installations by architect, designer, artist, and sculptor Maya Lin encourage building users to consider their natural surroundings.

© Francis Dzikowski

© Francis Dzikowski

麦考特学校是国会大厦校区的旗舰建筑,是乔治城市中心的一个连贯的延伸。东街125号是一个用石头、镶板金属和玻璃幕墙覆盖的立方体,延续了其邻居的形式和规模。垂直鳍片和遮阳板——主要减轻阳光照射并优化热性能——通过突出的线条将建筑的立面连接起来,这些线条与附近500 First Street NW的均匀穿孔窗户相呼应。然而,麦考特学校位于东街125号的建筑通过金属、石头和玻璃的相互作用引入了新的视觉趣味。
A flagship building of the Capitol Campus, the McCourt School is a contextual and coherent extension of Georgetown's downtown presence. A cube clad in stone, panelized metal, and glass curtain walls, 125 E St. carries forward the form and scale of its neighbors. Vertical fins and brise-soleil—which primarily mitigate against sun exposures and optimize thermal performance—articulate the building's façade with projecting lines that echo the uniform punched windows of the neighboring 500 First Street NW. The McCourt School's 125 E St. building, however, introduces new visual interest with its interplay of metal, stone, and glass.

© Francis Dzikowski

The McCourt School of Public Policy's interior architecture has been shaped by the unique educational opportunities afforded by its location, namely its proximity to the nation's premier policymaking bodies, such as the U.S. Capitol and the Supreme Court. A 400-seat auditorium with broadcast capabilities and a 280-seat rooftop venue can host leading policymakers and practitioners for important discussions related to national and international policymaking. The building's design promotes organic interactions and chance encounters to foster a robust, interconnected, and inclusive academic community. Beginning in the light-filled double-height atrium, a "traveling staircase" connects the building's nine levels. Instead of winding directly upward, however, this staircase traverses the building, requiring students and faculty to pass through various spaces when traveling to an office or classroom. This staircase serves as an architectural expression of the school's connected community and resists the formation of academic siloes or hierarchies around the location.

© Francis Dzikowski

林工作室(Maya Lin Studio)的一系列装置作品名为“绘制我们在世界上的位置”(Mapping Our Place in the World),为室内空间赋予了动画效果,并将居住者安置在原地,促使他们思考自己与更大世界的联系。“追随波托马克河”是一个安装在天花板上的玻璃弹珠组合,类似于波托马克流域的鸟瞰图。在主公共区域,一系列名为“鸟类”的天气响应吊灯会根据太阳、云、雪或雨的存在而改变颜色。当地水道、湿地、森林和草原的录音,在一天和一年中的不同时间制作,通过主楼梯上方的定向扬声器播放。林还为该建筑的屋顶景观设计做出了贡献。“空中花园”是一个带椭圆形游泳池和当地植物的户外露台。它提供了安静交谈和喘息的机会,同时庆祝了地区生态,并描绘了美国国会大厦的景色。
A series of installations by Maya Lin Studio, titled "Mapping Our Place in the World", animates interior spaces and grounds occupants in place, prompting them to consider their connection to the larger world. "Following the Potomac" is a ceiling-mounted composition of glass marbles that resembles a birds-eye view of the Potomac watershed. In the main commons, a series of weather-responsive pendant lights titled "Whether Birds" change color according to the presence of sun, clouds, snow, or rain. Audio recordings of local waterways, wetlands, forests, and grasslands, made at various times of day and year, are broadcast through directional speakers above the primary staircase. Lin also contributed to the design of the building's roofscape. "The Sky Garden" is an outdoor terrace with elliptical pools and native plants. It offers opportunities for quiet conversation and respite while celebrating regional ecology and framing views of the U.S. Capitol.

© Francis Dzikowski

乔治城大学麦考特公共政策学院/Roberto A.M.Stern建筑师事务所